Harry Carter

Harry Carter

출생 : 1906-02-27, Pony, Montana, USA

사망 : 1996-04-01


"Harry Carter" mostly worked as a contractual film player at 20th Century-Fox Studios from 1942 to 1961. He appeared in many of "Richard Widmark's" films. They were close during their tenure together making motion pictures.

프로필 사진

Harry Carter

참여 작품

무브 오버, 달링
Lawyer in Courtroom (uncredited)
Three years into their loving marriage, with two infant daughters at home in Los Angeles, Nicholas Arden and Ellen Wagstaff Arden are on a plane that goes down in the South Pacific. Although most passengers manage to survive the incident, Ellen presumably perishes when swept off her lifeboat, her body never recovered. Fast forward five years. Nicholas, wanting to move on with his life, has Ellen declared legally dead. Part of that moving on includes getting remarried, this time to a young woman named Bianca Steele, who, for their honeymoon, he plans to take to the same Monterrey resort where he and Ellen spent their honeymoon. On that very same day, Ellen is dropped off in Los Angeles by the Navy, who rescued her from the South Pacific island where she was stranded for the past five years. She asks the Navy not to publicize her rescue nor notify Nicholas as she wants to do so herself.
젊은이의 모헙
Train Passenger (uncredited)
오만한 어머니와 심약하지만 자존심 강한 의사 아버지 사이의 외동 아들 닉 애덤스. 늘 답답하고 불만스럽게 느껴지는 현실을 벗어나고자 닉은 그가 자란 시골 마을 미시간을 떠나 모험 가득한 대륙 횡단 여행을 하게 된다. 여행중 우연히 만난 펀치 드렁크로 고생을 하고 있는 전직 복서와 여행을 즐기는 알콜 중독자등이 그의 평범했었던 일상에 큰 영향을 주게된다. 뉴욕에서 직업을 구하기 위해 리포터로 활동을 하고 싶었지만 번번이 실패한 후 구급차 운전병으로 1차 세계 대전이 한창인 이태리 육군에 지원한다. 동료 병사와 우의를 다지고 새 생활을 열어 나가는 중에 부상을 입게 되고 간호사 아가씨와 사랑도 나누게 되는데...
미스터 홉스 휴가 가다
Dance Guest (uncredited)
은행가 홉스 씨의 여행에 일가 모두가 합세하면서 각종 사건이 벌어지게 된다
The Story on Page One
Seth (Court Bailiff) (uncredited)
An adulterous couple is accused of murder after the woman's husband is shot and killed during a scuffle. A high-profile court case tells the story.
사랑의 흔적
TWA Agent (uncredited)
1936년, 영국 사우샘프턴(Southampton, England 1936). 가십 칼럼니스트인 셰일라 그레이엄(데보라 카 분)은 당대 미국 최고의 작가 중 한 사람으로 명성이 높았던 F. 스콧 피츠제럴드(그레고리 펙 분)를 할리우드에서 만난다. 피츠제럴드는 정신 병원에 입원한 아내의 치료비와 딸의 사립학교 비용을 대기 위해 할리우드에서 영화 시나리오 쓰는 일을 하고 있는 중이었다. 시나리오를 쓰는 틈틈이 이전에 누리던 명예를 다시 찾기 위해 "최후의 거물"이란 소설을 구상하고 있던 피츠제럴드와 그의 조수가 된 셰일리는 서로의 글에 대한 평이나 조언을 해 주기도 하고 서로 의지하며 사랑을 키워 나간다. 하지만 예전의 명성에 비해 초라해진 모습이나 경제적인 문제가 주는 부담감, 작품 활동에 대한 부담감 등으로 피츠제럴드가 가끔 술을 마시는 것 때문에 두 사람 사이에 사소한 갈등이 생기기도 한다. 그럼에도 여전히 아름다운 사랑을 쌓아가던 어느 날 갑자기 피츠제럴드가 심장마비로 사망하고 혼자 남게 된 셰일라는 바닷가를 거닐며 눈물을 짓는다.
