Tatsuya Nakadai, the world’s greatest living actor, returns to the screen in a brilliant adaptation of a story by novelist Shuhei Fujisawa. A traveling gambler known as “Funeral Uno” he is now 86 years old and returning to his hometown for the first time in 30 years. Partly told in flashbacks, he is forced to face his lifelong nemesis, Boss Kyuzo, a vile yakuza portrayed by another superstar of samurai cinema, Atsuo Nakamura! Before the two old gamblers can settle a 30-year-old score they must put their lives on the line in a game of dice that can only lead to a bloody sword duel the likes of which has never before been seen! Superb performances all around in a film loaded with surprises and exciting swordplay!
Kuwahata Chokichi used to be a famous actor, but now he's suspected to be suffering from dementia. He is betrayed by his older daughter, Yukiko, her husband-cum-his-former-disciple, Ikuo, and Yukiko's lover, a mysterious driver, and gets sent to a high-class old folks' home. One day, Choukichi runs away from the home and wanders to the beach where he meets his younger daughter, Nobuko, who he had with his lover. Although he had thrown Nobuko out in the past, he begins to imagine seeing her as the image of Cordelia, who is the beloved daughter of King Lear, after talking to her. Gradually, his past memories start to come back to him, and Choukichi heads towards the world of insanity.
Kuwahata Chokichi used to be a famous actor, but now he's suspected to be suffering from dementia. He is betrayed by his older daughter, Yukiko, her husband-cum-his-former-disciple, Ikuo, and Yukiko's lover, a mysterious driver, and gets sent to a high-class old folks' home. One day, Choukichi runs away from the home and wanders to the beach where he meets his younger daughter, Nobuko, who he had with his lover. Although he had thrown Nobuko out in the past, he begins to imagine seeing her as the image of Cordelia, who is the beloved daughter of King Lear, after talking to her. Gradually, his past memories start to come back to him, and Choukichi heads towards the world of insanity.
Kuwahata Chokichi used to be a famous actor, but now he's suspected to be suffering from dementia. He is betrayed by his older daughter, Yukiko, her husband-cum-his-former-disciple, Ikuo, and Yukiko's lover, a mysterious driver, and gets sent to a high-class old folks' home. One day, Choukichi runs away from the home and wanders to the beach where he meets his younger daughter, Nobuko, who he had with his lover. Although he had thrown Nobuko out in the past, he begins to imagine seeing her as the image of Cordelia, who is the beloved daughter of King Lear, after talking to her. Gradually, his past memories start to come back to him, and Choukichi heads towards the world of insanity.
Nakadai Tatsuya, Japan’s greatest living actor, gives the performance of a lifetime as Shoji Sanosuke, and elderly samurai forced to pick up his sword to protect those he loves in this adaptation of a Fujisawa Shuhei novel. As a ”Heya-zumi” (essentially a freeloader living off his family) Sanosuke has one last chance to help his grandniece escape from the cruel samurai of an arranged marriage. Nakadai proves he ”still has it,” when fate forces him into a deadly duel. This award winning samurai drama from the pen of noted author Fujisawa Shuhei is a tribute to one of the greatest actors to ever grace the silver screen!
The minimalistically staged Strangers When We Meet displays similarities with Kobayashi's The Rebirth (2007) and provides a sensitive observation of a couple who, tormented by loss, blame and guilt, adhere rigidly to their daily routine. Will they ever find each other again?
The minimalistically staged Strangers When We Meet displays similarities with Kobayashi's The Rebirth (2007) and provides a sensitive observation of a couple who, tormented by loss, blame and guilt, adhere rigidly to their daily routine. Will they ever find each other again?
묵언수행이라도 하듯 몇 년째 단 한마디 대화도 나누지 않으면서도 한 지붕아래 사는 부부. 전설 속 사랑이야기를 찾아 사와이 섬을 찾은 마리나와 그녀처럼 섬을 찾은 또 다른 이방인이자 전설 속 주인공과 같은 이름을 가진 청년. 구로동과 가리봉동,신림동과 경기도 안산, 대한민국에서 고단하게 살아가는 이방인들의 풍경. 칸이 사랑한 감독 고바야시 마사히로, 인도네시아 영화의 미래 에드윈, 시네아스트 장률 이 펼치는 ‘함께 있어도 혼자인 사람들의 이야기
In 2010, 31,560 people ended their own lives and about 20,000 people died or went missing with the earthquake. Unemployed widower Fujio Murai’s family tragedy contains instances of both; diagnosed with lung cancer, Fujio refuses surgery and returns home with his son Yoshio.
