Patrick Zimmermann

Patrick Zimmermann

프로필 사진

Patrick Zimmermann

참여 작품

썸머 85
The Judge
1985년 프랑스 노르망디 해변, 가장 뜨거운 여름이 시작됐다. 바다에 빠진 알렉스를 다비드가 구해준 것을 계기로 두 소년은 급속도로 가까워지고, 사랑의 증표같은 맹세와 함께 여름 태양만큼 뜨거운 사랑을 나눈다. 하지만 알렉스는 어느새 다비드의 식어버린 마음을 알게 되고 다시는 되돌릴 수 없는 이별을 고하는데…
신의 은총으로
행복한 가정을 꾸린 알렉상드르는 유년시절 자신에게 성적 학대를 저지른 프레나 신부가 여전히 아이들을 가르치고 있다는 소식에 큰 충격을 받는다. 알렉상드르와 같은 피해를 입은 프랑수아와 에마뉘엘은 더 이상의 고통을 막기 위해 ‘라 프롤 리베레(해방된 목소리)’라는 단체를 결성하고 교회에 프레나 신부의 파면을 요구한다. 하지만 교회는 공소시효를 내세우며 범죄를 은폐하려하는데…
In Her Name
President of the Paris court
In 1982, André Bamberski learns about the death of his 14 year-old daughter, Kalinka, while she was on vacation with her mother and stepfather in Germany. Convinced that Kalinka’s death was not an accident, Bamberski begins to investigate. A botched autopsy report raises his suspicions and leads him to accuse Kalinka’s stepfather, Dr Dieter Krombach, as the murderer. Unable to indict Krombach in Germany, Bamberski attempts to take the trial to France, where he will dedicate his life to Kalinka’s justice and the imprisonment of Krombach.
The Clearstream Affair
Editor-in-chief Libération
Journalist Denis Robert sparked a storm in the world of European finance by denouncing the murky operations of banking firm Clearstream. His quest to reveal the truth behind a secret world of shadowy multinational banking puts him in contact with an ever-expanding anti-corruption investigation carried out by Judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke. Their paths will lead them to the heart of a political/financial intrigue, which will rock the foundations of Europe and the French government itself.
멀고도 가까운
Dr Dumontel
일본 만화가 다니구치 지로의 대표작 가운데 하나로서 각종 세계 최우수 작품상을 수상했던 을 바탕으로 만든 작품. 어느 날 아침, 한 남자가 십대의 모습으로 돌아간 자신의 모습을 발견한다. (2012 룩셈부르크 영화 특별전)
Villa Marguerite
둘로 잘린 소녀
TV 방송국의 기상 예보 아나운서인 가브리엘은 전도유망한 매력적인 여성이다. 가브리엘은 두 명의 남성을 만나는데 한 명은 중년의 작가인 샤를이고 또 한 명은 큰 유산을 상속받은 폴이다. 가브리엘은 두 남자의 구애 사이에서 고민하기 시작하고, 두 남자 역시 가브리엘을 차지하기 위해 머리를 굴린다.
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel is a digitized version of the Metal Gear Solid comic drawn by Ashley Wood that has been edited to feature sound effects, animations, and music.
Final Exams
Le père de Chloé
Four friends have taken their final exams and waiting for their results... and their lives to begin. In the mean time Wein is worrying about his Asian heritage, Cedric is struggling to come to terms with being gay and Gaelle and Chloe are trying to forget about everything until the results are in.
Closed Eyes
Vincent and Olivier have an intense, rocky relationship: Vincent evades tenderness, just as he does desire, forcing the couple to hunt for a third partner to participate in their sexual games. Olivier has a background in the theater. He believes in, but is preoccupied by their relationship; he wants to free Vincent from the ghosts haunting him. But Vincent is locked into the past. His father, a pilot, was killed in a plane accident. Vincent’s job is a strange, uncommon one that plunges him deep into contemplation from which no one can make him budge: he deciphers plane disaster recordings. Vincent’s unconscious repression is so powerful that he hasn’t even recognized the link between his father’s death and his work. It will take the stormy encounter with Olivier for Vincent to obtain his ‘black box.’ Indeed, the two young men come to life through their connection with each other, a connection which shatters the framework of typical love stories.
A Matter of Taste
Le chauffeur de Frédéric
Nicolas, a handsome, young waiter, is befriended by Frédéric Delamont, a wealthy middle-aged businessman. Delamont, a man of power, influence and strictly refined tastes, is immediately smitten by Nicolas' charm. Lonely and phobic, Delamont offers Nicolas a lucrative job as his personal food taster. In spite of their differences, a close friendship begins to emerge between the two men. However, their bond of trust and admiration soon spirals downward into a dangerous game of deceit and obsession for which neither is prepared.
Jules Ferry
Charles Ferry
The romanticized life story of lawyer and journalist Jules Ferry, who fought for the freedom of citizens.