Celine Alva

참여 작품

The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One
A collection of rogues must gather information on a mysterious extra-dimensional threat to the galaxy in the 43rd century, and prepare a defense while fending off the first wave of attacks from horrific beings.
Stay Out
A group of friends on spring break driving through rural Florida breakdown in a mysterious, seemingly racist town where people are disappearing and returning as mind-controlled zombie slaves with an insatiable thirst for blood.
Brass Knuckles
Two brothers separated by two worlds.
Sick Minded
Special agent Martinez investigates a string of missing girls in south Florida, but when one of the victims is the Ambassador's daughter, the pressure rises in finding the kidnapper before it's too late.
The Blonde Hair Murders
Private Investigator Daniel Benito has the arduous task of attempting to solve the case of several blonde girls, all the while dealing with his own personal dilemma of losing his wife, after sleeping with his co-worker. But the infamous blonde hair murders case does get solved, but not before coming in contact with some very seedy, unseemingly situations.
Summer  of  my Discontent
Ella didn't believe in true love. But the summer before high school, love came looking for her; forcing Ella to decide whether to accept it or turn her back on a chance for true happiness.
Evils  of a  Foster Child
Josie Sawyer
미들 스쿨: 꼰대 길들이기
Student (uncredited)
새 학교로 전학을 오게 된 레이프. 첫 날부터 수 많은 교칙 위반으로 교장에게 찍혔다! 교장은 레이프의 창의력이 담긴 노트를 폐기처분하고 레이프는 교장에게 피의 복수를 선언한다! 교장의 교칙 노트 파괴 작전! 작전1. 학교 벨 방귀 소리로 바꾸기! 작전2. 교장 모자에 핫핑크 염색약 바르기! 작전3. 시험지 바꿔치기! 시작은 미미하나 그 끝은 창대하리니~! 넘사벽 꼰대 길들이기... 성공 할 수 있을까?