Kailee McGee

출생 : 1987-08-30, Laguna Beach, California, USA

참여 작품

Filmmaker Kailee McGee’s world turns sideways with a late-stage breast cancer diagnosis. She’s in the middle of treatment but just beginning to reevaluate reality, love, and identity while being sick. Kailee loses track of where her cancer journey ends and her life begins. As the voice inside her head toggles between existential crisis and self-actualization, Kailee resorts to the only way she knows how to heal: figure out a way to watch a version of her journey unfold on a screen.
Kate, Unhinged
An L.A. actress invites her filmmaker friend to a Palm Springs getaway from quarantine, a supposedly restorative trip that turns frustrating.
Kate, Unhinged
An L.A. actress invites her filmmaker friend to a Palm Springs getaway from quarantine, a supposedly restorative trip that turns frustrating.
Kate, Unhinged
An L.A. actress invites her filmmaker friend to a Palm Springs getaway from quarantine, a supposedly restorative trip that turns frustrating.
Former Cult Member Hears Music For The First Time
After a woman escapes the captivity of her abusive family, a magazine invites her to a journalistic experiment: to hear music for the first time.
The Person I Am When No One Is Looking
The Person I Am When No One Is Looking
The Person I Am When No One Is Looking
The Person I Am When No One Is Looking
The Person I Am When No One Is Looking
Kailee McGee
The Person I Am When No One Is Looking
벤허: 레저렉션
First Assistant Director
서기 58년 로마령 루시타니아, 로마 군대가 주둔하면서 네로 황제에게 첩으로 바칠 어린 여자들을 잡아들이는 군사들. 마을 청년들은 부당한 수탈을 막기 위해 로마 군대와 직접 맞서려 하지만 역시나 역부족이었다. 이에 청년들은 수소문 끝에 싸움에 능한 용병이 있다는 사실을 알게 되고, 그가 은둔해 있는 깊은 숲 속으로 찾아간다. 그 용병은 다름아닌 유다 벤허! 검투사로 용맹을 떨치던 그는 대 역병으로 가족이 모두 사망하자 먼 길을 떠나 깊은 산속에서 은둔해 살아왔던 것. 청년들은 벤허에게 전투의 기술을 전수해 달라고 간절히 부탁한다. 하지만 상대는 강대한 제국 로마의 군대. 과연 이들은 동족의 운명을 구할 유일한 희망이 될 수 있을까?
마션 랜드
First Assistant Director
머나먼 미래, 지구에 재앙이 일어난 후 인류는 화성에 정착해 혹독한 환경에 적응하며 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 거대한 모래 폭풍이 감지되고, 과학 연구소장인 미란다 웰러는 불안한 예감에 전남편 포스터 박사를 화성으로 부른다. 하지만 과학 연구소의 노력에도 불구하고 모래 폭풍의 기세는 점점 강해져 남은 인류의 목숨까지 위협하는데...
Dallas Mapleshade
Dallas Mapleshade, a struggling actress, dancer, and singer in New York City, decides she must take success in her own hands by paying a filmmaker to make a feature documentary about her life.
Dallas Mapleshade, a struggling actress, dancer, and singer in New York City, decides she must take success in her own hands by paying a filmmaker to make a feature documentary about her life.
Dallas Mapleshade, a struggling actress, dancer, and singer in New York City, decides she must take success in her own hands by paying a filmmaker to make a feature documentary about her life.
Dallas Mapleshade, a struggling actress, dancer, and singer in New York City, decides she must take success in her own hands by paying a filmmaker to make a feature documentary about her life.
The Idea of a You
When two best friends accept a mysterious invitation to a handsome actor’s new Los Angeles home, the line between performance and reality disappears as the night unravels into debaucherous abstract relationship existentialism.
The Idea of a You
When two best friends accept a mysterious invitation to a handsome actor’s new Los Angeles home, the line between performance and reality disappears as the night unravels into debaucherous abstract relationship existentialism.
The Idea of a You
When two best friends accept a mysterious invitation to a handsome actor’s new Los Angeles home, the line between performance and reality disappears as the night unravels into debaucherous abstract relationship existentialism.