Joost Prinsen

Joost Prinsen

출생 : 1942-06-09, Vught, Noord Brabant, Netherlands

프로필 사진

Joost Prinsen

참여 작품

Herrie in huize Gerri
Radio Host
Absurd comedy about a lonely man who lives in a cuckoo clock.
The Hope Affair is the story of the fascinating affair between an impassioned woman in the midst of an attack on a conservative male bastion and an éminence grise from that same men’s world. An affair that pitches head against heart. An affair that completely spins out of control. And that can be quite funny.
Het Bombardement
Vincent's Grandfather
A thrilling love story between the young boxer Vincent and the German Eva, who soon has to marry with the middle-aged Dirk to save her family. While the war starts in the Netherlands their impossible love inflames. May 14, 1940, the day that the centre of Rotterdam is bombed and the young lovers lose sight of each other.
Willem Wilmink: Dichter in de Javastraat
A documentary about the life and work of the Dutch poet and lyricist Willem Wilmink (1936-2003).
Willem Wilmink: Dichter in de Javastraat
A documentary about the life and work of the Dutch poet and lyricist Willem Wilmink (1936-2003).
To Anna
In the near future, a man wants to pick up his daughter from school. From the doorkeeper onwards, he is asked about his date of birth, his job, the situation at home. 'Regulations, sir. We can't just let anybody in.' In the strange office block, he is sent from one staff member to the next; all answers are entered on a touch screen. The man reacts with growing irritation - he only wants to collect his kid.
This movie is about a few students who get dropped in a forrest and this virus breaks free. Zombies, stupid blonde girls, deep dark forrest, lots of gore, lots of guns, lots of fun!
The Rage of the Whole World
Inspecteur Graswinckel
In Raging of the whole world are the turbulent early years of Alexander Goudveyl central. The story of Alexander's childhood is also the history of an era, the fifties and sixties, and a never solved murder case. Murder goes back to an authentic incident: in 1956, right before Christmas, a policeman was shot in broad daylight in Maassluis during a large-scale evangelistic campaign. The film also plays a failed escape attempt with a herring trawler involved in the turbulent days of May 1940.
80 VARA Toppers!
VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You still remember Dorus with his mouse trap? Or the "Kopspijkers" cabaret with the song "One Day Fly", Theo Maassen with his farewell speech of Henk van den Tillaart or Harry Vermegen and Henk Spaan with Popie Jopie? That's all on this DVD, and more!
Muziek: Harry Bannink
This documentary explores the life and life of Harry Bannink, an important Dutch composer for theatre and television.
The 18.10 Train
Onno (30) applies for a dream job as curator in Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum. He makes it through to the last round with the arrogant yuppie Alex. The younger and self-assured Alex seems to have a better chance of getting the job and Onno will not tolerate that. A few days before the last interview, he kidnaps his opponent and locks him up in a remote cottage that his girlfriend has just inherited near a railway line. As soon as he gets the job, he releases his victim. Three years later - Onno now lives together and has a son - he is a successful curator at the Rijksmuseum and needs an assistant. While interviewing applicants, he is confronted with Alex, now blind in one eye.
The Son of Louis Davids
Wil Boldy
Recording of the musical by Gerben Hellinga en Jacques Klöters, written in celebration of Louis Davids' 100th birthday.
Thomas en Senior op het Spoor van Brute Berend
Als Senior op een dag wat doelloos door de stad slentert, wordt zijn aandacht getrokken door slopers die een oud pand neerhalen. Tussen het puin ontdekt Senior een oud scheepsmodelletje. Hij neemt het mee naar huis en begint met het bestuderen van oude scheepsjournalen en zeekaarten. Thomas toont ook belangstelling en voordat hij het weet belandt hij samen met zijn vrienden en Senior in een nieuw avontuur.
Martijn en de Magiër
Martijn krijgt weinig aandacht van zijn ouders, die een dorpsbazaar drijven, en is veel op zichzelf aangewezen. Hij heeft fantasie genoeg, maar kan niet voldoen aan de verwachtingen die men van hem heeft. Als hij blijft zitten op school, is de boot aan. Alleen opa in het bejaardenhuis begrijpt hem en luistert naar zijn verhalen. Als er een filmploeg in zijn woonplaats neerstrijkt om een sprookjesfilm op te nemen, wordt Martijn tot hoofdrolspeler gekozen en opa krijgt de rol van tovenaar.
The Mantle of Love
De Mantel der Liefde is a bizarre, over the top and at times hilarious settling of scores with the Catholic Church, commercial movie culture and 1970's petit bourgeois Dutch culture in general.
Peter en de Vliegende Autobus
Young Peter has a difficult time adjusting at school having been confined to a wheelchair after an accident. He still wants to participate in the school outing and play and wants to come up with a way to make the play actors 'fly' like fairies. By chance the local inventor Quirinus Drijfhout and his son Felix have just perfected their 'Zerostraler', a machine that can make any object float in mid air.
사랑을 위한 죽음
Police officer
젊은 조각가 에릭은 히치 하이킹을 통해 부유한 젊은 여인 올가의 차에 동승한다. 바지 지퍼에 자신의 성기가 끼는 작은 해프닝으로 그들은 교통 사고까지 낸다. 간신히 수습한 그들은 어느새 열렬히 사랑하는 사이로 발전한다. 이들의 사랑은 도가 지나칠 정도로 급속도로 진행되고 결국 결혼하게 된다. 하지만 이들의 사랑을 지지해 주던 올가의 아버지가 세상을 떠나자, 속물인 올가의 어머니가 둘 사이를 방해한다. 어느 날, 에릭은 주문을 받아 모자상을 조각하지만, 정작 작품의 모델이 됐던 올가와 그는 제막식에 참가 금지를 당한다. 화가 난 에릭은 위선적이고 속물스런 중산층의 식탁에 올라가 난동을 피운다. 영원할 것 같았던 그들의 사랑은 불쾌한 그림 한 점으로 깨어지고, 에릭은 올가를 다시 만나기 위해 노력하지만 번번히 헛탕을 친다. 시간이 많이 흐른 후, 에릭은 간신히 그녀를 만난다. 그녀에 대한 그리움과 함께 오해, 질투, 사랑, 미움이 뒤섞인 감정 때문에 폭력적인 환상을 맛본다. 하지만 이미 그녀는 뇌종양에 걸려 있어서 그의 열정에도 불구하고 죽고 마는데...