Non Plus Ultras (2004)
장르 : 코미디
상영시간 : 1시간 35분
연출 : Jakub Sluka
각본 : Jiří Popel
NON PLUS ULTRAS is a comedy with a social subtext. It takes a satirical look at a short stretch in the life of five "fans" of one Prague football club who belong to the hardcore supporters - ultras or hooligans. The gang members' lives revolve around football. They revere their "world-famous" English counterparts and uncritically take them as their role models. The undeclared leader of the gang is Bejcak (played by David Novotny), a charismatic young man of around 30 years old with natural authority. He is not stupid; he likes to use foreign words, but always in a slightly unsuitable context. The oldest member of the gang is the lonely forty-year-old Tycka (Vladimir Dlouhy), whom Bejcak took under the gang's wing. Tycka is much older than the others. The stuttering youth Pejsek (Karel Zima) is a fanatic lover of all things "English". He is seconded by the none-too-bright Potapec (Michal Novotny) and the agile, wiry Vocko (Matej Hadek), who is constantly devising new loutish exploits.
Danny wants something more. Expelled from school and living in his grandfathers flat, he longs to live up to the image of his estranged father Danny Senior
노비 (사샤 바론 코헨)은 마음은 착하지만 덜 떨어진 영국 축구광이고, 9명의 자녀와 영국 북부에서 가장 아름다운 여자 친구 (레벨 윌슨)과 함께 그림즈비라는 어촌 도시에서 행복하게 산다. 빠진 것은 단지 하나, 어렸을 적 헤어진 후 28년을 찾아온 그의 남동생인 세바스찬 (마크 스트롱)이다. 노비는 세바스찬을 만나러 가는데, 그는 MI6의 가장 무시무시한 암살자일 뿐만 아니라 전 세계가 테러리스트 공격을 받게 된 위기를 파헤치고 있다. 누명을 뒤집어 쓰고 도망 중인 세바스찬은 세계를 구하기 위해 자신의 멍청이 형의 도움이 필요함을 깨닫게 된다.
축구에 미치다 못해 지난친 애정을 보이는 훌리건들의 이야기
Following the deadly climax of "Green Street Hooligans," several members of the West Ham firm and numerous members of Millwall end up in jail. The GSE quickly discover the brutality of life on the inside, as they are constant targets of the superior numbers and better-financed Millwall crew.
스트립 클럽 호객꾼인 19살의 지미는 어느 날 그 지역의 갱인 판도와 일하다 갱단의 돈을 잃어버리고 엄청난 빚을 지게 된다. 없어진 돈을 차지한 두 소매치기들이 쇼핑에 빠져 있는 동안 지미는 마약상들에게 쫓기는 신세가 되는데, 도주 중에 시골에서 올라온 여자를 만나게 되고 둘 사이에는 로맨스가 시작되는데...
이야기는 주말, 일상적 섹스, 맥주, 마약 따위만 보고 살면서 누군가에게 화풀이를 하곤 하는, 지루함에 지친 20대 청년 토미 존슨을 중심으로 전개되고 있다. 느리게만 움직이던 토미의 인생은 라이벌 회사가 전쟁을 시작하고 일련의 악몽들이 그로 하여금 자신의 인생에 질문을 던지게 하면서 변화하기 시작한다. 영화는 토미의 눈을 통해 말해지고, 그가 관계 맺는 다른 세대의 세 남자와의 관계를 통해 우정, 복수, 그리고 폭력에 대한 자극적인 주제를 전달한다.
전직 야구선수 노마크, 무식하지만 무식하단 말을 제일 싫어하는 무대포, 음악이 없으면 심심한 가수 지망생 딴따라, 화가 지망생인 뻬인트. 이들 심심하고 할 일 없는 청춘 4명이 주유소를 털었다. 그것도 전에 털었던 주유소를. 왜? 그냥, 심심하니까. 경보기를 달자던 건빵 의 말을 무시하고 돈 밖에 모르던 사장 은 아르바이트 생들과 함께 2층에 감금당하고, 사장이 숨겨 놓은 돈을 찾지 못한 4명은 주유소를 점거한다. 주유소 안에 가득 넘치는 기름을 팔아서 돈을 벌려고
Teenage gang member Cal, hides his sexuality from his fellow gang members despite their often violent dislike of anyone that isn't the same as them, be they unsuspecting shoppers, foreign students, gays, etc. When his world collides with Olivier, a student he rescues from a pointless beating, he encounters a lifestyle that presents as many new experiences as it does obstacles.
