More action adventure than traditional documentary, Lion Ark follows the world's most ambitious and daring animal rescue, with a narrative meticulously compiled from film, interviews, conversations and the reactions of participants as events actually unfold. A shocking undercover investigation leads to a ban on animal circuses in Bolivia. But the circuses defy the law. The team behind the investigation return, track down the illegal circuses and save every animal. The confrontations, heartache and incredible risks the rescue team face are all captured before a joyous finale sees 25 lions airlifted to freedom in Colorado. An uplifting story of bravery, compassion, camaraderie and determination. How a poor but proud country said 'no' to cruelty and how attitudes to animals were changed across an entire continent.
Dialogue Coach
A good looking, but shy man with a tragically small penis takes a fringe herbal remedy that makes him grow and grow and grow.
Devour the Earth, a 20 minute film about the global consequences of meat consumption.
A trio of robbers, two brothers and their twisted genius leader, invade a lightship, but don't reckon on the crew fighting back.
몬타나의 농장에 사는 열두살난 아놀드(Arnold Hillerman: 제이슨 프레슨 분)는 형 유진(Eugene Hillerman: 딘 케인 분)과 아침 일찍 오리 사냥을 나갔다가 총이 철조망에 걸려 발사되는 바람 에 형을 죽이고 만다. 이 끔찍한 사고는 아놀드에게 책임이 지워지게 되고, 소년은 쇼크를 받아 '돌처 럼 딱딱하게 굳어져' 자신의 내면 속으로 침잠해 들어가 버린다. 졸지에 장남을 잃어버린 아버지 조(Joe Hillerman: 로버트 듀발 분)는 슬픔을 느낄 여유조차 없이 가족을 치유하고 아들과 화해하는데 필요한 힘을 모아야 하지만 자신도 이해할 수 없는 상황에 갇혀 허우적거릴 뿐이다. 가족들은 자신들의 슬픔 뿐 아니라 아놀드에 대한 숨겨진 원망도 극복해야 한다. 소외감을 느끼는 아놀드는 부모들이 기대하는 정도로 슬픔과 죄책감을 표현할 수가 없다. 단지 부드럽 고 현명한 할아버지만이 유일하게 아놀드의 마음을 이해하고 그의 마음을 열려고 노력한다. 할아 버지의 노력으로 아놀드는 차츰 마음을 열어가는데...
School Teacher
From IMDB: Angelo My Love delves into the little understood and fascinating world of New York gypsies. Using real gypsies playing fictional versions of themselves. This critically acclaimed film explores the lifestyle, rites, myths and passions of the tight-knit urban subculture. Twelve year-old Angelo Evans is the street-wise. Charmingly precocious son of a fortune teller. When the boy accuses a sleazy gypsy, Steve "Patalay" Tsigonoff, and his foul-mouthed wife, Millie, of stealing an ancestral ring, he chases them to Canada. Angelo wants the ring for his future bride, Patricia, and nearly disgraces the family to get it back. Along the way, Duvall presents an extraordinary slice of gypsy life, highlighting there music and tribal customs, a wedding and a "kris" - the gypsies' court of justice. His film has a spontaneity and exuberance that make it a one-of-a-kind experience.