Jackie Curtis

Jackie Curtis

출생 : 1947-02-19, New York, New York

사망 : 1985-05-15


Jackie Curtis was a pioneer transgender film star, poet, playwright, and Warhol Superstar.

프로필 사진

Jackie Curtis

참여 작품

(archive footage)
할리우드는 트랜스 커뮤니티에 어떤 영향을 끼쳤을까. 그 빛과 그늘을 조명하는 다큐멘터리. 선도적인 트랜스 창작자와 사상가들이 진솔한 견해와 분석을 들려준다.
Beautiful Darling
Self (archive footage)
James Rasin's documentary “Beautiful Darling” honors American Transgender actress and best-known Warhol Superstar, Candy Darling, and her all-too-brief life and career, with a combination of current and vintage interview material, rarely seen archival photos and footage, and extracts from Darling's movies.
Andy Warhol's Factory People... Inside the Sixties Silver Factory
Takes an in-depth look at the lives and times of the people who hung out with Andy Warhol and "worked" at the Silver Factory during the Sixties, making it all click as a new counter-culture arose and began to exert its influence throughout the arts.
Superstar in a Housedress: The Life and Legend of Jackie Curtis
Herself (archive footage)
Andy Warhol described Jackie Curtis as “A pioneer without a frontier.” In this biographical documentary, Curtis’s co-workers and friends speak of her work and her influence, along with clips from Curtis’s Warhol films as well as never-before-seen footage from her stage shows.
The Cockettes
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about the gender-bending San Francisco performance group who became a pop culture phenomenon in the early 1970s.
Burroughs: The Movie
An exploration of Burroughs’ life story, as told by Burroughs himself along with many of his contemporaries, including Allen Ginsberg, Brion Gysin, Francis Bacon, Herbert Huncke, Patti Smith, Terry Southern, and William Burroughs Jr.
A Coupla White Faggots Sitting Around Talking
Critic Gary Indiana wrote this satire and plays Dom, a rich, naive and young homosexual who moves into his sister's apartment. He immediately becomes involved with the lives of his quirky new neighbors. Rippley (Taylor Meade) is the chatty but depressed author and talk show host. Dominatrix Mavis (Cookie Mueller) drops by to visit or ask for child sitting favors when free from the demands of her kinky clients. Jackie Curtis plays Buddie, the handsome hunk who picks up Dom in a local bar, and Geoffrey Carey is the Angel of Death who carefully watches over all activity. (IMDb)
Underground U.S.A.
The Room-mate
The Sunset Blvd. of underground cinema, and a suitably ambivalent retrospect on the star-game casualties of New York's upper depths, with Patti Astor statuesquely hysterical as a 20-year-old Norma Desmond, made up to recall Edie Sedgwick and surrounded by Warhol's lost children. We've been here before, but without the hindsight: a camera cruise along a hustler's meat-rack, kitchen-talk over cold canned spaghetti, Taylor Mead grimacing in a spastic dance, the silent stud a sullenly passive observer. Mitchell's ear for campy native wit and eye for figures in a loft-scape happily keep at bay the otherwise contagious NY ennui.
Michel Auder’s Jesus – in which underground NY artists and Warhol superstars openly discuss their beliefs. Jesus – which premiered as a screening at The Kitchen in 1980 – mixes documentary elements such as footage of evangelical TV programs, books, cartoons, paintings, and other Jesus related imagery – with performances including Taylor Mead as a priest in the West Village and Florence Lambert playing a crucified Jesus. Also, intercut throughout are surprisingly candid interviews with Auder’s friends, family, and people he approaches on New York City streets about their faith and relationship to the world’s most famous person. Among those interviewed are Diego Cortez, Jackie Curtis, Gerard Malanga, Alice Neel (Andrew Neel’s grandmother), Larry Rivers, and Viva.
Andy Warhol
With a rambling, unstructured style that echoes Andy Warhol’s own approach to filmmaking, this documentary profiles his career, showing him to be a brilliant manipulator, dedicated voyeur and person of astute commercial judgment.
Women in Revolt
Three women join a militant feminist group, P.I.G. (Politically Involved Girls), but their newfound liberation doesn't make them any happier.
WR: 유기체의 신비
Jackie Curtis
이 영화는 크게 세 부분으로 나누어져 있다. 첫째, 시인 큐버크의 전위 예술과도 같은 행위로 이끌어지는 자본주의 문화에 대한 유머러스한 비판. 시인은 뉴욕 시내에서 낡아빠진 철모에 싸구려 장난감 소총을 들고 활보한다. 모두가 비웃으며 지나가지만, 그의 표현은 자본주의의 바탕에 군사적 압제와 힘이 도사리고 있음을 암시한다. 둘째, 독일 공산주의자인 동시에 프로이트의 제자였던 정신 분석학자 빌헬름 라이히의 일생과 업적에 관한 다큐멘터리 같은 필름. 실상 이 영화의 가장 핵심은 빌헬름 라이히이다. 그는 인간의 발랄한 성적 표현과 쾌락을 통해서 모든 정신적, 정치적 억압을 벗고 진정한 자유로움을 단숨에 얻을 수 있다고 강조했다. 금욕적인 공산주의 진영과 역시 청교도적인 자본주의 진영(특히 미국) 모두에서 배척당해 철저한 이단아가 되었지만, 그후 6,70년대 성해방을 거치며 그의 주장은 새롭게 재해석되었던 것이다. 그의 이론의 핵심은 우주에 존재하는 '오르곤' 에너지를 섹스를 통해 흡수한다는 것인데, 동양의 기(氣)나 도교의 성(性)과 매우 유사하다. 셋째, 유고에서 벌어지는 성과 정치의 변증법에 관한 마카베예프의 주장이다. 솔직한 충동과 마음을 거부하는 위선적인 삶을 살지 말고, 자유로움을 구가하며 표현하는 것이 심신 모두에 좋다는 이야기다. 이 이야기는 한 여공의 힘찬 연설로 진행되는데, 마치 그녀의 연설을 뒷받침하기라도 하듯 뒷방에서는 한창 그녀의 친구와 애인이 섹스에 열중하는 모습을 번갈아 보여준다. 그리고 어느 날 그 여공은 우연히 만난 남자와 섹스를 나누다가 쾌락에 너무 취한 나머지 두려움 속에서 그가 휘두른 스케이트날에 목이 잘려 죽고 만다. 그러나 칙칙한 살인 사건으로 흐르는 대신에 참회의 노래를 부르며 새로운 날을 기약하는 남자를 그녀는 미소로 용서한다.
The Stone Age
Richard Nixon
"The question is, it is either going to be a stoned age or a new Stone Age" - Louis Brigante
A heroin junkie works as a prostitute to support his habit and fund an abortion needed by the girlfriend of his lesbian wife. His seedy encounters with delusional and damaged clients, and dates with drag queens and hustlers are heavy on sex, drugs and decadence.
더 퀸
In 1967, New York City is host to the Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant. This documentary takes a look behind the scenes, transporting the viewer into rehearsals and dressing rooms as the drag queen subculture prepares for this big national beauty contest. Jack/Sabrina is the mistress of ceremonies, and their protégé, Miss Harlow, is in the competition. But, as the pageant approaches, the glamorous contestants veer from camaraderie to tension.