Sound Designer
When a shut-in dies alone and returns as a housebound ghost, he finds himself at the mercy of a world that didn’t even notice he was gone.
Sound Designer
A dark social satire inspired by the real life conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate. An amateur journalist and a far-right militiaman team up to expose the ugly truth behind rumors involving sex cults, a pizza place, and the lizard people.
Boom Operator
A dark social satire inspired by the real life conspiracy theory known as Pizzagate. An amateur journalist and a far-right militiaman team up to expose the ugly truth behind rumors involving sex cults, a pizza place, and the lizard people.
Boom Operator
제2차 세계대전이 시작되자 날이 갈수록 강해지는 나치의 세력을 막기 위해 영국의 수상 ‘윈스턴 처칠’은 여성으로 구성된 비밀 첩보기관을 설립한다. 영국군 정보 관리인 ‘베라 앳킨스’(스타나 카틱)는 장애를 갖고 있지만 도전을 멈추지 않는 미국인 ‘버지니아 홀’(사라 메건 토머스)과 인도 왕조의 후손인 ‘누르’(라디카 압테)를 스파이로 영입한다. 고된 훈련을 성공적으로 완수한 그들은 나치에 맞서기 위해 프랑스로 떠난다!
Mud and Honey tells the story of Maeve and Delilah, a relationship on the brink of change, and what it means to be too close for comfort.
Boom Operator
A man, desperate to make his true love fall for him, turns into a psychopath for her.
Short thriller/horror film about two men and a one-night-stand that goes horribly wrong, where dread builds and builds into inevitable horror.