In 2010, 31,560 people ended their own lives and about 20,000 people died or went missing with the earthquake. Unemployed widower Fujio Murai’s family tragedy contains instances of both; diagnosed with lung cancer, Fujio refuses surgery and returns home with his son Yoshio.
Following the 2011 tsunami, three women reunite in the family home only to rekindle tense, ruinous relationships.
Following the 2011 tsunami, three women reunite in the family home only to rekindle tense, ruinous relationships.
Following the 2011 tsunami, three women reunite in the family home only to rekindle tense, ruinous relationships.
고바야시 마사히로의 또 한편의 로드무비. 이전 작품에 비해 감동은 배가된다. 고단한 삶을 살고 이어가는 노인 타다오와 그의 손녀 하루는 집을 떠나 도시에 있는 할아버지의 형제들을 만나러 길을 나선다. 할아버지와 손녀의 여정을 통해 우리는 삶의 소중함과 가족의 가치를 발견한다.
고바야시 마사히로의 또 한편의 로드무비. 이전 작품에 비해 감동은 배가된다. 고단한 삶을 살고 이어가는 노인 타다오와 그의 손녀 하루는 집을 떠나 도시에 있는 할아버지의 형제들을 만나러 길을 나선다. 할아버지와 손녀의 여정을 통해 우리는 삶의 소중함과 가족의 가치를 발견한다.
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.
Kawai's Father
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.
Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.
일본을 떠나 해외에서 떠돌고 있는 남자와 프랑스로 떠난 연인을 쫓아 온 여자가 리옹의 붉은 다리에서 우연히 만난다. 그들은 서로에 대해 알아가면서 동질감을 느끼게 된다. 병든 노모를 두고 떠나 왔던 남자와 연인을 쫓아 가족에게 알리지도 않고 리옹으로 떠나 온 여자. 그들은 동질감을 느끼면서 서서히 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 하지만 단 10시간 동안의 만남을 통해 그들이 느꼈던 사랑의 감정이 과연 진실한 것이었을까? 외로움에 지쳐 혹은 연민의 정은 아니었을까? 두 사람은 서로의 감정에 대해 확신하지 못한다. 이별을 위한 결단은 남자의 몫이었다. 하지만 그것이 이후 그에게는 커다란 짐으로 남았을 터이다. 그래서 3년 뒤 리옹의 붉은 다리를 다시 찾은 그의 손에 쥐어진 그녀의 목걸이와 꽃다발은 그 의미가 각별하다.
일본을 떠나 해외에서 떠돌고 있는 남자와 프랑스로 떠난 연인을 쫓아 온 여자가 리옹의 붉은 다리에서 우연히 만난다. 그들은 서로에 대해 알아가면서 동질감을 느끼게 된다. 병든 노모를 두고 떠나 왔던 남자와 연인을 쫓아 가족에게 알리지도 않고 리옹으로 떠나 온 여자. 그들은 동질감을 느끼면서 서서히 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 하지만 단 10시간 동안의 만남을 통해 그들이 느꼈던 사랑의 감정이 과연 진실한 것이었을까? 외로움에 지쳐 혹은 연민의 정은 아니었을까? 두 사람은 서로의 감정에 대해 확신하지 못한다. 이별을 위한 결단은 남자의 몫이었다. 하지만 그것이 이후 그에게는 커다란 짐으로 남았을 터이다. 그래서 3년 뒤 리옹의 붉은 다리를 다시 찾은 그의 손에 쥐어진 그녀의 목걸이와 꽃다발은 그 의미가 각별하다.
Mixing interviews, rare archival footage and film extracts, the film shows how Melville's works were impacted by what he experienced in his youth during WWII, and how it structured his whole approach to cinema, not only in its thematic but also in its aesthetics.
Original Music Composer
Coincidence and the aftermath of violence. A man's middle-school daughter has been murdered. His wife is already deceased. He tells a counselor he wants to live in anonymity, working with his hands. He moves away and gets a job in a factory. The woman who is the mother of the killer wants to apologize to the father, although she knows it would change nothing. He refuses to meet. She moves back to her hometown. She works in the kitchen at an inn where the man now lives. No one speaks. He eats alone. He reads in his apartment. She walks to her home and has a sandwich. She keeps her eyes lowered. He drives to work. Does either want to connect? What bond can they establish?
