Matěj Hádek

Matěj Hádek

출생 : 1975-11-29, Praha, Československo


Matěj Hádek patří mezi nejvýraznější talenty mladší herecké generace. Jeho první velkou filmovou příležitostí byla role Tédy ve filmu Ivana Vojnára Cesta pustým lesem (1997). Vytvořil řadu zajímavých charakterů v televizních filmech (Malovaný děti, Pátek čtrnáctého, Z rodinného alba). On sám si nejvíce cení role Pajdy ve filmu Jiřího Svobody Udělení milosti se zamítá.A také jeho nezaměněná role mladého "hooligana" ve filmu Non Plus Ultras. Matěje si lidé často pletou s jeho mladším bratrem Kryštofem, který hrál například v Tmavomodrém světě. Matěj Hádek je ale herec o něco starší, i když ze stejné generace. Má za sebou zkušenosti ostříleného herce. Posuďte sami: vystudoval Státní konzervatoř v Praze, hrál v Divadle na Vinohradech, Kašparu, Divadle F. X. Šaldy v Liberci i ve Východočeském divadle Pardubice. například k jeho filmům patří ještě: pohádka Elixír a Halíbela, Vetřelci v Coloradu, Mazaný Filip, I ve smrti sami, seriálu Dobrá čtvrť, Náves. K jeho větším rolím ve filmech patří role Knappa ve filmu Maharal - Tajemství talismanu. Ve filmu Tobruk si zahrál vojína Zrzka. Pokud budete chtít Matěje vidět v divadle, jeho nejnovější inscenací jsou Cizinci ve vlaku ve Švandově divadle. Též hraje například v Maškarádě, Její Pastorkyni, Brýlích Eltona Johna a v mnoha jiných. Matěje si lidé často pletou s jeho mladším bratrem Kryštofem, který hrál například v Tmavomodrém světě. Matěj Hádek je ale herec o něco starší, i když ze stejné generace. Má za sebou zkušenosti ostříleného herce. Posuďte sami: vystudoval Státní konzervatoř v Praze, hrál v Divadle na Vinohradech, Kašparu, Divadle F. X. Šaldy v Liberci i ve Východočeském divadle Pardubice. například k jeho filmům patří ještě: pohádka Elixír a Halíbela, Vetřelci v Coloradu, Mazaný Filip, I ve smrti sami, seriálu Dobrá čtvrť, Náves. K jeho větším rolím ve filmech patří role Knappa ve filmu Maharal - Tajemství talismanu. Ve filmu Tobruk si zahrál vojína Zrzka.  Pokud budete chtít Matěje vidět v divadle, jeho nejnovější inscenací jsou Cizinci ve vlaku ve Švandově divadle. Též hraje například v Maškarádě, Její Pastorkyni, Brýlích Eltona Johna a v mnoha jiných. Nadaboval také postavu Kuby v prvním 3D animovaném filmu Kozí příběh - pověsti Staré Prahy a brzy ho uvidíte v novém dobrodružném seriálu Ať žijí rytíři kde hraje jednoho loupežníka. Nadaboval také postavu Kuby v prvním 3D animovaném filmu Kozí příběh - pověsti Staré Prahy a brzy ho uvidíte v novém dobrodružném seriálu Ať žijí rytíři kde hraje jednoho loupežníka.

