Jean-Luc Nancy

Jean-Luc Nancy

출생 : 1940-07-26, Bordeaux, France

프로필 사진

Jean-Luc Nancy

참여 작품

Ming of Harlem: Twenty One Storeys in the Air
Ming of Harlem: Twenty One Storeys in the Air is an only-in-New-York account of Ming, Al, and Antoine Yates, who cohabited in a high-rise social housing apartment at Drew-Hamilton complex in Harlem for several years until 2003, when news of their dwelling caused a public outcry and collective outpouring of disbelief. On the discovery that Ming was a 500-pound pound Tiger and Al a seven-foot alligator, their story took on an astonishing dimension. The film frames Yates’s recollections with a poetic study of Ming and Al, the predators’ presence combined with a text by philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, reimagining the circumstances of the wild inside, animal names, strange territories, and human-animal relations.
스머글러스 송스
L'imprimeur Jean-Luc Cynan
Early on in this engaging historical drama, a marquis (played by the singularly droll Jacques Nolot) offers a peddler a carriage ride on a remote country road. After sizing up his benefactor, the peddler fights motion sickness to deliver his sales pitch: “I have here a few objects of wonder, pious images, pamphlets against men of the cloth, newspapers from Amsterdam and London, holy cards, quills, writing paper…”
Outlandish: Strange Foreign Bodies
Philosopher and heart transplant recipient Jean-Luc Nancy meditates on the history and integrity of bodies in a number of visual and literary passages exploring his onscreen presence, a surgical organ in search of a body and an unaccounted for, displaced invertebrate at sea. Outlandish is a journey between shores and environments, the touching of and proximity between bodies, the vanishing and appearance of crew, dimensions of form and, above all, our relations with strange foreign bodies.
Outlandish: Strange Foreign Bodies
Philosopher and heart transplant recipient Jean-Luc Nancy meditates on the history and integrity of bodies in a number of visual and literary passages exploring his onscreen presence, a surgical organ in search of a body and an unaccounted for, displaced invertebrate at sea. Outlandish is a journey between shores and environments, the touching of and proximity between bodies, the vanishing and appearance of crew, dimensions of form and, above all, our relations with strange foreign bodies.
루이 트레버는 자신이 건강하다고 느끼지만, 사실 그의 심장은 더 이상 버틸 수 없을 정도로 쇠약해진 상태다. 그리고 루이 역시 그 사실을 알고 있다. 고독 속에 파묻혀 지내던 루이는 심장이식 수술 뒤 전혀 다른 인생을 살아가기 시작한다. 프랑스와 스위스 국경에 위치한 산장에서 시작된 여행은 정확한 위치를 알 수 없는 남태평양의 어느 해안까지 이른다. 자신을 괴롭히던 위험을 던져버리고, 청산할 수 없는 혹은 청산하고 싶지 않은 빚을 진 루이는 자신의 과거 그리고 현재와 화해하고자 한다.
The Ister
The Ister is a 3000km journey to the heart of Europe, from the mouth of the Danube river on the Black Sea, to its source in the German Black Forest. Hailed by Scott Foundas of Variety as "a philosophical feast—at which it is possible to gorge oneself yet leave feeling elated,” the film is based on the work of one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the 20th century, Martin Heidegger, who in 1933 swore allegiance to the National Socialists. By joining a vast philosophical narrative with an epic voyage along Europe’s greatest waterway, The Ister invites you to unravel the extraordinary past and future of ‘the West.’
텐 미니츠 - 첼로
(segment "Vers Nancy")
스승과 함께 시골길을 걷던 제자가 아름다운 소녀를 만나면서 겪게 되는 낯선 시간의 흐름들. 철학자인 장 뤽 낭시와 그의 외국인 제자 아나가 기차 여행을 하며 대화를 나눈다. 4개의 분할 화면을 통해 시대별로 순환되는 성적 노스탤지어, 고통, 회한. 자신의 영화들 중 가장 독창적인 장면들을 정교하게 몽타주하여 복합적이면서도 아름다운 시간에 대한 탐구를 보여준다. 한때 유명했던, 나이 든 영화배우의 일상과 그의 전성기적 영화를 대조해 가며 인간의 노화, 영화의 역사 등을 유머러스하게 그린다. 80광년의 우주 여행을 마치고 온 비행사가 의학적으로 자신의 신체가 10분밖에 노화되지 않았다는 놀라운 사실을 듣게 된다. 보트에 탄 노인, 해변에 돌을 던지는 소년, 임신한 몸으로 아프리카 남자친구를 소개하는 딸. 시간이란 정확히 무엇일까? <10분 뒤 Ten Minutes After> 행복한 표정으로 생일상을 차리고 있는 중산층 여성. 10분 뒤 그녀의 인생은 확 바뀌어 있다.
Vers Nancy
A train conversation between an immigrant French woman and novelist Jean-Luc Nancy centering on the idea of intrusion within every foreigner (a more philosophical precursor to L'Intrus). A social commentary on the inherent fallacy - particularly in nations with a strong national identity like the U.S. and France - of the social notion that assimilation and integration embrace cultural differences; rather, it erases them.
Dialogues clandestins 2001
Intertwined interviews of filmmaker Pedro Costa and philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy.