Khoa Do

Khoa Do

출생 : , Saigon, Vietnam


Khoa Do is a Vietnamese Australian film director, screenwriter and teacher who grew up in the western suburbs of Sydney. Born in Saigon, his family fled Vietnam on a tiny fishing boat in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. His brother, Anh Do, is an actor and a comedian.

프로필 사진

Khoa Do

참여 작품

A 27-year-old beauty school dropout, Schapelle, was arrested at Bali airport with 4.2kg of marijuana. At first, her arrest was barely noticed by the media, but it soon sparked a frenzy and attracted a frantic cast of characters.
Falling for Sahara
Beniam, Ramsy and MJ are best friends. Hanging out at the Flemington housing commission flats they call home, the three Africans share a tight bond and a love of footy. But with the arrival of Sahara - smart, beautiful and AFL mad - the three friends suddenly find themselves competing for the same girl.
Mother Fish
The present melds with the past as a quiet factory worker relives the extraordinary journey when she and her sister took to the sea as refugees in a creaky river boat in search of a better life.
Mother Fish
The present melds with the past as a quiet factory worker relives the extraordinary journey when she and her sister took to the sea as refugees in a creaky river boat in search of a better life.
Mother Fish
The present melds with the past as a quiet factory worker relives the extraordinary journey when she and her sister took to the sea as refugees in a creaky river boat in search of a better life.
Footy Legends
An unemployed sports fan enters an amateur rugby league tournament where losing just isn't an option if he's to keep his family together.
Three Dollars
Assistant Director Trainee
Eddie is a principled man, with a wife, a daughter and a mortgage and leads a seemingly stable and happy life as a government land assessor. Yet when the forces of economic and social change threaten this, he realises just how fragile his reality and security is. After losing his job, he checks his bank balance and finds he has only 'three dollars' to his name.
The Finished People
Van is a homeless young man, living in a car park. When he encounters a free-spirited Carla, he senses the opportunity for friendship and connection. Des is homeless as well but faces different issues: a pregnant girlfriend and trouble with a neighbourhood gangster. Tommy is a junkie trying get his life on track and get a job after personal tragedy. These three young men endure an impoverished existence in Southwest Sydney, Australia.
The Finished People
Van is a homeless young man, living in a car park. When he encounters a free-spirited Carla, he senses the opportunity for friendship and connection. Des is homeless as well but faces different issues: a pregnant girlfriend and trouble with a neighbourhood gangster. Tommy is a junkie trying get his life on track and get a job after personal tragedy. These three young men endure an impoverished existence in Southwest Sydney, Australia.
아나콘다 2: 사라지지 않는 저주
Lead Lopak Hunter
영원한 젊음을 준다고 알려진 전설속의 희귀난 '블러드 오키드(혈난초)'를 연구하던 의학자 잭과 연구팀은 7년에 한번 꽃피우는 블러드 오키드가 보르네오섬의 정글에 서식중이란 사실을 발견하고 서둘러 탐사대를 조직, 장마철인 몬순기의 정글로 떠난다. 블러드 오키드의 꽃잎이 떨어지기 전에 채취를 해야하는 절박한 상황에 처한 탐사대를 실은 선박은 최단코스를 선택, 무리한 탐사를 하던 도중 폭포를 만나 간신히 몸만 살아남는 처지가 된다. 탐사 도중 엄청난 크기의 아나콘다에게 하나둘씩 희생을 당하면서도 천신만고 끝에 블러드 오키드 서식지를 찾아낼 즈음, 번식기를 맞이해서 먹이에 굶주린 거대한 아나콘다 무리들이 그들을 노리고 있다는 걸 알게 되는데…
The Diamond of Jeru
Dyak Boy
Based on Louis L'Amour novel, The Diamond of Jeru tells the story of an American scientist and his wife who hire an ex-pat war veteren to act as a guide on a journey up an unchartered Borneo river in search of diamonds.