Eldar Karkhalev

출생 : 1978-07-27, Astrakhan, USSR (Russia)

참여 작품

Год рождения
Production Design
The dreamer Philip is full of wild and utopian ideas. But the pregnancy of his girlfriend Marina forces him to "grow up" dramatically: to find a stupid job, to give up ridiculous fantasies. However, in this form, he is unloved and no one needs. As a result, difficult childbirth makes it clear: one cannot do without his imagination.
Production Design
An unprecedented epidemic of rabies is breaking out in the taiga. Infected wolves become more and more ferocious, and even the slightest bite brings certain death. At the same time, a desperate father decides to forcibly isolate his son in one of the hunting lodges in order to save him from addiction. Soon, he and several local residents will have to fight not only with a rabid pack, but also with the most dangerous predator of the forest.
V2. Escape from Hell
Production Design
Mikhail Devyatayev, a captured Soviet pilot who leads an escape from a German concentration camp by hijacking an aircraft.
Rag Union
Production Design
The life of the ordinary teenager Vania changes when he makes the acquaintance of three strange guys. Sportsmen, hooligans, dreamers – they call themselves “Rag Union” and believe that they can change the world. Enchanted by his new friendship, Vania puts them up at his dacha and tries to become part of their grand organization. But the neighbour girl Sasha has her own plans with this company.
The Best Day Ever
Production Design
For a successful Road Patrol Service officer time to start a family, but he lives with his mother. When Petia decides to propose Olya marriage, his official car crashes into drunken pop star.
전자 구름 아래에서
Production Design
러시아혁명 100주년인 2017년을 배경으로 푸틴식 전체주의가 만연한 러시아의 초상을 그리고 있다. 이 장엄한 부조리극은 블랙코미디와 잔혹드라마를 오가며 정형화된 형식을 거부한다.
Bite the Dust
Production Design
A village so small all the residents not only knows each other, but also can easily recognize the neighbor's cow face a frightful news. It was announced on TV that the most powerful coronal mass ejection in the Earth's history would take place. Humankind has only 24 hours left. The world runs mad in different ways getting ready for the apocalypse, and a unique local scenario of waving the life goodbye is inverted in the village. Tables are put together, pies are baked, and some gather strength and courage to make the most important decisions of their lives... But what about the doomsday? It just doesn't arrive. Oops, got it wrong! The situation is heating up. Everybody realize they can't go on as they did before.
시베리아 횡단열차 : 대탈주
Production Design
제 2차 세계 대전 직후, ‘세상의 끝’이라 불리는 소련 외곽의 마을에 부임해 온 전쟁 영웅 이그낫은 독일인 아이를 키우는 러시아 엄마, 가족을 잃고 숲에서 숨어 살아온 독일 소녀를 만나게 된다. 소련군이 독일인들을 잡아가려 하자, 이그낫과 마을사람들은 숲속에 버려진 기차를 이용해 목숨을 건 대탈주를 감행한다.
The Golden Mean
Production Design
페이퍼 솔져
Production Design
다니엘은 최초의 소련 우주비행사들의 건강관리를 담당한 이상주의 성향을 지닌 의사이다. 우주여행 프로젝트의 안전과 윤리에 대한 다니엘의 걱정은 그의 개인사와 맞물려 연인 베라와의 관계까지 의심하게 만든다.