Coincidence and the aftermath of violence. A man's middle-school daughter has been murdered. His wife is already deceased. He tells a counselor he wants to live in anonymity, working with his hands. He moves away and gets a job in a factory. The woman who is the mother of the killer wants to apologize to the father, although she knows it would change nothing. He refuses to meet. She moves back to her hometown. She works in the kitchen at an inn where the man now lives. No one speaks. He eats alone. He reads in his apartment. She walks to her home and has a sandwich. She keeps her eyes lowered. He drives to work. Does either want to connect? What bond can they establish?
Coincidence and the aftermath of violence. A man's middle-school daughter has been murdered. His wife is already deceased. He tells a counselor he wants to live in anonymity, working with his hands. He moves away and gets a job in a factory. The woman who is the mother of the killer wants to apologize to the father, although she knows it would change nothing. He refuses to meet. She moves back to her hometown. She works in the kitchen at an inn where the man now lives. No one speaks. He eats alone. He reads in his apartment. She walks to her home and has a sandwich. She keeps her eyes lowered. He drives to work. Does either want to connect? What bond can they establish?
Coincidence and the aftermath of violence. A man's middle-school daughter has been murdered. His wife is already deceased. He tells a counselor he wants to live in anonymity, working with his hands. He moves away and gets a job in a factory. The woman who is the mother of the killer wants to apologize to the father, although she knows it would change nothing. He refuses to meet. She moves back to her hometown. She works in the kitchen at an inn where the man now lives. No one speaks. He eats alone. He reads in his apartment. She walks to her home and has a sandwich. She keeps her eyes lowered. He drives to work. Does either want to connect? What bond can they establish?
the story of a vagrant (Ishibashi) who arrives in a town in Hokkaido. With only a threadbare suit, an old pair of sneakers and a bag containing all his worldly possessions the proprietors of a local convenince store (played by Jun Murakami and Akemi Sakurai) taske pity on the man and bring him in.
Yuko is a Japanese girl who was taken hostage in Iraq while volunteering there as an aid worker. Finally released and back in her hometown, Yuko finds herself ostracized as a national disgrace by society that sees her helping a country other than Japan, and the embarrassment of getting captured but not killed, as things of which to be brutally ashamed.
Yuko is a Japanese girl who was taken hostage in Iraq while volunteering there as an aid worker. Finally released and back in her hometown, Yuko finds herself ostracized as a national disgrace by society that sees her helping a country other than Japan, and the embarrassment of getting captured but not killed, as things of which to be brutally ashamed.
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
Kazuo Murata is a detective who has lost his wife and eventually the meaning of his existence.
자신의 이상형을 찾기 위해 겨울의 홋카이도를 2년 간이나 홀로 여행 중이던 청년 켄지는 드디어 꿈에 그리던 여성을 발견한다. 그녀는 미용사인 하루미. 하지만 그녀에겐 이미 남편이 있다. 켄지는 그런 하루미를 납치, 감금해 맹목적인 사랑을 시작한다. 처음에는 무서워하던 하루미도 점차 켄지의 헌신적인 사랑을 받아들이기 시작하는데...
자신의 이상형을 찾기 위해 겨울의 홋카이도를 2년 간이나 홀로 여행 중이던 청년 켄지는 드디어 꿈에 그리던 여성을 발견한다. 그녀는 미용사인 하루미. 하지만 그녀에겐 이미 남편이 있다. 켄지는 그런 하루미를 납치, 감금해 맹목적인 사랑을 시작한다. 처음에는 무서워하던 하루미도 점차 켄지의 헌신적인 사랑을 받아들이기 시작하는데...
A mysterious street-painter, Jouji, wanders aimlessly, homeless. Together with his homeless pals, he makes his living by selling his paintings on the street. His paintings, dynamically exploding on pieces of cardboard, catch the eyes of Kyoko, an art dealer. He can feel alive only if he keeps painting, but unable to find something to fill his void inside, he tries to drown himself in alcohol. Drawn to Jouji, Kyoko commissions him to paint for her. The two travel to a secluded mountain-side, and there Jouji becomes inspired both by the natural surroundings and Kyoko herself.
