Sergey Bekhterev

Sergey Bekhterev

출생 : 1958-05-19, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, RSFSR, USSR

사망 : 2008-11-13


Впервые снялся в кино в 11 лет в фильме «Удивительный заклад» Леонида Макарычева. В 1979 окончил актерское отделение факультета драматического искусства ЛГИТМиКа (сейчас Санкт-Петербургская Академия Театрального Искусства), мастерская Аркадия Кацмана и Льва Додина. С 1979 года — актер Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Малого Драматического театра, затем — актер Творческого объединения «Арт-Питер». В 2003 году поставил и сыграл с актрисой и продюсером Ольгой Обуховской спектакль «Вацлав Нижинский. Повенчанный с Богом» по дневникам гениального русско-польского танцовщика. В 1996 году Сергею Бехтереву было присвоено звание Заслуженного артиста РФ.

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Sergey Bekhterev
Sergey Bekhterev

참여 작품

Всё не случайно
Live and Remember
Based on Valentin Rasputin's story of the same title. The winter of 1945. In a village on the Angara embankment the women wait the return of their husbands from the front. The young soldier Andrei Guskov, who fled from the hospital, returns as a deserter. In his remote winter hut only his wife Nastena visits him : she is the only person whom he can trust with his life - of an eternal fugitive doomed to loneliness. Only she loves him. She lives in the present, remembers the past and does not believe in the future. She will have a child, and to the entire village she is an unfaithful wife who did not wait for her husband to return...
Crime & Punishment
Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-law student, kills an old pawnbroker and her sister, perhaps for money, perhaps to prove a theory about being above the law. He comes to police attention through normal procedures (he was the victim's client), but his outbursts make him the prime suspect of the clever Porfiry. Meanwhile, life swirls around Raskolnikov: his mother and sister come to the city followed by two older men seeking his sister's hand; he meets a drunken clerk who is then killed in a traffic accident, and he falls in love with the man's daughter, Sonia, a young prostitute. She urges him to confess, promising to follow him to Siberia. Will he accept responsibility? (From IMDB Crime and Punishment (1970))
하나 안의 둘
이야기와 영화의 형식에 관한 키라 무라토바의 실험이 가장 잘 드러난 작품 중 한 편. 무대 위 연극으로 구성된 1부와 혼란의 카니발이 펼쳐지는 2부로 구성되어 있다. 1부와 2부는 구조적으로 연결을 맺고 있으며, 이 구조를 작동시키기 위해 관객은 영화가 제기하는 질문에 적극적으로 참여해야 한다.
At the River
A day in the life of a mother and her daughter, who have already reached a stage in life where their age difference is barely noticeable. One day, the two are visited by a young official who quite unwittingly makes the mother feel young again, and so she decides to set out for a walk by the river together with her daughter. It becomes increasingly clear to both of them that the best days of their lives are past and that they make a ludicrous impression wherever they go. However, they somehow keep their spirits up and try to enjoy this last walk together. They both know that this is the very last of the ‘grand days’ of their lives.
Fat Stupid Rabbit
An actor who performs for a children's theater lands a leading role in a new production.
Three Days in Odessa
During the summer of 1947 a group of detectives are going to Odessa with the undercover mission - to fight a post-war criminal wave.
Artem Kolchin was one of many, but he wanted glory. And he has chosen the way: he became the boxer. Now Artem the applicant for a champion title, fighter, known worldwide as Great White Hope. But the main fight in his life has not gone how he expected...
Based on a short story "Ward No. 6" by Anton Chekhov.
피아노 조율사
Vadim's friend
가난한 음악가인 안드레이는 피아노 조율을 통해 부유한 노부인 안나, 루바와 가까워진다. 이후 안드레이는 애인 리나와 손잡고 그들이 가진 재산을 뺏으려 한다. 돈과 욕망에 관한 드라마로, 개봉 후 주연배우인 알라 드미도바(안나 역)와 레나타 리트비노바(리나 역)의 연기가 높은 평가를 받았다
