Karlijn Sileghem

Karlijn Sileghem

출생 : 1965-09-21,

프로필 사진

Karlijn Sileghem
Karlijn Sileghem
Karlijn Sileghem

참여 작품

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines and ketamine. An epic mix capable of knocking a rhino off its paws, but it’s also a potentially lethal cocktail that sends River to the emergency room after his best buddy Donny committed suicide. But like a Phoenix rising after a thorough stomach pump, River is alive and well! Not quite in Olympic form, but still far from six feet under. Determined to trade all that chemical crap for tofu and alfalfa seeds, River joins a support group to dig up his past, like any good cocaine addict worthy of the name. Except that his path to sobriety is everything but smooth, as River is regularly haunted in his sleep by Donny. A ghost, a living dead, an apparition, a hallucination, call it what you want but it’s definitely not real. But Donny keeps on jabbering about some strange promise, one which River hasn’t kept…
When André, a 54-year-old truck driver, catches the homeless teenager Thierry in a burglary, an unusual but deep friendship develops between two wandering souls. Together they go in search of Thierry’s mother, who he has never known.
챔피언: 중독된 승리
Young Felix grows up as an inside spectator at cycling races, a bizarre environment where violence and drugs seem to reign. Following his father's footsteps, Felix discovers that his body is not made for the game.
Sinterklaas en de wakkere nachten
Who's keeping the citizens of a Belgian provincial town out of their sleep? Is it Santa Clause?
Mother Thomas
한여름 열기 속의 벨기에와 네덜란드 국경 지역 작은 마을. 십 대 여덟 명의 일상은 무료하기 짝이 없다. 장난삼아 서로에게 짓궂은 행동을 일삼던 그들은 어느덧 더 짜릿한 자극을 원하게 되고, 질풍노도 청소년기의 왕성한 성적 호기심은 그들을 더욱 위태로운 게임으로 몰아넣는다. 치기 어린 장난으로 시작된 이들의 행동은 성매매와 협박, 갈취, 폭력에 이르는 범죄행각으로 발전한다. 르네 엘러의 데뷔작 는 최근 전 세계적으로 문제시되는 청소년 범죄를 가까이 들여다보지만, 주인공들의 행동을 분석하거나 그 이유를 찾아 설득하는 데는 관심이 없다. 결손가정 출신이라거나 학대의 경험을 가졌다는 둥 뉴스를 통해 흔히 등장하는 원인이나, 이들의 행동에 대한 규범적, 법리적 해석 등은 등장하지 않는다. 대신 영화는 범죄적 행동들을 서슴없이 자행하는 아이들의 태도와 심리, 그리고 그저 장난일 뿐인 행동들이 순식간에 끔찍한 범죄로 발전하는 그 독특한 동학과 리듬에 주목한다. 그 흐름 속에서, 설명할 수 없는 이들의 행동은 섬뜩함을 넘어 우리 스스로와 주변을 반추해보는 어떤 순간을 던져준다. (박진형/2018년 제23회 부산국제영화제)
Heroes Above All
After their latest video goes viral, four friends head to a luxury resort in the Ardennes to celebrate. But their new fame may affect their friendship.
The struggle between two generations and its thin line between trust, friendship and betrayal.
Mixed Kebab
Ibrahim chooses to fall for young and handsome Kevin over marrying his cute but expensive cousin Elif while kid brother Furkan converts to Islamic fundamentalism.
아스타 라 비스타
Lisbet - Lars' Mom
한 번도 못 해본(?) 세 친구 ‘필립’, ‘라스’, ‘요제프’. 똑 닮은 세 친구는 유일한 목표(!)를 이루기 위해 가족 몰래 생애 첫 여행을 계획한다. 동선 체크부터 맛집 탐색, 숙소 예약까지… 모든 준비는 완벽해 보였다! 그.러.나. 여행 시작부터 계획은 틀어지고 당황한 세 친구의 갈등은 점점 깊어져만 가는데… 벨기에에서 스페인까지, 세 친구의 위험천만한 여행은 과연 성공할 수 있을까? 11월 19일, 우리도 간다! 우리도 한다!
Dokter Mermans
A frank and funny romantic comedy set in Antwerp, filmed in a quirkily inventive style, Madly in Love has a lot to say about human relationships. It focuses on the four women of the Miller family: teen daughter Eva, her mother Judith, aunt Barbara and older half-sister Michelle, as they work their way through the chaos called love. The result is a roller coaster ride of first crushes, lust, affairs, baby fever, and indestructible love. The four women are beautiful, courageous and sensible, but are also sometimes a bit lost. Can their male counterparts handle this dangerous cocktail of determination and female hormones?
Teacher Rob Dekoster is a good man, albeit a bit too frivolous and liberal with funds the local arts center's interim director. His wife Nelle, who sometimes abuses drugs, spoils his ingrate teenage stepdaughter Sandy, who is kind only to her sweet, mentally handicapped brother, Jimmy Vandevyver. After a class on sexual abuse from feminist teacher Lydia De Beule, Sandy pretends Rob abused her. Lydia, Rob's ex, eagerly helps her fabricate 'proof', which a female police commissioner eagerly believes. A frustrated judge (and father) shamelessly ignores the legal benefit of the doubt, even tricks Rob while in jail. Nelle discovers more then one sick truth.
Marie Antoinette Is Not Dead
Vivienne van Rapenburg
A modern Marie-Antoinette falls in love with Frédérique, but is obliged to marry King Louis XVI.
'Tot ziens!'