José María Lado

José María Lado

프로필 사진

José María Lado

참여 작품

Despedida de soltero
A couple of friends, "Carmen" (Silvia Solar) and "Miguel"(Germán Cobos), fail to raise the money needed to marry. These difficulties encouraged the illusion of the boy, who wants a shot leaving for another country. The dreams of "Miguel" are approved and encouraged by "Don Pablo", (Pepe Isbert) musician of the Municipal Band and uncle of Carmen, in his years young was unable to reach them. On the other hand, Carmen lives with his aunt "Antonia" (Matilde Muñoz Sanpedro), which does not speak with his brother "Don Pablo", and whose sole ambition is to see married her niece, because in order to "maid" in the family there is enough with her. But with the arrival in Cádiz of the president of a south American country, everything is going to change course.
Mayor (uncredited)
수녀원에서 생활하던 비리디아나는 수녀가 되기 전 마지막으로 후원자인 아저씨를 방문한다. 후원자는 비리디아나가 신혼 첫날 밤 안타깝게 죽은 아내를 빼닮은 것에 마음이 흔들려 그녀를 잠재워 겁탈을 시도한다. <최후의 만찬>을 패러디한 장면으로 유명한 루이스 부뉴엘의 설명이 필요없는 걸작.
Los económicamente débiles
Presidente del Casamata F.C.
El indulto
Tío de Basilia (uncredited)
Spain, 1906: in a small village and pregnant after having been raped, Antonia is forced to marry the brutal Lucas to save her honor. But the mother of the girl pays Lucas 20,000 reales so that the man will never get any closer to Antonia or the child to be born. The man's bad temper will take him to jail and Antonia will try to remake his life with Pedro, Luca's brother. However, despite how far they may go, the couple are distressed at the prospect of Lucas being pardoned and seeking them after leaving prison.
Queen of the Tabarin Club
In 1913 a family of traveling musicians goes to the house of a rich marquise. Lolita, daughter of one of the musicians, encounters the son of the wealthy lady.
For Men Only
Three Etc.'s and the Colonel
In Spain, during the Napoleonic rule, the French Governor of Andalusia is besieged by the locals who have countless demands and wishes.
Duelo en la cañada
Andalusia, Spain, 1890. The feelings of the famous Creole singer Soledad Chacón are divided between an abusive ex-lover and a new love who is willing to marry her, ignoring the fact that she keeps a dark secret…
With life they made fire
The sailor Quico Carola, alleged war hero of the Francoist side, emigrated to America and amassed a great fortune. Fifteen years later he returns to Ferrera (Asturias), his homeland, in search of a wife who makes him forget his late girlfriend. There he will see his old friends and Armandina, the widow of a Republican shot during the Spanish civil war.
Letter to heaven
Diez fusiles esperan
Posadero primero
During the first Carlist war in the 1830s in Spain a lieutenant falls into the enemy's hands and is arrested. When condemned, he claims he only wanted to see his newborn baby.
Red Cross Girls
Padre de Paloma
Paloma, Isabel, Marion and Julia Madrid are four girls belonging to different social strata, who are preparing to apply for the Red Cross on the flag. The four girls will be sought by many young ...
El aprendiz de malo
The Tenant
Don Fernando
One unlucky day, a married couple with four children get an eviction notice: the building they live in is to be demolished. The family looks desperately for a new home, which is no easy task in Madrid in the fifties.
Roberto el diablo
Llegaron siete muchachas
El fotogénico
Don Demetrio
My Uncle Jacinto
Jefe de la construcción
Jacinto, a former bullfighter who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding he, as agreed a few days before, he should go to a bullfight to be held that evening at Las Ventas. The letter infuriates Jacinto who thinks this is a joke, since he retired from the arena for years, has not signed any contract. When Jacinto is located around the square, picking up cigarette butts that pull the audience, make sure the letter was not a joke, because his name appears on the poster.
La espera
Radio Stories
Don Senen
Three short stories based on radio competitions, all linked by speaker Gabriel and his fiancee. Two inventors who want to patent a piston and need money, a thief who answers a phone call while robbing and a child who needs to go to Sweden for an operation are the protagonists of these stories around the radio.
Nosotros Dos
Carlos Avilés
After the death of her father, María returns to her hometown with Maria, her mother. Lupo and Beto fall in love with her, two brothers whose family is at odds with hers. While Beto tries to rape her, Lupo becomes the girl's protector.
The Island Princess
Alto prelato
1470. The Canary Islands try to resist the Spanish invaders. Their inhabitants are divided, their chief and his daughter Guayarmina (for whom a Spanish officer has fallen in love) wanting the peace, while the priest and resistance leader are for war. After several battles the islanders are chased to Tirma mountain by the Spanish army.
El mensaje
El milagro del sacristán
Dr. Posada
Carlos goes to visit his girlfriend Juana at the asylum where she works. Once there, the director introduces him to his niece, who is obsessed with playing the harp, and to a nurse who repeats word for word what Carlos says.