The incredible true story of how an orphaned Jamaican baby, adopted by an elderly white couple and brought up in an all white area of London, became one of the most feared and respected men in Britain.
덩치도 좋고 싸움도 잘하는 ‘칼튼’은 악명 높은 훌리건이자 나이트클럽 경호원이다. 술과 폭력에 취해 살던 그는 사업 확장을 위해 마약 판매상 ‘토니’와 손을 잡게 된다. ‘칼튼’은 시간이 지날수록 마약 조직 간의 전쟁에 깊이 뛰어들게 되고 가족과 친구들마저 위험에 처하게 되는데...
A look at the controversial riot cops unit, told through the stories of three veteran cops and a young recruit.
Four policemen go undercover and infiltrate a gang of football hooligans hoping to route out their leaders. For one of the four, the line between 'job' and 'yob' becomes more unclear as time passes . . .
Former bootlegger Remy Marco has a slight problem with forclosing bankers, a prospective son-in-law, and four hard-to-explain corpses.
Set in the 1980s, Dom is a teenager who finds himself drawn into the charismatic world of football 'casuals,influenced by the firm's top boy, Bex. Accepted by the gang for his fast mouth and sense of humor, Dom soon becomes one the boys. But as Bex and his gang clash with rival firms across the country and the violence spirals out of control, Dom realizes he wants out - until he learns it's not that easy to simply walk away.
After fighting for their country in the Army, friends Chris and Johnny return to South London only to find their home town has changed beyond recognition. With no jobs the two join local gangs, work their way to the top and become feared hooligan bosses. The only thing that can top war, and threaten friendships, is money and power, but who will stand their ground and come out on top in the violent and bloody battle between North and South?
Casual football hooligan Mike Jacobs is going nowhere in life when he meets old friend Eddie Hill at a football match that turns nasty off the pitch. Under Eddie’s tutelage he soon finds himself inducted into the world of credit card fraud, where organised gangs withdraw hundreds of thousands of pounds from cash machines every night. As Mike becomes seduced by the money and women that come with his new lifestyle, the dangers increase and he soon finds events spiralling beyond his control.
A retired couple, Bernard and Helen Martin, inherit a house in rural France. Bernard's father had liberated this same village from the Nazis during the Second World War, in a rage-fueled killing spree. This peaceful couple quickly become the target of a cruel gang of street kids, who terrorise the village. Plugged into their devices and devoid of empathy, they are a new breed of technological psychopath... Bernard and Helen's lives become a living hell as they are harassed and tormented by the gang. When pushed beyond breaking point, right or wrong no longer matters, survival is everything! Can Bernard live up to his father's legend? And could they live with the consequences? This is the old generation vs the new!
Through the socio-political overview of the problematic structure of fan clubs and football supporters in Serbia, this movie focuses on a particular case of an incident involving a French citizen - football fan in Belgrade, which led to 12 young people being convicted to 240 years of prison. One of them is Stefan Velickovic. This is the story about the man who became a part of a huge political scandal, and his right to defend himself. As someone who has not even been at the spot of the incident, he has been pronounced guilty of a crime. What are the interests and intentions for making Stefan a scapegoat?
A bar fight leaves up-and-coming professional footballer Andy injured and out of the game. Needing money to support his pregnant wife and himself, he buys an ice cream van and gets to work. When a gang of Polish drug runners starts to irritate him, he joins a British gang involved in football hooliganism for protection.
Growing up on an estate filled with drugs, guns and football hooligans isn t easy for Justin. When he starts hanging out with a nasty gang headed by loud-mouthed drug dealer Kevin he is persuaded to beat up an innocent bystander just for kicks and starts to enjoy the hooligan lifestyle...