The Edelweiss Pirates
Cologne towards the end of the Second World War. The city is in ruins, everyone is afraid, many are dead. It is a time of great inhumanity. Cologne’s young Edelweiss Pirates refuse to submit to the pressure of the Nazi regime. They fight with the Hitler Youth and scrawl anti-war propaganda on walls. Karl is an Edelweiss Pirate; his younger brother, Peter, is in the Hitler Youth movement. The two young men have been alone ever since their mother’s death in a bombing raid; their father is serving at the front, and their older brother, Otto, has been killed in action. Otto’s financée, Cilly, is doing her best to survive the war with her children. Carl is trying to help her.
체홉의 모티브
안톤 체홉의 소설 『어려운 사람들(Difficult People)』과 희곡 『타티아나 레피나(Tatiana Repina)』에서 영감을 받아 만들어진 작품. 한 가족의 일상 풍경과 자신의 결혼식장에서 죽은 전 애인을 목격하는 남자의 이야기를 중심으로 전통적 스토리텔링과 극영화의 관습을 과감하게 해체하는 작품. 현재와 과거, 픽션과 논픽션, 영화와 TV쇼의 형식이 한자리에 모여 종잡을 수 없는 혼란을 만들어낸다.
Fourteen colours of the Rainbow
Runaway prisoner goes searching for a treasure to the island populated with poachers and starover cult with his two companions, an intellectual and a prostitute
Mademoiselle O
About a young boy growing up to become a great artist. Set basically in St. Petersburg and a country dacha in Vyra during the aftermath of the 1905 Russian Revolution.
Do it, Manya!
Arithmetic of a Murder
Ilya Ilyich Muromtsev
Directed by Dmitriy Svetozarov
Broken Light
An art film about the life of Soviet creatives in the late 1980s.
Сирано де Бержерак
Полет птицы
The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.
Эти... три верные карты...
Петроградские Гавроши
개의 심장
거리를 떠돌던 개 ‘샤릭’이 외과의사 ‘쁘레오브라젠스키’에 의해서 부랑자의 뇌와 생식기를 이식 받음으로써 인간 ‘샤리코프’로 변형되어 가는 과정을 그린 소설을 영화화 한 작품이다. 개를 인간으로 변형 시킨다는 다소 부 자연스런 설정이 볼셰비키 혁명을 빗댄 것이라는 작가의 의도가 숨겨져 있다고 하는데 그 시대적인 배경의 의미를 충분히 이해하지 못하더라도 이야기의 과정을 통해 다른 의미들을 발견할 수 있다. 수술로 인해 개가 인간으로 변형이 되어 가고 있지만 천성적인 습성과 그리고 새로 이식된 부랑자의 습성의 혼돈, 불완전함이라는 전제하의 무례함과 뻔뻔스러움, 사회성 결여 등이 극중의 샤리코프에게 반면교사되는 관객의 입장에서 결코 자유스러울 수 없다. 우리나라에서도 ‘거장과 마르가리타’, ‘백위군’, ‘개의심장’, ‘조야의 아파트’ 등 몇 작품이 소개된 불가코프는 1930년 대 극작가이자 소설가다. 1917년 볼셰비키 혁명이후 러시아는 백위군과 적위군 사이의 내전에 시달렸는데 키예프의 중류층태생의사였던 불가코프도 백위군에 가담해 싸운 전력이 있다. 불가코프는 반동세력으로 간주되었고 그의 작품들 역시 당 이념에 맞지 않는다는 이유로 무수히 검열에 걸려 좌절하곤 했다. 실제로 그의 작품들 태반이 소비에트 시절에는 출판금지 대상이었고 대표작으로 손꼽히는 걸작 ‘거장과 마르가리타’ 역시 불가코프 사후 30여년이 지나서야 빛을 볼 수 있었다. 이율배반적이었던 스탈린은 남몰래 ‘반동 작가’ 불가코프의 재능을 아꼈다. 그래서 불가코프는 ‘조야의 아파트’나 ‘위선자의 밀교’ 등 다분히 체제 고발적이고 풍자적인 희곡을 무대에 올릴 수 있었지만 쏟아지는 비난 탓에 공연은 곧 막을 내려야 했다.
Gobsek the richest and most stragity usurer of Paris. The Countess by Anastasi lays will Gobseck family diamond my husband, for the sake of debt her beloved Maxim. This rash act she reveals to her husband her love affair.
There Are No Strangers Here
Vitya Kolupan
Young police lieutenant Kozrev investigates robbery from fish kolhoz. Suspect is criminal Chuma who hiding himself in the forest.
Букет мимозы и другие цветы
Believe It or Not
Musical comedy based on Russian folklore stories about an adventures of three friends .
Torpedo Bombers
In 1944 a Soviet marine air force unit stationed near Murmansk is fighting off the German bombers attacking the British navy convoys supplying the Soviet Union with war materials under the lend-lease agreement.
The Blonde Around the Corner
An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.
The Voice
An actress needs to dub her voice after the production of her movie has wrapped. At the same time, she is facing a life crisis that alters her plans: just released from the hospital, she realizes that her illness is more than she can emotionally handle. Overwhelmed, she has to look at the simple task of dubbing from a completely new perspective. This film had an attendance of 2.3 million in the Soviet Union when it was released.
Белый танец
И вечный бой... Из жизни Александра Блока