Gudrun Henricsson

참여 작품

모차르트 브라더스
한 오페라 감독이 모차르트의 돈 조반니를 매우 파격적인 연출로 내세우려 하지만 출연진과 제작진은 모두 그의 아이디어가 형편없다고 생각한다.
The Smuggler King
It's the early 20s, just after World War I. In Sweden, restrictions on alcohol are harder than most people like and so, smuggling is abundant. In this particular little town, smuggling is ruled by one man, who is the king of smugglers. The smugglers who work for him don't get to keep much of the profit themselves, but if they don't work for him, they get in trouble, which his henchmen make sure. However, Albert Jansson arrives in town and starts taking up the competition with the smuggler king. Meanwhile, the police, together the customs office, try to catch the smugglers.