The Best of Everything
Elevator Passenger (uncredited)
An exposé of the lives and loves of Madison Avenue working girls and their higher-ups.
Bartender (uncredited)
보안관은 허수아비에 불과하고 마을은 이미 무법자들의 손에 넘어가서 황페하기 이를데가 없다. 이대로 가다가는 마을이 망하게 될 거라는 위기감을 느낀 마을 주민들은, 돈을 거두어서 전설적인 총잡이 헨리 폰다를 고용한다. 거기에 한 때 악당의 패거리에 있다가 후일 마을의 질서는 잡는 영웅이 되는 부 보안관 으로 리처드 위드마크가 까지 고용이 되고 서서히 도덕과 윤리가 아니라 돈과 힘의 논리로 법을 사고 파는 세태가 벌어지게 된다. 보안관은 법에 따르지 않고 돈에 따르며, 질서를 수호하되 법을 수호하지는 않는다. 헨리 폰다는 400달러의 임금을 받고 일을 하는데, 그는 보안관 일을 하면서도 옷가지 같은 물건을 파는 일을 겸해서 한다. 한 마디로 말해서 이 마을 자체는 공적인 영역을 민간에 이양하는 신자유주의적인 발상을 시도한다. 헨리 폰다의 사고 자체도 시장 중심주의적 이다. 그는 마을 사람들에게 자신의 말에 따르라고 엄포를 하는데...
Orderly (uncredited)
늦은 밤 부유한 사업가 프랑수아에게 한통의 전화가 걸려온다. 그 전화는 특별한 연구를 하던 과학자 동생 앙드레의 부인 헬렌이 건 것으로, 느닷없이 그녀는 자신이 남편을 살해했음을 고백한다. 경찰과 함께 사건이 벌어진 인쇄공장으로 달려간 프랑수아는 프레스기에 깔려 처참하게 죽은 동생을 발견한다. 갑작스러운 동생의 죽음에 의문을 가진 프랑수아는 사고 뒤 이상할 정도로 파리에 집착하는 헬렌을 추궁하는데...
The Proud Ones
Robert Ryan plays an aging sheriff responsible for law and order in a frontier cattle town. Virginia Mayo plays his fiancee. As if handling wild cattle drovers isn't enough, a crooked casino operator from Ryan's past comes to town. An early scuffle in the casino leaves Ryan with vision problems that interfere with his duties. Jeffrey Hunter who came to town with a cattle drive encounters Ryan, who killed Hunter's father when Hunter was young. Feelings of animosity soon change as Hunter begins to sense Ryan is telling the truth about his father. What follows is a plot that continues to thicken to the inevitable showdown.
Cattle Buyer / Saloon Owner (uncredited)
남북전쟁이 끝난 후 여기저기 떠돌던 클린트와 벤 형제는 우연히 만난 재스퍼의 돈을 훔치려 하지만 재스퍼로부터 의외의 제안을 받는다. 소떼를 몰고 몬타나까지 안전히 가준다면 더 큰 돈을 주겠다는 것이다. 제안을 수락한 형제는 거센 겨울 눈보라를 뚫고 목적지를 향하던 중 넬라라는 매력적인 여성을 만난다. (한국시네마테크협의회)
How To Be Very, Very Popular
Bus Driver
Two strippers on the run hide out in a college fraternity. Director Nunnally Johnson's 1955 musical comedy stars Betty Grable, Sheree North, Robert Cummings, Charles Coburn, Tommy Noonan, Orson Bean, Fred Clark, Alice Pearce, Rhys Williams, Willard Waterman, Leslie Parrish and Jesslyn Fax.
