Kate is on a plane taking Warren, her 18 year old Torres Strait Islander foster son, to meet Flo, his birth mother, who is gravely ill in hospital in Brisbane. Flo hasn't seen Warren since she took him to the hospital on Thursday Island when he was a toddler and the white authorities took him away. But as Warren, Flo and Kate all prepare themselves for the reunion, unbeknown to them, Kate's Brisbane based parents, Keith and Dellmay, are planning a different kind of reunion.
Earnest Vinnie
How long does it take before the abnormal seems normal? Death, love and family values are all up for re-negotiation in this dark and unusual black comedy about a girl trying to start a new life for herself after the loss of her mother.
Warren steps out of prison and straight into a self-help group whose idea of therapy is to play board games. But if he has to humour these weirdos so the cops will leave him alone while he does a 'job' for a mate on the inside, then 'roll the dice...'
Cameron Wright
A successful Australian writer discovers he has cancer and returns home to Melbourne to be with his estranged wife and daughter.
호주의 핵폐기시설에 근무하던 하인리히(Heinrich: 로스 톰슨 분)는 어느날 지진으로 일어난 사고로 방사능에 오염되어 생명을 사흘밖에 더 부지할 수 없는 상태에 이른다. 이 사고로 인해 인근 전지역이 방사능에 오염될 처지에 이르렀음에도 불구하고 회사측은 하인리히의 경고를 무시하고 이 사실을 은폐하려는데 급급하게 된다. 이 상황을 감지한 하인리히는 아픈 몸을 이끌고 회사에서 도주하다 일시적인 기억상실증에 걸려 정신을 잃게 되어 휴가중인 스필슨 부부의 도움을 받게 된다. 하인리히의 신원을 알아내지 못한 이들 부부는 경찰에 이 사실을 신고하기로 결정하나 오히려 신고하러간 남편이 경찰의 오해로 체포되고 만다. 그러나 다행히 사건 직후 하인리히의 연락을 받고 달려온 친구 이글의 도움으로 사건의 전모를 듣게 되고 둘이 힘을 모아 이 사건을 끊임없이 은폐하기 위해 공작을 펴온 회사측 사람들을 물리치고 이 사건을 매스컴에 폭로하여 전국민을 방사능의 오염으로부터 보호한다.
A young photographer Simon Jess (David Cameron) is given an assignment to shoot some backgrounds for a fashion display in the Snowy Mountains.
Paddington is one of Sydney's oldest suburbs, which has developed somewhat along the lines of New York's Greenwich Village or London's Chelsea and has become Sydney's artist colony. This is a fully dramatised film, which captures the essence of Paddington, not only by striking visuals of the Old-Sydney architecture in the area, but by re-enacting the mood and lifestyle of some typical, bohemian inhabitants. Scripted by Joan Long. Music by Grahame Bond and Rory O'Donaghue. Starring Ross Thompson, Janne Wesley and Ron Blanchard.
Western by Larry Buchanan.