바딤은 우크라이나 키예프에 사는 25세의 작곡가이자 음향녹음가다. 우크라이나에서 많은 좌절을 겪은 바딤은 카파르티아 산맥을 따라 이동하는 동물들의 소리를 녹음하는 일을 맡게 되면서, 꿈에 그리던 캐나다에서 새 출발을 할 수 있는 기회를 얻는다. 하지만 이 일을 함께할 파트너가 그의 어머니가 되면서 상황은 예상치 못하게 흘러간다.
When Andrey was 12 years old he could easily hang on a basketball hoop. When he was 14 he could not fit into the photo. Now he is 22 years old and 207 cm height. Being tall is always a trouble. But being tall is not the main trouble of Andrey.
When Andrey was 12 years old he could easily hang on a basketball hoop. When he was 14 he could not fit into the photo. Now he is 22 years old and 207 cm height. Being tall is always a trouble. But being tall is not the main trouble of Andrey.
When Andrey was 12 years old he could easily hang on a basketball hoop. When he was 14 he could not fit into the photo. Now he is 22 years old and 207 cm height. Being tall is always a trouble. But being tall is not the main trouble of Andrey.
What if Rocky Balboa was a Polish girl, with a speech impediment and only 152 cm tall, dreaming to study at a theatrical university in Kyiv? Meet Veronika Kleshnia – she will teach you how to become successful.
What if Rocky Balboa was a Polish girl, with a speech impediment and only 152 cm tall, dreaming to study at a theatrical university in Kyiv? Meet Veronika Kleshnia – she will teach you how to become successful.