난폭한 토요일
Bart, Policeman
애리조나의 작은 광산마을을 배경으로 하는 영화는 마을 사람들이 각자의 개인적인 이유로 은행털이에 참여하는 과정을 묘사한다. 여기서 리 마빈은 은행 강도 역을 맡아 차가운 악의 면모를 선보이고, 농부로 출연한 어네스트 보그나인은 평화를 신봉하지만 악당에게 위협받는 아이들을 위해 폭력을 행사하는 다층적인 모습을 보여준다. (2011년 할리우드 저예산 B급영화 기획전)
홍콩의 밤
Hotel Lobby Extra (uncredited)
An American woman arrives in Hong Kong to unravel the mystery of her missing photographer husband. After getting nowhere with the authorities, she is led by some underground characters to an American soldier of fortune working in the area against the Communists. He promises to help find her husband.
Black Widow
Police Sgt. Welch (uncredited)
A young stage hopeful is murdered and suspicion falls on her mentor, a Broadway producer.
Detective (uncredited)
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
어 블루프린트 포 머더
Wheeler (Uncredited)
Whitney Cameron is in a quandary: he's attracted to his beautiful sister-in-law, Lynn, but also harbors serious suspicions about her. Her husband, Cameron's brother, died under mysterious circumstances, and now that the death of her stepchild, Polly, has been attributed to poisoning, he suspects that Lynn is after his late brother's estate, and killing everyone in her way.
사우스 스트리트의 소매치기
Detective Dietrich
매카시즘이 득세했던 50년대 초반 미국사회의 강박증을 필름누아르 형식을 빌어 그려낸 사무엘 풀러의 걸작. 우연히 공산주의 스파이의 마이크로필름을 훔친 소매치기가 통제 불가능한 상황에 빠지게 되는 과정을 긴장감 넘치게 그려내고 있다. 유연하고 힘찬 카메라워크와 정교한 폭력의 안무가 일품인 작품으로, 이후 누벨바그 작가들에게 열렬한 찬사를 받았으며 사무엘 풀러의 영화적 스타일이 확립된 작품이기도 하다. 원래 제목은 ‘소매치기’로 영화 초반부의 장면은 로베르 브레송의 작품을 떠올리게 한다
Lure of the Wilderness
Ned Tyler
A young girl and her father, who is unjustly accused of murder, seek refuge in a Georgia swamp until they are befriended by a trapper who penetrates the swamp in search of his dog.
Red Skies of Montana
Ken Philippe (uncredited)
When a large forest fire breaks out in the mountains of Montana, a squad of 'Smoke Jumpers', the paratroop-corps of fire-fighters in the U. S. Forest Service, is flown to the scene from their regional headquarters in Missoula, Montana. The Forest Rangers, under Cliff Mason, put out the blaze, but several of the fire-fighters are killed. Ed Miller, son of one of the dead rangers, thinks he died because Mason was a coward, and sets out to prove it.
The Secret of Convict Lake
Rudy Schaeffer
After a group of convicts escapes from prison, they take refuge in the wilderness. While most of the crew are ruthless sociopaths, Jim Canfield is an innocent man who was jailed under false pretenses. When Canfield and his fellow fugitives reach an isolated farming settlement where the men are all away, it creates tension with the local women. Things get direr when rumors of hidden money arise, and Canfield discovers that the man who framed him is part of the community.
전신 언덕의 집
Detective Ellis (uncredited)
2차대전 당시 독일의 점령하의 폴란드, 전쟁 때문에 집과 남편을 잃고 수용소에서 힘겹게 살아가는 빅토리아, 그녀는 함께 수용소에서 만난 카린과 친하게 지낸다. 카린은 미국에 큰 부자인 이모가 있고, 전쟁 전에 아기였던 아들을 이모에게 보낸 상황이었다. 수용소생활을 견디지 못하고 카린이 죽게 되고, 전쟁이 끝나자 빅토리아는 카린으로 신분을 위장하여 미국으로 가려고 한다. 카린이 이모를 본 것은 아주 어릴 때이기 때문에 자신을 알아볼 수 없는 거라는 확신을 하면서. 다행인지 불행인지 이모가 돌아가셨다는 소식을 듣게 되고, 결국 빅토리아에서 카린으로 변신한 그녀는 4년뒤에 극적으로 미국으로 가게 된다. 카린의 아들인 크리스는 이모의 유일한 먼 친적뻘되는 알란이 키우고 있다. 카린(실제로는 빅토리아)는 이모가 남긴 유산과 아이의 양육권에 대해서 알란과 맞서는데 알란은 카린을 사랑하게 되고 둘은 결혼을 한다. 재산권을 다툴 당사자끼리 결혼을 하게 되어 아무런 문제가 없이 해결된 셈이고, 이제 카린이 가짜라는 것만 숨기고 잘 살아가면 되는 상황이었는데...
