Christine Gwosdz

참여 작품

The Pizza Joint
Art Direction
In the town of Greensville, where cannabis is recently legal, Thomas and Anthony run the best pizza joint in town, Phu-King Pizza! They have a deal in place with ex-dealer-turn-business-man, Playa Playa, to use his most coveted strain, "Jamaican Goddess," and infuse it directly in to the pizza sauce. Just as business is looking up, they discover on pay day that the $20k owed to Playa Playa has been stolen. The duo, along with their band of misfit employees, are given until midnight to pay the debt... or else.
옐로우 로즈
Art Direction
미국의 작은 텍사스 마을에 살고 있는 필리핀 소녀 로즈가 컨트리 가수로서의 꿈을 이루기 위해 수많은 역경과 싸워가는 이야기를 그린 작품으로 주인공 로즈는 꿈을 위해 떠나거나, 가족을 위해 남거나 하는 결정의 기로에 서게 된다