Yuji and Akiko are newlyweds. Yuji dreams of being a movie star. He lands the lead role in a Pink Eiga soft-core sex film. The director requires him to have sex with the actress. Akiko goes to her high school reunion and is raped by a drunken guy, and then hooks up with her ex-high school love. A dark and comedic look at contemporary relationships and the pitfalls of married life. The story was written by Locarno International Film Festival, Golden Leopard Prize Winner, Masahiro Kobayashi. (Pink Eiga)
Asaka Ai is a budding starlet waiting for her big break to make it into the limelight. Under the dedicated tutelage of her manager Bando she shuffles from one photo shoot to the next, most often resulting in her image being used on various advertising posters. With the help of a catchy tune, Ai and Bando anticipate she will finally break out of merely poster appearances and into television commercials and from there, real stardom. The song is entitled "If this is a Dream Wake Me" (Yume Nara Samete) and was written by Ai's friend Hiromi just prior to Hiromi jumping headlong off a tall building. But as things started to go well, a stalker shows up knowing anything and everything about Ai...
Mashike, a city on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Nobuo Honma is a 63-year-old sake producer. He has lived with Yasuo since his wife died two years ago. Yasuo is his youngest son to whom he has entrusted his trade. Every day Nobuo goes for a walk which leads him to a fish-breeding center, located in the mountains. He fills his loneliness by attentively observing the development of thousands of little fish poured into the pool. The second anniversary of his wife's death approaches. Nobuo insists on the presence of Ryoichi, his elder son whom he hasn't seen for a long time. Nobuo and his two sons, along with their partners, gather for the commemoration. Unspoken feelings resurface and clash with each other.
Mashike, a city on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Nobuo Honma is a 63-year-old sake producer. He has lived with Yasuo since his wife died two years ago. Yasuo is his youngest son to whom he has entrusted his trade. Every day Nobuo goes for a walk which leads him to a fish-breeding center, located in the mountains. He fills his loneliness by attentively observing the development of thousands of little fish poured into the pool. The second anniversary of his wife's death approaches. Nobuo insists on the presence of Ryoichi, his elder son whom he hasn't seen for a long time. Nobuo and his two sons, along with their partners, gather for the commemoration. Unspoken feelings resurface and clash with each other.
The movie is absurd, and a thoroughly original take on the morale in Japanese society. The images are beautiful, and the people are as cold as the snow that surrounds them. The take on Melville's "Samoraï" from -67 is obvious, but Kobayashi turns the image around and portrays the killer as the weakest person in the movie - haunted by his demanding wife and the moaning contractor, who is one of the most mysterious characters ever portrayed in a movie.
The movie is absurd, and a thoroughly original take on the morale in Japanese society. The images are beautiful, and the people are as cold as the snow that surrounds them. The take on Melville's "Samoraï" from -67 is obvious, but Kobayashi turns the image around and portrays the killer as the weakest person in the movie - haunted by his demanding wife and the moaning contractor, who is one of the most mysterious characters ever portrayed in a movie.
Two wives who leave their husbands behind and go on a hot spring trip, and two husbands who play homosexual games because it's not fair for them to be the only ones enjoying it. In contrast to the wives, who warm each other's bodies with hot water and lesbian play, the husbands cool each other's bodies by facing each other naked on a dark table with a bottle of sugar. There is another couple in danger of getting married because their parents disapprove of their relationship, but these two also change their mind, saying that marriage is between them. The story focuses on the liberation and change of consciousness of these three couples, who audaciously kiss on the street to get warm, and rethink their love and freedom.
Japanese pink film.
Japanese pink film.
Two best friends—Tatsuo, a retiring Yakuza member, and Kiyoshi, a cop—travel to the funeral of a woman they both loved.
Two best friends—Tatsuo, a retiring Yakuza member, and Kiyoshi, a cop—travel to the funeral of a woman they both loved.
Japanese pink film.
Kiriko is a beautiful woman working in a quiet hot spring town. The owner of the inn, Goro, is attracted to her beauty and asks her out, but she refuses. Meanwhile, Imai, a detective staying at the inn, recognizes Kiriko's face and investigates her past on his own.
Ito, a film director with no money and no woman, is agonizing every night over a violent love affair he hears from a neighbor who has recently moved in. One day, his neighbor, Honda, comes to visit Ito. He had apparently eloped with the daughter of a yakuza and was asking Ito to hide her for him. Ito tried to say no to the dangerous offer, but the 300,000 yen was too much to resist, and he ended up accepting the offer...