프로필 사진

Matěj Hádek
Matěj Hádek
Matěj Hádek

참여 작품

In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business at a local level and climb up the ladder to become the biggest mafia boss in the country.
레스토레이션 포인트
David Kurlstat
2041년, 사회 경제적 불평등이 심각한 수준으로 세계는 위기에 직면해 있다. 과학의 획기적인 발전으로 인류는 범죄에 의해 사망한 희생자들의 뇌를 이틀에 한번씩 되살려 희생자들을 회생시킬 수 있는 기술을 갖게 되었다. 이때 한 야망 넘치는 젊은 형사는 복원팀이 살해된 부부 중 한 명을 회생시키는 과정에서 살인 사건을 해결할 실마리를 찾게 된다.
Přání k narozeninám
Líba has only one birthday wish every year. She insists that the whole family come together for her celebration, which they all always do. That is, until this year's birthday. Her son Petr has other plans for this year, so he pretends to be sick in front of the family. This year, for the first time, he wants to spend his birthday with his friend Karl, who has a birthday on the same day. And Karel is Peter's long-hidden secret for the rest of the family. However, Líba is not going to give up her celebration so easily. She decides to surprise Peter and move in with the whole family. An unexpected visit forces Peter to quickly improvise. In front of your family, turning your friend Karel into a colleague from work and his sister Veronika into your girlfriend is basically a piece of cake. But Petr doesn't know yet that this is just the beginning and today will be one big rollercoaster ride.
Přání Ježíškovi
O vánoční hvězdě
Bílý trpaslík
Úhoři mají nabito
What Men Want
The charismatic and self-confident man, Karel Král, is the editor-in-chief of men's magazine. Although a chauvinistic type, he is very popular with women. However, he struggles in his personal life. He frequently argues with his ex-wife over their 17 year-old daughter Julie, who despises his new way of life. Then the consequences of his behavior catch up with him. He loses his job, and the editor-in-chief position is given to a young and beautiful woman. But his bad luck does not end there. After another fight with his ex-wife and daughter, and a woman driver crashing into his car, Karel and his best friend Cestmír have an evening of binge drinking. During the wild night, he expresses a wish to be a woman. When he wakes up the next morning he discovers that his wish has been granted.
Návštěvy u pana Greena
Ross Gardiner
režisér Málek
The Snake Brothers
Brothers Grass and Cobra Snake, in their late and early thirties respectively, live in a small Czech town not far from Prague. Coming from a disfunctional family, they both feel unable to build up a life to be satisfied with. Grass, unemployed and still without a girl, does not know how to escape from the shadow of his druggie and troublemaker brother Cobra. Things seem to change for Grass when all at once he gets the opportunity to be part of a promising business and starts a relationship with the waitress of a local pub. It is just then when Cobra and his addiction show up in his life once more to put him on the verge of losing everything he achieved. But this time Grass is determined to not let anybody or anything stop his last chance in life to be happy and he decides to teach his brother a life lesson he should never forget.... A lesson that uncontrollably turns into a nightmare...
A loose adaption of Bára Nesvadbová's novel of the same name. A novel that lacks a dramatic line and concentrates on the flow of emotions and feelings of two injured and beloved women, two women that the aging lothario Mára came between. The theme of the entire book is the degree and limit of love, a right and ability to love several people simultaneously while hurting them at the same time. Written by Czech Film Center
Případ pro rybáře
Goat Story With Cheese
The Messenger
Petr is a courier, a messenger as a matter of fact. He is one of those young men who believe that on their bikes they have become part and parcel of the atmosphere of modern cities. He is a non-conformist who refuses to settle into today‘s deformed society, he abhors its indolence, consumerism and lies, as well as its pseudo-truths, pseudo-feelings, pseudo-loves and pseudo-values. Petr’s untrammelled personality keeps causing more and more serious problems. And Petr is also one of those who will never admit to themselves that they might be at the end of their tether.
Oldies but Goldies
A bitter-sweet comedy about two people who wish to live life to the full despite their age. Ota is a retired high-school teacher and at this point in life has various foibles that complicate life for his son and daughter-in-law. Moreover, he has a complicated and risky eye operation ahead. That is why Ota decides that this is the time to look up Jana, the retired actress who had influenced the course of his life many years ago. However, his reunion with Jana - who lives in a retirement home - works out differently to his expectations. Although disappointed at first, it is actually this zestful lady who sets Ota in the right direction again. Thanks to Jana, Ota finds the courage to set out on an exciting road-movie trip of the kind he would never have had the courage for in his youth. Their meeting and the excursion, full of unexpected turns and new impressions, give their lives a new dimension.
Kráska a netvor 1950
mladší STB
Láska rohatá
vandrák Vitouš
Les mrtvých
Ztracený princ
염소에 대한 이야기: 프라하의 옛 전설들
The film will feature a comedic story about a friendship between the village-boy Kuba and his goat in medieval Prague. In Prague, Kuba falls in love with Máca, a worldly girl. The Goat begins to envy this relationship. Their story intertwines with that of the poor student Matěj Tale from Faust House and his contract with the Devil.
Opouštíme ráj
Commentary (voice)
Maharal – Tajemství talismanu
ppor. PhDr. Knapp
Restaurace U Prince
princ Filip II.
Non Plus Ultras
NON PLUS ULTRAS is a comedy with a social subtext. It takes a satirical look at a short stretch in the life of five "fans" of one Prague football club who belong to the hardcore supporters - ultras or hooligans. The gang members' lives revolve around football. They revere their "world-famous" English counterparts and uncritically take them as their role models. The undeclared leader of the gang is Bejcak (played by David Novotny), a charismatic young man of around 30 years old with natural authority. He is not stupid; he likes to use foreign words, but always in a slightly unsuitable context. The oldest member of the gang is the lonely forty-year-old Tycka (Vladimir Dlouhy), whom Bejcak took under the gang's wing. Tycka is much older than the others. The stuttering youth Pejsek (Karel Zima) is a fanatic lover of all things "English". He is seconded by the none-too-bright Potapec (Michal Novotny) and the agile, wiry Vocko (Matej Hadek), who is constantly devising new loutish exploits.
Pátek čtrnáctého
Udělení milosti se zamítá
Vůně vanilky
A dramatic love story, taking place in the final days of the Second World War when the American Army liberated the Pilsen region of West Bohemia. Anne lives with her mother, husband and stepchildren at a solitary country farm. But her life is not what she would wish it to be. She had previously lived with her aunt in London, and the only reason why she returned to Czechoslovakia was to look after the orphaned children of her sister. She married their father, but the rural environment is alien to her, and neither does she get on very well with her husband. A group of American soldiers arrives at the farm, having strayed away from their designated route of advance. To their great surprise, they are welcomed by a young woman who speaks fluent English, and invite her to go with them to Pilsen as an interpreter. Anne long hesitates, well aware that she attracts the affection of one of the soldiers, and herself becomes fond of him, too. She feels that the trip to Pilsen could mean an ....
Elixír a Halíbela
Silák a strašidla
O třech ospalých princeznách
The Way Through the Bleak Woods
Mystery of the Puzzle
A group of teenagers are trying to solve a mystery of a puzzle created and left to them by the dead boy.