Anna J. Ljungmark

참여 작품

Gabi, Between Ages 8 and 13
Gabi just wants to be Gabi. But this is not as easy as it sounds. Debut filmmaker Engeli Broberg has followed Gabi during the five formative years between the ages of 8 and 13, as she transforms herself even more than most children. Even as a young child, she does not believe that there is a difference between boys and girls, and as the years go by, she feels less and less at home in the two genders on offer. Apart from having to deal with moving away from Stockholm with her family and going to a new school, puberty kicks in, and she slowly gets anxious about the changes in her body. Gabi has a burning desire to have her hair cut short and daydreams by looking at Google images of football players with beautiful hairstyles. But will the rest of the world understand Gabi? Broberg’s attentive film is a unique portrait of a child who insists on the right to be herself. In the meantime, Gabi grows up literally before our eyes.
그날이 오면
우리는 1989년 천안문 광장의 가슴 아픈 이미지는 알고 있지만 세대를 바꾼 1980년대의 이야기는 중국에서 지워졌고 아직 전파되어야 한다. 표현의 자유와 희망이 폭발하는 그 10년의 이야기는 <그날이 오면>에서 펼쳐진다. 영화는 1989년, 꿈이 산산조각 되기 전에 정치적 해방과 예술적 자유를 위해 싸웠던 6명의 예술가와 주요 인물들의 이야기를 파헤친다. 마오쩌둥의 죽음에서부터 1989년까지 다루는 <그날이 오면>은 천안문 광장 새로운 시각으로 바라보며 예술의 힘을 보여준다.
My 1980's
Highlights the rebellious young generation of artists in China fighting for political emancipation, artistic freedom and creating a cultural golden age during the 1980s - a significant decade of transformational change. Interweaving six main characters' memories with the director's personal narration, the film embarks on an emotional journey and tells a story of being passionate and idealistic before dreams are dashed to pieces.