Martin Gregor

Martin Gregor

출생 : 1906-11-14, Trnava, Uhry, Austria-Hungary [now Slovakia]

사망 : 1982-06-29

프로필 사진

Martin Gregor

참여 작품

Človek nikdy nevie
Jennie Gerhardtová
Platiť sa nebude
Škola klebiet
Humánna povinnosť
Hlas toho tretieho
Karol Ketzer
Karol Ketzer
Najvzdialenejšia hviezda na nebi
Figliar Sťopka
Netrpezlivosť srdca
Očovské pastorále
Days of Betrayal
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Páni sa zabávajú
Švédska zápalka
O ametystovom kvete
Pred západom slnka
Niet inej cesty
A Pact with the Devil
Karel Pavelka, Marcelin otec
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to defend themselves, but when they find out that nobody believes them - neither the school principal nor even their own parents - they decide to accomplish what they have been falsely accused of. And although their clumsy attempts are mostly comic, at one point they almost cause a big tragedy.
Štyri strany sveta
Vrah zo záhrobia
Námestie svätej Alžbety
Samko Weimann
중심가의 상점
Jozef Katz
때는 제2차 세계대전. 체코의 작은 마을에도 나치의 마수는 어김없이 드리워지고, 유대인의 상업행위에도 제동이 걸린다. 이로 인해 가난하고 어수룩한 소작농 토노에게 귀가 들리지 않는 노년의 유대인 과부 로잘리가 운영하는 단추 가게를 가로챌 기회가 찾아온다. 동서가 기관원인 든든한 빽을 둔 덕에 공짜로 가게를 차지하게 된 토노와 졸지에 피고용인 신분이 되어버린 로잘리의 사이가 좋지 않은 건 너무도 당연한 일이다. 하지만 매일같이 투닥거리는 와중에도 토노는 로잘리에게 진심 어린 우정을 느끼게 되고, 며칠 뒤 그녀가 아우슈비츠에 끌려갈 운명임을 알게 되자 감당할 수 없는 혼란에 빠져든다.
The House in Karp Lane
Zlatá panna
Stratený list
Archimedov zákon
Gróf Dolinayi
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro Jánošík [1688-1713] and the social situation in Slovakia of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The first part talks about Jánošík's childhood, studies and return to his native village. In the second part Jánošík leaves for the hills, where he organizes his band of brigands and starts an anti-feudal resistance. The film concludes with Jánošík's execution.
Trip on the Danube
Transport from Paradise
Czechoslovakian Zbynek Brynych directs this psychological drama set in World War II Terezin ghetto. A dark, visual portrayal of the trials and tribulations the Theresienstadt people faced on a daily basis presented in a series of memorable stories. Their hopes and dreams unfold against the perpetual threat of deportation (or worse) by the Nazis. Based on the novel "Night and Hope" by Arnost Lustig.
Polnoc bude o päť minút
Smrť sa volá Engelchen
An Honest Thief
Set in Bratislava in the 1930s, about a clerk at a humanitarian foundation who is unjustly accused of embezzling a large sum of money.
Mladé srdcia
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line
Strong-willed peasant girl Katka disobeys her father and heads to the city to work in a factory, where no one knows quite what to make of her.
Lož má krátke vlny
Wolves' Lairs
This drama from the times of Slovak National Uprising is situated in a small Slovak village. It is the tragical story of a widow and her four sons who fight alongside the partisans against the German occupants.