Executive Producer
격찬을 받은 니나 멩키스 감독의 강연 '섹스와 파워: 시네마의 시각 언어'를 바탕으로 제작된 작품이다. 영화의 미장센이 성적 학대, 성폭행, 여성에 대한 고용 차별과 어떻게 교차해왔는지를 흡인력 있게 고찰한다.
Executive Producer
Abigail Disney looks at America's dysfunctional and unequal economy and asks why the American Dream has worked for the wealthy, yet is a nightmare for people born with less. As a way to imagine a more equitable future, Disney uses her family's story to explore how this systemic injustice took hold.
Two cutting-edge scientists give 'birth' to a Neanderthal—the first to walk the earth for some 35,000 years—in order to attempt to answer these questions. Part 'normal' child, part science experiment, William’s 'parents' struggle with the best way to raise him. As William grows toward adulthood, he is educated in the human experiences of love and intimacy. But his primitive impulses begin to emerge the more he tries to conform to human expectations, leading to tragic consequences for him and his loved ones.
Two cutting-edge scientists give 'birth' to a Neanderthal—the first to walk the earth for some 35,000 years—in order to attempt to answer these questions. Part 'normal' child, part science experiment, William’s 'parents' struggle with the best way to raise him. As William grows toward adulthood, he is educated in the human experiences of love and intimacy. But his primitive impulses begin to emerge the more he tries to conform to human expectations, leading to tragic consequences for him and his loved ones.
Executive Producer
In the valleys of Appalachia, a battle is being fought over a mountain, the consequences of which affect every American; it's a battle that has taken innocent lives and threatens to take more. It is a battle over protecting our health and environment from the destructive power of Big Coal. Mining and burning coal is at the epicenter of America's struggle to balance its energy needs with environmental and health concerns. Nowhere is that concern greater than in Coal River Valley, West Virginia, where a small but passionate group of ordinary citizens are trying to stop Big Coal corporations, like Massey Energy, from continuing the devastating practice of Mountain Top Removal.
A young single mother of four living in a small Texas town. Arrested during a drug raid and accused of a crime she didn't commit, Dee goes against the wishes of her mother, Alma, and rejects the plea-bargain that would free her from jail, but brand her as a felon for life. As word begins to spread that similar incidents are occurring in poor communities all across the country, Dee realizes that there are more mothers out there like her, and decides to take a stand against powerful district attorney Calvin Beckett. Now, despite being well aware of District Attorney Beckett's fierce reputation, Dee enlists the aid of ACLU attorney David Cohen and former narcotics officer Sam Conroy in overcoming the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that, if not navigated with the greatest of caution, now threaten to destroy her life. With the custody of her children on the line, one brave mother wages a valiant battle to strike at the very heart of the corrupt Texas justice system.
Dolf a 15 year old boy is sent back in time by a timemachine. Accidentally he is sent back to the Middle Ages. He is rescued by children who are part of a childrens' crusade, on their way to rescue Jeruzalem. During the trip Dolf finds out the danger is not coming from outside the crusade, but from within.
Executive Producer
Guy moves to an old farm in Princeton with his wife Jeanne Cooley and their two daughters, Molly and Lucy to build eight windmills to generate clean power to the city. The Cooley family has a cold reception in town, and while voting for the approval of the project, the old woman Gretchen Caswell votes against the construction with many followers and mentions the historic importance of the spot and the name of Martha. Jeanne researches and discloses that two hundred and fifty years ago, a girl called Lucy Keyes got lost in the woods and in spite of the efforts of her mother Martha Keyes and the locals, she was never found. When the ghost of Martha comes to the fields around their property calling for Lucy, Jeanne realizes that the legend is true and that there are many hidden secrets in that location.
Executive Producer
Weaving together natural history and biography, this film is a fascinating exploration into the unique relationship between humans and whales as told by renowned whale biologist and activist Dr. Roger Payne. A pioneer in whale song research, Payne has passionately promoted the protection of these majestic sea creatures for four decades and continues to do so by studying ocean pollution.
An American art appraiser, Patrick Donovan, is sent to Venice to evaluate three paintings belonging to the famous Galleria dell'Accademia.
Executive Producer
Acclaimed Florida novelist Randy Wayne White travels to Cuba with former pitchers Bill "Spaceman" Lee (Boston Red Sox) and Jon Warden (Detroit Tigers), and a band of baseball enthusiasts to find and revive the children's baseball league founded by American writer Ernest Hemingway in the days before Fidel Castro came to power.
A man at a monastery realizes he is a woman.
월트 디즈니의 27번째 만화영화. 이 작품은 흥행면에서 상당히 우수한 성적을 거둔 작품으로서 역시 컴퓨터 그래픽이 많이 개입된 작품입니다. 여기서 컴퓨터 그래픽이라고 하는 것은 컴퓨터가 만든 이미지를 애니메이션에 합성하여 나타나는 것 뿐 아니라, 채색, 셀제작 과정 등에 활용되는 것도 포함하는 것이다. 현대의 인건비 상승이 애니메이션 제작에 압박 요인으로 작용하는 상황에서 이 방법은 제작비를 절감토록 하여 좋은 작품의 개발에 무척 도움을주는 방향으로 작용한다.
이제 디즈니 스튜디오는 흔들거리던 모습을 차츰 재 정비하는 방향으로 나아가고 있었다. 전작인 의 성공을 통해 제작 능력에 대한 자신감을, 으로서 아직 만화영화의 시장에 충분한 잠재력이 존재하고 있음을 확인하였고, 마침내 오랜만에 흥행의 성공작을 만들어 내었다.
찰스 디킨스의 소설을 각색하여 뉴욕을 무대로 바꾸엇다. 고아인 고양이 올리버는 맨하탄의 깡패 다져에게 끌려가 소매치기와 어울리는데 그들의 두목은 악당 페긴이다. 부잣집 딸 제니가 올리버를 데려다자기집에서 키우자, 페긴의 한패인 사이크스가 제니와 올리버를 납치하고친구들이 이들을 구출한다.
페이건은 디킨스의 원작에서 아이들에게 소매치기 훈련을 시키는 것처럼 개들에게 도둑질을 가르치는 사람이다. 이것이 아마도 올리버와 친구들이 올리버 트위스트와 가지는 유일한 공통점일 것이지만, 그것은 큰 문제는 되지 않는다.