Officer Reed
Based on the 1992 disappearance, three women driving out of town to start a new life and escape their old one, horrifically encounter their inevitable fates.
Petty officer
러시아 밀매꾼들은 새로운 에너지원인 적색 수은을 찾던 도중 극비 무기인 콜로서스를 실수로 작동시킨다. 콜로서스는 냉전시대 제작된 거대 로봇으로 지구의 종말을 불러올 수 있을 만큼 놀라울 정도로 파괴력이 강력한 무기다. 한편 바다에서는 거대 상어인 메가 샤크가 출현하여 선박을 파괴하고 해안가 주민들을 위협하자 피해가 커질 것을 우려한 해군은 메가 샤크 전멸 작전을 실시한다. 엄청난 괴력의 거대 상어 메가 샤크에 함대까지 속수무책으로 당하자 콜로서스의 힘을 빌리면서 지상 최대의 해상전투가 시작된다.
Robert Keppel
Ted Bundy: The Death Row Tapes delves inside the mind of a convicted serial killer who waited nearly a decade behind bars until he was put to death. At the same time, the documentary digs into the thoughts of the men who interviewed Bundy while he was on death row. These men explain how the memories of Bundy’s words are stuck in their brains until the end of their lives. The men who interviewed Bundy had to experiment with several different tactics until they were able to convince Bundy to open up and talk. Bundy details his murders and gives insight into the personality he embraced that ultimately led to his evil behaviour. This series of interviews attempts to put into words how Bundy carried out such horrific crimes. Going deeper than that, though, the men who interview him are ultimately searching for why Bundy decided to kill.