몬테즈마의 영웅들
Richard Widmark leads an all star cast of marine leathernecks including Jack Palance, Robert Wagner, Karl Malden, Richard Boone and Jack Webb into battle on a heavily fortified island. This action-packed story follows the squad as they pick their way through enemy-infested jungles on a time sensitive mission to find the source of the enemy rockets. As the mission progresses, the squad and leader overcome many challenges as they are transformed into an effective and efficient fighting unit.
Two Flags West
A group of confedarate prisoners is sent to a unionist fort in the west to help the local garrison to fight the indians.
No Way Out
Orderly (uncredited)
Robbers Ray Biddle and his brother are shot and taken to the local hospital. There, the two are treated by Dr. Brooks, the hospital's only black doctor. The brothers assault Brooks with racist slurs. And, when his brother ends up dying on the operating table, Ray accuses the doctor of murdering him. Blind with rage, Ray works to turn the white community of the city against Brooks, who finds an unlikely ally in the dead man's widow, Edie.
부러진 화살
Indian scout Tom Jeffords is sent out to stem the war between the Whites and Apaches in the late 1870s. He learns that the Indians kill only to protect themselves, or out of retaliation for white atrocities.
부러진 화살
Indian scout Tom Jeffords is sent out to stem the war between the Whites and Apaches in the late 1870s. He learns that the Indians kill only to protect themselves, or out of retaliation for white atrocities.
Townsman (uncredited)
서부의 유명한 총잡이인 지미 링고는 가는데마다 멋모르는 젊은이들 때문에 늘 싸움에 휘말린다. 그러던 중 에디라는 청년을 죽이게 되고, 그의 세 형에게 쫓긴다. 그는 사랑하는 여인인 페기와 아들이 있는 마을로 가지만 페기는 그를 만나주려 하지 않고 그녀를 기다리며 설득하는 동안 에디의 형들은 그를 쫓아 마을까지 온다. 가까스로 그 형들은 따돌렸지만 그 마을의 망나니인 헌트가 뒤에서 총을 쏘는 바람에 지미 링고는 죽게 된다. 그는 죽으며 헌트에게 벌을 내리는 대신 자신처럼 유명인으로서 쫓기며 살게 하라고 당부한다.
Dancing in the Dark
Emery Slade was one of the brightest stars in Hollywood in 1932, but by 1949 his career has hit the skids. Fortunately, he is able to convince studio head Melville Crossman to cast him in the adaptation of a hit Broadway show. Crossman has one condition: Slade must travel to New York and convince the female star of the stage production to join the film. Slade goes, but, when he eyes the winsome Julie Clarke, he hatches a different scheme.
You're My Everything
Father in 'Rebel in Crinoline' / Cameraman
In 1924, stage-struck Boston blueblood Hannah Adams picks up musical star Tim O'Connor and takes him home for dinner. One thing leads to another, and when Tim's show rolls on to Chicago a new Mrs. O'Connor comes along as incompetent chorus girl. Hollywood beckons, and we follow the star careers of the O'Connor family in silents and talkies.
It Happens Every Spring
Baseball Fan in Stands (uncredited)
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
황색 하늘
Cavalry Lieutenant (uncredited)
섹스피어의 폐허의 군도를 서부극으로 만들었다, 그레고리펙과 리챠드 위드마크가 서로 경연하는 서부극의 진수 !
이중 노출
Detective (uncredited)
An ex-con trying to go straight must face a crazed criminal out for revenge.
