Mark Cole

참여 작품

Ben Stokes: Phoenix from the Ashes
Executive Producer
From breathtaking highs — a World Cup win, an astonishing last stand in the Ashes, and an inspiring England captaincy — to the lows — a trial for affray, personal tragedy, and mental health challenges, which saw him take time away from the game — the documentary follows Ben Stokes in an honest film about the man behind the extraordinary cricketer.
리버풀 클롭의 숨겨진 우승 스토리
Executive Producer
EPL 리버풀 팀의 감독 위르겐 클롭의 리버풀에서의 성공적인 우승 스토리를 담은 다큐멘터리. 2020년 전 세계를 강타한 COVID-19의 어려움에도 시즌을 우승으로 이끈 그의 놀라운 리더십과 통찰력을 볼 수 있다.
Alan Shearer's Euro 96: When Football Came Home
Executive Producer
Alan Shearer looks back at England's Euro '96 campaign and their eventual defeat on penalties to their arch rivals Germany in the semi-final.