Valeriya Lanskaya

Valeriya Lanskaya

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Valeriya Lanskaya
Valeriya Lanskaya
Valeriya Lanskaya

참여 작품

The Bronze Horseman Of Russia
Marie-Anne Collot, Falcone's student
Vasily Livanov’s historical movie carries the viewer back into the 18th century and tells the story of the monument to Peter the Great through Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem «The Bronze Horseman». The sculptor Étienne Maurice Falconet comes from France at the invitation of the Empress Ekaterina the 2nd to erect the monument. Thanks to the master’s meticulous work and painstaking creative search the monument has become not only a masterpiece of art but one of the symbols of Russia.
Квартирник НТВ у Маргулиса. Новогодний выпуск. Незваные гости
Валерия Ланская
The Mystery of Snow Queen
A new interpretation of the most known and beloved fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen - "Snow Queen"
다크 월드: 이퀄리브리엄
원래 다크 월드에서만 볼 수 있는 어둠의 존재 ‘섀도우’는 사람들의 에너지와 감정을 빨아먹으며 기생하는 생물이다. ‘레베데바’는 이 ‘섀도우’를 잡아 다시 다크 월드로 반송하는 임무를 맡는다. 그러나 다크 월드의 포털을 열어 전 인류를 지배하려는 악의 세력들이 점점 더 커져간다. 어둠의 힘으로 인류를 지배하려는 악의 세력에 맞서기 위해 놀라운 힘을 가진 초강력 능력자들이 이제 전쟁을 시작한다.
Autumn leaf
Olga lives with her son and husband Victor, who is constantly cheating on her, drinking and beating her. After another scandal, Olga decides to divorce him. But when a woman, having gained courage, informs her husband about this, he beats Olga so that she ends up in the hospital. Returning, Olga finds out that Victor is arrested.
Ashberry Waltz
They were young, their life was in bloom and their hearts were longing to love.
The New Year's Rate Plan
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...
Glupaya Zvezda
Эля Найденова — круглая сирота. Она выросла в детдоме. Но теперь ей семнадцать — пришло время покидать стены приюта и начинать жить самостоятельно. Директор учреждения советует Эле непременно поступать в педагогический институт, потому что прекрасно знает о незаурядных способностях своей воспитанницы. Но девушка мечтает о карьере певицы. У нее прекрасный голос, и не воспользоваться этим талантом было бы преступлением. Однажды Найденова случайно узнает, что на телевидении совсем скоро будет проходить конкурс вокалистов «Звездные войны», победитель которого получит шанс стать звездой эстрады. На отборочный тур могут прийти все желающие. Наивная и совсем не знающая жизни Эля отправляется покорять столицу. Девушка верит в свои силы и в то, что в шоу-бизнесе все по-честному.
A Hare over the Abyss
Baron's daughter
Once upon a time, in the seventy-first year of the last century, the relived two bureaucrats in Moldova: the First Secretary and the Second Secretary of the Communist party. The Second Secretary was more important than the First Secretary, since he had befriended the Tsar of the whole Soviet Union - Leonid Brezhnev. The Moldovan Republic is preparing for a visit from the great Brezhnev when Lautar, a poor musician, finally gets up the nerve to ask the local gypsy Baron for his daughters hand in marriage. To everyone surprise, the baron gives the couple his blessing, but on one condition: that Lautar acquire Brezhnev's personal limousine as a gift for the bride, and that Brezhnev come to the wedding