Viktor Tatarskiy

Viktor Tatarskiy

출생 : 1969-05-02, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR

프로필 사진

Viktor Tatarskiy

참여 작품

A Stolen Life
A young couple Yulia and Vlad go to spend some quiet days on an island. Vlad is in his early thirties. He is kind and caring with Yulia. She suffers from a psychological trauma and partial memory loss. Complete isolation makes the young couple happy during first days, however, very soon the girl notices some strange behavior of her boyfriend. Terrifying hallucinations and memories that she cannot explain overwhelm her. Her trials to bring back her memory and find out the truth turn into struggle for life.
A Simple Story
Last Hero
Once the main character Andrei worked at a hot spot as a peacemaker and rescued his co-worker Victor. Victor promised Andrei that he would always remember who he owed his life to and would come to Andrei’s help at any time. The chance to pay was presented to Victor after 20 years. Andrei quarreled on the road with an escort of an expensive car with a flashing light and was badly beaten. From his wounds, he died, leaving his pregnant wife alone. Victor is looking for Katya to help her achieve justice and avenge the death of her husband. The crime drama "The Last Hero" tells a difficult story about honor and friendly duty.
Love the healing power
Anya has a great joy — she wins the beauty contest. It would seem that a great reason for happiness, but there is bad news: taking advantage of the circumstances, Rita's friend decides to get the groom Ani Andrew. Rita's plan is only partially fulfilled, but it is enough for Anya and Andrei to part. Anya went to Moscow, Andrew accepts a job offer and should also be in the capital. And at a time when it seems that each of them has found a new soul mate, fate pushes them together again.
Black City
В жизни 40-летнего следователя городской прокуратуры Олега Борина наступила черная полоса. Все началось с дела, возбужденного против студента, изнасиловавшего девушку. Подозреваемый оказался сыном влиятельного чиновника. Тот воспользовался своими связями, и Борина сначала просто отстранили, а после и вовсе выгнали со службы. Жена ушла, забрав ребенка. Вскоре раздался звонок, и старый приятель Гена предложил работу охранника. Борин согласился, собрал сумку и уехал. Только на месте большого оптового рынка его ждала полная разруха и запустение. Друга он так и не нашел, а местные алкаши рассказали, что рынок давно закрыт. Той же ночью Олег тайно проник на территорию и… оказался в настоящем подземном городе, где протекала бурная жизнь. Удастся ли опальному следователю спасти своего друга, выйти на след хозяев порочного «Черного города» и восстановить справедливость?
Operational activities
He is a cold-blooded and dangerous criminal. He always works alone and never leaves a trace. The action takes place in St. Petersburg. Major Kuznetsov and his guys from the police taking the operational development of the Soloist, a dangerous fugitive who came to Peter in order to allegedly sell counterfeit money. Trying to stop the Soloist, killed friend and teammate Kuznetsov. For this reason, Kuznetsov is cooperating with the prosperous businessman Igor Samarin, who has his own accounts with the Soloist…