Vivian Rich

Vivian Rich

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Vivian Rich

참여 작품

Beth Cameron
Frank Leon Smith's well-written story told of Carter's Creek, a bustling mining camp, and of how Beth Cameron (Rich) seeks to avenge the murder of her father (Frederick Vroom) by donning men's clothing and raiding the vicinity.
The Last Straw
Jane Hunter
A cowboy helps a pretty ranch owner getting rid of both cattle rustlers and an unwanted suitor in this silent oater.
The Crime of the Hour
A Branded Soul
Dona Sartoris
Conchita Cordova sings in the cathedral choir in her village of San Miguelito near the Rio Grande. Millionaire oil man John Rannie, whose oil fields have displaced the peasants, desires Conchita, and when he learns that her fiance, Juan Mendoza, has been employed by Adolf Wylie, a German spy, Rannie threatens to expose Juan unless Conchita gives herself to him.
The Tell-Tale Arm
The Tell-Tale Arm is a 1917 silent film.
Beware of Strangers
The Lorelei
Beware of Strangers is a 1917 American silent drama film directed by Colin Campbell
Life's Harmony
Faith Pringle
Josiah Pringle, a benevolent old musician, who ekes out his livelihood by giving music lessons, after playing the organ for twenty years in the church of a little New England hamlet, must make way for a younger man, Gordon Howard, who comes from Boston. Faith Pringle, adopted by Josiah and his aged sister, Letitia, is leader of the choir, and when Pringle is replaced, she refuses to sing, but relents at Pringle's gentle insistence.
The Dancer
Johnny Madden travels to the city and falls in love with Capella. His mother is heartbroken that her son has flown the nest and that the woman he has flown to is a common actress. She had always intended that he would marry their neighbor, Daisy Brown. Mrs. Madden begins secretly putting the screws to Capella to make her abandon Johnny so that he will come back to the farm and Daisy.
The Story of the Olive
In Southern California lived Jose de Cabrillo on an estate which he had inherited from his ancestors, who obtained the land from the King of Spain. The scene is laid in the year 1840, "Before the Gringo came." A young American, Sam Blythe. who wishes to settle in California, notices in riding by the gate of the ranch, that it is offered for sale. He says he will buy it if the olive industry is what he desires. Mercedes, the daughter of Jose, is incensed at the thought of her father's selling the ranch, and especially so when she thinks of an American as a possible owner.
Destinies Fulfilled
Lucille / Her Daughter Rosemary
Back in '65 there was an old Southern fire eater, Pennington, and his daughter, Lucille, fell in love with Carr who was then a lieutenant in the small Yankee force that arrived in their city at the base of the mountains. When the confederacy fell, Pennington fled into the mountains with his daughter, rather than submit and there buried himself in the same place where Carr now lived with Rosemary. Several years passed and Lucille did not forget Carr, her Yankee lover. It was then that fate brought them together and old Pennington finally consented to the marriage, exacting a promise from Carr, not to take Lucille away from him and her mountain home.
American Born
Dorothy Travers aka Pepita
The dying mother, tells her only child, an orphan, of the wealth and power of her family and of her royal blood.
An Even Exchange
The old homestead involved had been passed from father to son and was about to be wrested from them by an avaricious corporation. Lawsuits were started, but the corporation managed to gain the best of the argument, when Ruth took the law into her own hands, held up the coach, and stored the big strong box in the bushes. Notices offering big rewards were posted conspicuously and Ruth lost her fortitude. The reward was increased, Ruth disclosed the location of the treasure, but refused the reward. The company's agent lost his nerve, and as appreciation, deeded back the old homestead to Ruth.
A Foreign Spy
The army engineer and his daughter are deeply interested in each other, but, of course, the will of the father predominates. As a result the girl experiences many heart aches, because it does seem as though she is about to lose her sweetheart because he is not an army man. The issue is brought to a climax by the presence of a spy in the father's home. Plans for the border fortifications are stolen and the impending disgrace and ruin drive the officer to the verge of despair, from which he is rescued by the daughter and her sweetheart, who rescue the plans, and apprehend the spy.
Pride of Lonesome
