Marcelo Carvajal

참여 작품

죽음의 수녀
Rapist Militiaman
어린 시절 기적을 경험한 후, 수녀가 된 나르시사. 전에는 수녀원이었으나 이제는 여학교로 바뀐 곳에 교사로 부임한다.
Noche en Europa
The Europa Park closes its doors. A mysterious dreamy air surrounds each of its corners. Inside are the two workers in charge of cleaning the Trevi Fountain at night.
Teo va al Espacio
Into Nothingness
Miguel is learning to drive with his father. A rite of passage to manhood: They talk about girls and smoke cigarettes while driving through the four streets that make up their world. After an incident, his father leaves. In a world where boundaries are unclear, Miguel seeks his way to nowhere.
Mujer sin hijo
If youth is the most intense stage of life, it is also the farthest Tere can be from herself. In his life, a group of students who rent the apartment opposite enter. They celebrate parties, sleep little and eat badly. Tere welcomes a boy in his house looking for a room to rent. Among them will be created an affinity that, little by little, will come to resemble that of any mother with her child, if it were not for Tere sees him in another way. The invisible life of a woman grown on the margins of others' lives, in collision with a world of shitty curros, hangovers, Tinder ligues and trap music.
Ladrones de cuerpos
Orgullo nacional