Yu-Jun Wang

참여 작품

The Man Who Couldn't Leave
Within the walls of the former Green Island prison, political detainee A-Kuen, tells the stories of imprisonment and persecution happened in the 1950s in Taiwan. Among fellow inmates, frozen in time, he recounts his own experiences and those of his friend, A-Ching, who never made it out. Experience the time and place, and the waiting, in hope, for a chance to keep the stories alive.
깊은 산골 마을에서 증조 외할머니와 함께 살고 있는 한은 어느 날 길에서 죽어가는 참새 한 마리를 발견한다. 마침 그날, 예전에 집을 떠나 도시에 살 고 있는 한의 엄마가 한에게 도시에서 함께 살자고 이야기하는데….