Olivier Masset-Depasse

출생 : 1971-12-27, Belgium

참여 작품

The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure
Largo Winch, devastated by the kidnapping of his son, realizes that if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he'll see his son again.
The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure
Largo Winch, devastated by the kidnapping of his son, realizes that if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he'll see his son again.
Executive Producer
울타리 하나를 사이에 둔 이웃 앨리스와 셀린은 동갑내기 아들을 키우며 가족처럼 가깝게 지낸다. 그러던 어느 날, 셀린의 아들 맥스가 2층에서 떨어지는 사고를 당한다. 유일한 목격자인 앨리스는 자신이 사고를 막지 못했다는 죄책감에 시달리고 셀린은 아이를 잃은 슬픔에 빠져 일방적으로 앨리스를 멀리한다. 얼마 후, 셀린은 다시 다정한 이웃으로 돌아오지만 앨리스의 집과 가족에게 수상한 일들이 연달아 일어나고, 앨리스는 이 모든 것이 셀린의 복수라고 의심하기 시작하는데…
마더스 인스팅트
`알리스`는 다정한 남편, 8살 아들 `테오`와 함께 산다. 옆집에 사는 이웃 `셀린`에게도 남편과 8살 아들 `막심`이 있다. 자매처럼 친한 친구로 서로의 아들을 아끼는 `알리스`와 `셀린`. 어느 날 `막심`이 실수로 지붕에서 떨어져 죽고 `셀린`은 이 사고를 목격하고도 막지 못한 `알리스`를 원망한다. 한편, `막심`을 구하지 못한 죄책감에 사로잡힌 `알리스`는 아들 `테오`와 가족들에게 안 좋은 일이 연달아 발생하자 급기야 `셀린`이 자신에게 복수를 꾀한다는 의심의 굴레에 빠진다. 완벽한 삶은 비극적인 사고로 사라지고 깨져버린 두 사람의 관계는 결국 돌이킬 수 없는 강을 건너고 마는데...
마더스 인스팅트
`알리스`는 다정한 남편, 8살 아들 `테오`와 함께 산다. 옆집에 사는 이웃 `셀린`에게도 남편과 8살 아들 `막심`이 있다. 자매처럼 친한 친구로 서로의 아들을 아끼는 `알리스`와 `셀린`. 어느 날 `막심`이 실수로 지붕에서 떨어져 죽고 `셀린`은 이 사고를 목격하고도 막지 못한 `알리스`를 원망한다. 한편, `막심`을 구하지 못한 죄책감에 사로잡힌 `알리스`는 아들 `테오`와 가족들에게 안 좋은 일이 연달아 발생하자 급기야 `셀린`이 자신에게 복수를 꾀한다는 의심의 굴레에 빠진다. 완벽한 삶은 비극적인 사고로 사라지고 깨져버린 두 사람의 관계는 결국 돌이킬 수 없는 강을 건너고 마는데...
In the mid-1980s, the GAL, a Spanish paramilitary group, pursues and assassinates members of the terrorist gang ETA who have taken refuge in the sanctuary they have created in the south of France. Grégoire Fortin, advisor to the French Minister of Justice, and Domingo 'Txomin' Iturbe, leader of ETA, are forced to negotiate in order to find a solution to the violence that plagues the region.
In the mid-1980s, the GAL, a Spanish paramilitary group, pursues and assassinates members of the terrorist gang ETA who have taken refuge in the sanctuary they have created in the south of France. Grégoire Fortin, advisor to the French Minister of Justice, and Domingo 'Txomin' Iturbe, leader of ETA, are forced to negotiate in order to find a solution to the violence that plagues the region.
Tania, a young Russian woman who lives illegally in Belgium with her 13-year-old son Ivan. Constantly on her guard, she dreads police checks until the day she is arrested.
Tania, a young Russian woman who lives illegally in Belgium with her 13-year-old son Ivan. Constantly on her guard, she dreads police checks until the day she is arrested.
Le directeur de l'école de nuit
Vincent Lannoo’s ‘mockumentary’ shows us a community of vampires in Belgium. The two ‘parents’ of the family are George and Bertha, who have two teenage children – or rather, they raise two former humans who they turned into vampires. Son Samson is a bit of a jack the lad: enjoying the sexual freedom of vampire life, with all the vigour of an irresponsible young adult regardless of consequences (even incest is not frowned upon in their world, where the word ‘wife’ is often synonymous with ‘mother’ or ‘sister’). Daughter Grace yearns for humanity in a different way: applying fake tan to get rid of her vampiric pallor, dressing in pink clothes, wishing she could feel emotion and even having a human boyfriend.
Eve is an emergency medical technician who falls in love with Damien (Sagamore Stévenin), a handsome and caring man who runs a neighborhood bar in the Belgian countryside. When Damien and Eve become a couple, she joins him in looking after the bar and becomes friendly with the regular customers, but things take an unexpected turn when Eve is in a serious auto accident. While Eve walks away with no serious physical injuries, she's emotionally ravaged by the experience, and develops a severe speech impediment. Eve's new stutter makes it hard for her to communicate with Damien and she becomes the butt of jokes from the customers. Eve is increasingly isolated and Damien takes up with another woman until Eve retaliates by trapping him in their home and forces him to re-establish the building blocks of their relationship, starting with their sexual communication. Meanwhile, Eve's struggle to speak is contrasted with one of the tavern's annual events, an animal calling contest.
Dans l'ombre
Léone, a disabled woman, lives alone in her house in helpless isolation. Day after day, she watches her neighbor Andreas'every move. Deep in love with this tormented, self-destructive man, Léone is reduced to fantasizing about his face, his skin, his body... Shall the twains ever meet?
Chambre froide
A mother and daughter are working together in the famliy butcher store savagely torn between love and hate.
Chambre froide
A mother and daughter are working together in the famliy butcher store savagely torn between love and hate.
Chambre froide
A mother and daughter are working together in the famliy butcher store savagely torn between love and hate.
La vie en rose
Short film.