The Lovers of Toledo
Toledo, 1825. To save her fiancé, an opponent of the regime, the beautiful Inès agrees to marry the chief of police.
La laguna negra
In a village in the mountains of Urbión, brothers John and Martin, driven by greed and abetted by Candelas, Martin's wife, kill his father and sink the body in the Black Lagoon. His wife and one daughter of the victim does not know anything. In the village would get missing. However, from now weigh a curse on the land for which they have committed the crime, predicting each year misfortunes and bad harvests.
The Great Galeoto
Don Julio Villamil
A young musician and dreamy, called "Ernesto", is forced to live in Madrid to die his father, in the house of executor of the testament, "don Julio Villamil", who is married to actress Teresa Labisbal, of which "Ernesto Acedo" was enamored platonic. Although the conduct of the young is flawless, a third person causes slander which oblige "don Julio" to fight in mourning to death.
La señora de Fátima
The story of the 1917 miracle of Fatima, in which the Virgin Mary appeared to three children--two girls and one boy..
Black Crown
Sr. Russell
A woman suffers from amnesia after killing her husband, who was just about to demand a divorce for having found her engaging in an affair with a lover, who is only interested in her to find where some precious jewels are hidden.
Black Jack
A man who lost everything in the war now smuggles contraband into and out of Spain, but the law's closing in.
Sin uniforme
Noventa minutos
London, England, World War II. During a bombing, several people are trapped in the basement of a building where the air will run out in only ninety minutes…
El capitán de Loyola
Las aguas bajan negras
During the first Carlist war, Beatriz, daughter of an Isabeline colonel, secretly marries a Carlist captain who gets killed. Years later she returns to Rubiercos, an Asturian lost hamlet where she left her daughter, to find a troubled village where traditional rural lifestyle is threatened by the emerging coal mining industry and a new way of life darkening the river waters.
Un viaje de novios
The Captain's Ship
Master Barroso
Port of Seville, Spain, 1640. A group of people from very different origins embark on the ship Capitana. They are members of the upper class, adventurers, peasants, convicts, who have only one thing in common: the illusion of arriving in America, the promised land where they can make their dreams and ambitions come true.
Mariona Rebull
padre de Joaquín
Barcelona, Spain, at the end of the 19th century. Joaquín Rius, a prominent businessman, marries the young Mariona Rebull. Their apparent happiness is overshadowed by the arrival of Ernesto Villar, Joaquín's friend and Mariona's former lover.
La sirena negra
Mar abierto
Andrés Vilar
Carmiña, an old Galician woman, tells a painter a story of her youth, when a miracle saved the life of her beloved Antonio.
Audiencia pública
Two women claim the custody of a child, a son of single mother. They have very different social positions: one is a lady of high society, the other is a nurse working at a maternity clinic. Both will face in a public trial.
Cabeza de hierro
The Nail
Alfonso Gutiérrez del Romeral
Spain, late 19th century. Judge Javier Zarco finds in a cemetery a skull pierced by a nail and suspects that a murder has been committed. When he investigates the case in depth, his suspicions fall on the woman who was going to marry the deceased.
Noche fantástica
Camarero tren (uncredited)
Due to a rail accident, the passengers of a train had to be housed in a nearby town while awaiting the arrival of a relief convoy. In the train were traveling Alicia and Paul, a couple who will marry soon, along with her ​​mother, and George, a mature man who looks for a woman he loved. Due to the accident, they will have to spend the night there, where chance lead to a series of events that make the passengers no longer be the same.
Sucedió en Damasco
Levinsky - The Adventurer
In Madrid, during a popular festival, Don Paco, the owner of a freak show called The Palace of Wonders, has to deal with the demands of Levinsky, a sinister character who apparently has something to hide…
Days of Hope
The Peasant
Spanish Civil War, 1937. A platoon of Republican soldiers plans to stop the advance of the rebel troops by bombing a bridge on the road to Zaragoza, near the city of Linás. With the close collaboration of the peasants of the area, the soldiers try to overcome the continuous bombardments and endure the harsh and tireless opposition of the powerful enemy…
The Wicked Carabel
Based on the novel of Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, this comedy where two friends try to become criminals achieved certain recognition.
Curro Vargas
Spanish silent based on the novel by the same name. The story begins in the early nineteenth century in a small town of Granada, after the death of Juan de Vargas, Curro, the son of this is in misery.