Asako and Tomoko, who live next door to each other in a certain apartment complex, are housewives who frequently chat with each other. Asako, who is on good terms with her husband, Keiji, tells Tomoko about their nightly activities, and Tomoko, who is in a lull with her husband, Shinpei, envies her for it. One day, Keiji and Shinpei, who had never even exchanged greetings before, happen to hit it off and go out for a drink together. There they meet a pair of office workers...
Kenji breaks up with his girlfriend and goes to stay with his brother, Ryosuke, who is married but is having an affair with a local waitress. It becomes clear quickly that Ryosuke is unhappy with his marriage to Haruyo, who desperately tries to get them to reconnect. One night Kenji goes out alone, to see the mistress of his brother...and they fool around.
Kumiko, who goes to a culture center with her husband's permission, has fallen prey to the instructor, Oikawa. Akiko, who also attends the same class, is single but also has a physical relationship with Oikawa. When Akiko finds out that Oikawa is also having an affair with Kumiko, she quits the class and starts a relationship with Kumiko's husband...
The sensual images depict the love and hatred between four men and women living together, creating a new kind of love story. One night, alcoholic writer Akimoto and live-in former actress Yumiko meet Koichi, a gay drug dealer pursued by the yakuza, and his younger brother Yuji, a castrated man. The four of them flee Tokyo and start living together in Koichi and Yuji's childhood hideout. In the midst of their peaceful life, Yumiko falls in love with Yuji, but he is unable to give her any physical satisfaction. In the meantime, Yuji asks Koichi to hold Yumiko instead of him, which leads to jealousy among the men.
A down-and-out scriptwriter spends his days and nights in the bars of Tokyo. When he is thrown out of a joint because it is closing time, there is always a willing lady to spend the rest of the night with. In the street he has countless semi-philosophical discussions with fellow drinkers, male and female, (shot in black-and-white, as prologue to the different chapters) but in the end it often comes down to one thing: the bottle of whisky that has to be finished. An encounter with a homeless young man with AIDS marks a turning point in the life of the writer.
A down-and-out scriptwriter spends his days and nights in the bars of Tokyo. When he is thrown out of a joint because it is closing time, there is always a willing lady to spend the rest of the night with. In the street he has countless semi-philosophical discussions with fellow drinkers, male and female, (shot in black-and-white, as prologue to the different chapters) but in the end it often comes down to one thing: the bottle of whisky that has to be finished. An encounter with a homeless young man with AIDS marks a turning point in the life of the writer.
The story follows Muhan, the female assassin introduced in 1985's Dream Crimes, who was originally based on Takashi Ishii's manga character (unlike in the movies, she's primarily a mahjong expert in the manga). After Muhan fails to kill a young girl during a hitjob, she begins to question her existence.
The story of two men, one middle aged one mid twenties, who make friends and exchange cigarettes and stories of their sex lives, unaware they have unwittingly exchanged partners. The story, told in flashbacks, as the two men travel through the night on a motorcycle, is loaded with highly charged eroticism. Sex and violence are juxtaposed against the drabness of the men's everyday lives, effectively blurring the line between what is real and what is fantasy. Founded on the well-known myth of furtive sexual gropers on the rush-hour Tokyo commuter trains, Tandem is a low-key masterpiece of Japanese Pink Cinema.
Tomoko and Naomi have had a lesbian relationship since their high school days. They meet again a few years later, and this film depicts the course of their love. Tomoko's strong obsession with Naomi and her intense sexual desire excite the audience. The beauty of the last scene is a must-see!
Fumio, who works at an ironworks, has an affair with Yoko, the wife of the president of the ironworks. The wife of Shimizu, a detective who investigates Yoko's background at the request of Nobuo, the president of the company, is also having an affair with his mistress, Kenichi. Nobuo becomes angry and impulsive. Upon receiving the report, a jealous Nobuo impulsively kills Shimizu and appears with an iron pipe in front of Fumio and Yoko, who are entangled in an ironworks. The story accelerates toward the end as the impulsive murderer brings together a man and a woman in a love-hate relationship at a villa in Izu....
Yoichi, who works for an advertising agency becomes heavily obsessed with a strange woman, things go unexpected, leading to a divorce and other disasters...
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