Aleksey Bobrov
출생 : 1978-10-17, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Editorial Manager
Odessa, August 1970. A heat wave. The city is full of tourists. Boris, a journalist and foreign affairs specialist, and his eight-year-old son Valeri arrive from Moscow to visit Boris’ in-laws, Grigori Iosifovich and Raisa Irovna Davidov. But on the day of their arrival, Odessa declares a quarantine due to a cholera outbreak, and the city is closed off. Having come for a few days, the son-in-law is plunged into a world changed by serious danger. Family secrets will be disclosed, improbable events happen, and a great forbidden love starts.
Mark Ginzburg is a talented artist who is always depressed. He's 52, but personal and professional success has escaped him. Many years ago, Mark moved from his native Riga to Tel Aviv to get away from his oppressive father, Viktor, who still supports him financially. Victor Ginzburg is a famous conductor. His work is his life. He never cared about Mark's feelings and tried to mold his son in his own image. Their highs and lows turned long ago into a love-hate relationship. More hate than love. Father calls his son by his childhood nickname Birdie, which infuriates the son. Son calls his father Your Majesty, which infuriates the father. After Viktor is diagnosed with a fatal illness, the father and son set off on a difficult journey that leads from hate to love.
In Mira's life, everything is wonderful: she is the owner of a fashion gallery, at home a loving husband awaits. But once on the seashore, a man with amnesia is found who remembers her name. No one knows who he is. It is not in any database. But he knows something about her that only a very close person can know, although Mira has never seen him in her life. The prosperous world of Mira begins to collapse when it turns out that an unknown person spent several years in the Middle East and a real hunt is following him.
카트야 코로예바는 모델이 되기 위해 엄마를 속이고 아부다비로 떠난다. 들뜬 마음도 잠시, 도착 후 자신이 아랍 남자에게 팔려갈 지도 모르는 현실에 직면한다. 하지만 엄마의 집착에서 벗어난 그녀에게는 주위의 모든 것들이 멋져 보이기만 하는데... 새로 사귄 친구들도, 자신을 사갈지도 모르는 아랍 남자도, 물질과 돈, 모든 게 그녀에겐 너무 소중하다. 원하는 것을 얻기 위해 자신의 몸을 내어주는 그녀들이지만 돈에 대한 욕망도 애정에 대한 욕망도 그녀들에겐 너무나 솔직하고 순수한 욕심이다. 비열한 탐욕의 세상에서 당당함을 잃지 않으려는 그녀들이 의지할 수 있는 건 오직 자신과 서로 뿐...
Young and extremely talented dancer Yulya Olshanskaya from a small mining town draws a “happy ticket”: she is noticed by a former ballet dancer Pototsky and he promises her a future of great ballerina, worthy of the main stage of the country. However, in order to become a diamond, anyone, even the most outstanding brilliant, needs to be cut, and the way to the legendary stage of The Bolshoi Theatre for Yulya lies through the walls of the ballet school, where the more capricious teacher Galina Mikhailovna Beletskaya takes custody of the rebellious provincial. Turning into a prima will require incredible self-denial, and Yulya herself will have to make sure that the big ballet is not only the whiteness of the packs, the gold of the boxes and the slip of silk ribbons. But no obstacles will stop the one who has the big dream.
The beginning musician Kostya Potekhin, in order to win the favor of a beautiful girl, agrees to participate in a musical television contest. But you only need to participate with your musical group, which he does not have. Within a few days, he will have to assemble his group, find reliable friends and meet real love.
The beginning musician Kostya Potekhin, in order to win the favor of a beautiful girl, agrees to participate in a musical television contest. But you only need to participate with your musical group, which he does not have. Within a few days, he will have to assemble his group, find reliable friends and meet real love.
В предновогодней московской суете Галина случайно встречает свою первую любовь, бывшего одноклассника Эдуарда. Вспомнив прошлое, они решают встретить Новый Год вместе. Но праздничная ночь принесет много сюрпризов, ведь старые знакомые не торопятся рассказывать друг другу о переменах, произошедших с ними за все эти годы… Эта новогодняя сказка вселяет в людей уверенность, что если не в Новогоднюю ночь, так в Новом Году они обязательно встретят свою половинку!
Kir, Leya, Dasha and Max are student. Almost every experience is for a first time to them - first love, first disappointment, first betrayal...
18 directors, 18 novels, 18 short stories about Moscow...
Near future. Human-like robots are in open market. Sveta acquires a nice Robot to solve her personal problems. Robot is tuned up automatically to fit the owner's character. But she is on her way to know who she truly needs.
Three young guys are spending their days and nights trying to pick up as many girls as possible.
철의 장막을 배경으로 하는 러시아판 '헤어 스프레이'. 스탈린이 죽은 지 2년이 지난 1955년. 흐루시초프가 가져온 해빙의 분위기도 젊은이들이 미국음악과 패션에 열광하는 것을 막지 못한다. 학생 멜은 모스크바의 브로드웨이라 불리는 고르키/츠베르스카야 거리에서 만난 무리에 합류하고 폴리야를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 힙스터즈는 소비에트 시절 사회를 보내던 사람들의 다양한 심리와 라이프 스타일을 재치 있으면서도 과장된 장면들로 보여주면서 복고풍 뮤지컬의 향수를 불러 일으킨다. (2010년 제4회 충무로국제영화제)
Ivan Bravchenko
러시아와 체첸의 전쟁 중 러시아의 호송대가 폭격을 당하고 체첸 영토에 갇히게 된다. 부대 최강의 저격수 보브카는 호송대를 안전한 곳으로 이끌기 위해 포로 한 명을 데리고 홀로 목숨을 걸고 적진으로 뛰어든다. 일촉즉발의 상황! 과연 러시아 최고의 저격수 보브카는 단 한 알의 총알로 러시아 호송대를 무사히 탈출 시킬 수 있을 것인가!
Веселая история о том, как уберечь отношения и жениться на любимой девушке. Не дать брачному аферисту разрушить союз и увести свою невесту. Иногда для этого нужно приложить много усилий, а иногда нужно просто... просто проснуться. А пирожки? Просто хорошо, когда твоя девушка вкусно готовит.
The major of special forces Ilya is young, beautiful and, we can say, happy! He marries, and for him it is a profitable party — his wife is not beautiful, but the daughter of rich parents. However, on the wedding day begins a nightmare. Yana Yanovskaya — the former mistress of Ilya who came to congratulate him is killed, and he is suspected of murder. The investigation begins, during which it turns out that Ilya is innocent. However, the shadow of suspicion still hanging over him, and, wishing to prove that he is innocent, Ilya begins his own investigation. He finds the real killer — and this discovery will stun him…
Agent of special department "Piranha" Kirill Mazur and his colleague Olga go to the far north with the assignment to liquidate an underwater secret weapon lab in the guise of a mutual vacation. All of a sudden, they find themselves in the world where civilization laws are forgotten, and this deadly weapons are kept by gangsters who are controlled by a new "master of taiga" Prohor, whose leisure time is spent hunting at humans. Mazur didn't know that he would have to trade his familiar gun for a hand-made bone knife, and save his companion and himself instead of saving the world. For them, this safari in northern forests would be no less dangerous as for the live targets.