Sanitarium Orderly
In this thriller, psychiatrist Dr. Cross kills his wife and expects to get away with murder, until he discovers that the slaying was observed by a next-door neighbor, Janet Stewart. As Janet attempts to convince her husband of the doctor's dastardly deed, Cross shows up to advise him that Janet is in dire need of some in-depth counseling.
A Bell for Adano
Major Joppolo and his men are assigned to restore order to the war-torn Italian town of Adano. He has to manage getting supplies into town without interfering with troop movements, all the while dealing with colorful citizens of the town. One of his quests is to replace the bell which orders the town's life.
Junior Miss
Skating Rink Spectator (uncredited)
A Manhattan family's Christmas season turns topsy-turvy when 13-year-old Judy Graves mistakenly thinks her newly-arrived visiting uncle has just been released from prison.
A Royal Scandal
Footman (uncredited)
Catherine the Great falls in love with an army officer who is plotting against her.
Party Guest (uncredited)
뉴욕 상류사회, 주인공들은 광고회사 디자이너 로라와 그의 보호자격인 칼럼니스트 왈도, 그리고 그의 죽음을 수사하는 과묵한 민완형사 마크등 3인. 로라가 자기 집에서 얼굴이 무참히 일그러진채 살해되면서 마크가 사건 수사를 맡는다. 마크는 펜을 독검처럼 휘두르는 왈도가 로라를 뉴욕광고계의 실력자로 키웠으며 로라를 광적으로 사랑하나 로라는 다른 남자를 사랑했다는 사실을 알아내고 왈도를 유력한 용의자로 지목한다.
Crash Dive
A US Navy submarine, the USS Corsair, is operating in the North Atlantic, hunting German merchant raiders that are preying on Allied shipping. Its new executive officer, Lt. Ward Stewart, has been transferred back into submarines after commanding his own PT boat. At the submarine base in New London, Connecticut, he asks his new captain, Lt. Cmdr. Dewey Connors, for a weekend leave to settle his affairs before taking up his new assignment. On a train bound for Washington D.C., Stewart accidentally encounters New London school teacher Jean Hewlett and her students. Despite her initial resistance to his efforts, he charms her and they fall in love.
Guadalcanal Diary
Dispatch Officer (uncredited)
Concentrating on the personal lives of those involved, a war correspondent takes us through the preparations, landing and initial campaign on Guadalcanal during WWII.
The Undying Monster
Warren (uncredited)
A werewolf prowls around at night but only kills certain members of one family. It seems like just a coincidence, but the investigating Inspector soon finds out that this tradition has gone on for generations and tries to find a link between the werewolf and the family, leading to a frightening conclusion.
The Man Who Wouldn't Die
Call Boy (Uncredited)
A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
Blue, White, and Perfect
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Remember the Day
Elderly schoolteacher Nora Trinell, waiting to meet presidential nominee Dewey Roberts, recalls him as her student back in 1916 and his relation to Dan Hopkins, the man she married and lost.
Another Man's Shoes
To evade a gang conspiring to assassinate him, wealthy businessman Stuart Granger induces his unsuspecting, look-alike cousin, Jack Burton, to impersonate him for a month.
Three Mounted Men
Warden's son
Fellow convicts Cheyenne Harry and Buck Masters become even more bitter enemies when Buck agrees to tamper with the prison's books for the warden's greedy son. The latter secures Buck's release, but when Buck threatens to blackmail him, he decides that the best place for the outlaw is back in prison. Promising to deliver Buck to the warden's anxious son, Cheyenne Harry accepts a premature pardon and goes in search of the outlaw, hoping to catch him in the act of committing a crime. In a small Western town, Harry falls in love with a dance hall girl named Lola, not knowing that she is Buck's sister. Soon Harry learns that Buck is planning a robbery and informs the warden's son, whose deputies promptly arrest him. Lola's grief so moves Harry, however, that he and his two brothers decide to pursue the deputies and rescue Buck. Lola then promises to marry Harry, while her brother promises to reform.
The Road to Paradise
Duke Victor
Third episode in the New Adventures of Terence O'Rourke series of 2-reel shorts.