The cheery smile of big-hearted Ed Daton, a simple Westerner, causes a little girl to sense the thrill of happiness. Her desire for a greater measure of this, to her unknown joy, prompts her to steal away from her abusive parents and wander back to the little station known as "Lonesome." She is taken in by big Ed and the other noble herdsman and develops under the new environment to a bright and cheerful maiden. Out of gratitude, she guards the welfare of her benefactors and prompts them to nobler deeds of manhood.
Hearts and Horses
Bessie - Bill's Sweetheart
Bessie received a note from Uncle Dan along with a pony and was more than delighted with the handsome gift. Her sweetheart, Bill Walters, grew quite peeved at the way in which Bessie forgot him for her horse. Some days later Bessie's father, the sheriff, received a note that horse thieves were operating in his vicinity. He notified Bessie to watch carefully over her new pony and Bessie alert to the possibility, promptly rode to town to obtain a strong lock for the barn.
Via Cabaret
Vail, the cabaret singer
Harry Reeder was a steady visitor at the cabaret and he visited with a single thought in mind - pretty Vail, the singer.
When Luck Changes
Young Cal Jim had often called upon Betty but never found the courage to propose. His pal, Mark Halworthy did, however, and Betty accepted. Disappointed, Cal asked and received a grubstake from Mark and went away into the hills to seek gold and heart balm. Two years later Mark took to gambling. He neglected Betty and, one day, intoxicated, struck her.
On the Border
Chiquita - the Dancer
The pretty dancer and the casual cowboy visitor at the cabaret fell in love. A Mexican waiter loved Chiquita. A Gringo get this dainty bundle of Spanish nerves and beauty? Never! He planned to destroy the cowboy lover by a drop of poison in his cup.
A Modern Snare
Jane Hathaway
The newly appointed sheriff unwittingly creates the dislike of his predecessor. Result- the ex-sheriff tries a dangerous game to discredit him. When all lose faith, the wife of the youthful sheriff shows a bit of wit and a whole lot of confidence in her hubby. See how she brings right from wrong.
The Kiss
Claudine Hathaway
Old Man Hathaway was a trapper and lived with his only daughter in the mountains. Pretty Claudine often went forth to visit the traps with him and one day, when no bound, they saw a youth kiss a maiden affectionately. Seeing a chance for an object lesson, the old trapper sagely shook his head, saying, "My child, such kisses are poison. Guard against them."
Youth and Jealousy
Big Ben from the Bar N Ranch called often on Margaret. As the two were inseparable, it soon became known that they would soon marry. This news greatly displeased Bill Higgins, who promptly set about to make trouble. He wrote an anonymous note and attached it to Ben's saddle, saying " She don't love you. She was with Bill Higgins all day yesterday. A Friend." When Ben found it he frowned and tucked it idly into his pocket. This happened regularly thereafter. If Ben had been a trifle older he might have smiled derisively, but he didn't. Youth and jealousy are old acquaintances and so Ben made his visits shorter and shorter. One day, lonesomeness overcame him and he sent the notes in a bundle to Margy. She read them and promptly burst into tears.
The Brothers
Señorita Estabon
Robert and John Gregory were left orphans. Robert, a wealthy soul, found his health failing and the doctor advised him to seek the lower levels. John, drunk most of the time, agreed to accompany him. The senor, Estabon, lived with his pretty wife and sister in the little cabin in the valley. Alone in the woods he found Robert and John, Robert prone upon the ground from exhaustion and John, quite drunk, beside him. The Spaniard took them home and in the days that followed Robert's health returned, and he grew to love the Spanish girl.
The Tattooed Arm
Mabel Whitaker
Ben Hart, the youthful mining expert, arrived at Red Rock and promptly sought out pretty Mabel Whitaker and her mother, who had inherited a map purporting to lead to a gold deposit. Ben made an appointment to look at the deposit and did so - quite unaware that Jim Halliday, with two bad pals, kept close watch of his every movement.
When Jim Returned
Jim had been away a long time. Pretty Marjie dressed herself in her very best when she heard that the boys had gone to the station to bring home the college chap. Jim arrived, climbed into a ranch outfit and felt at home once more. The boys decided to give him a party.
The Ways of Fate
The Mountain Nymph
Two men playing cards, the argument, flash of a revolver, and one lay dead.
The Belle of Bar-Z Ranch
A silent short Western comedy film directed by Thomas Ricketts.