Eric Bonicatto

참여 작품

사랑한다고, 바보야
Jefe agencia
8년 사귄 여친한테 차였다. 사랑은 다른 사랑으로 잊는 거라니 연애를 해보려는데 옛날 작업 방식은 안 먹히고 연애 바보가 됐다! 우연히 만난 고교 동창과 인터넷 덕에 요즘 작업남으로 거듭나긴 했는데, 이거 사랑으로 가는 길이 맞나요?
Dans sa bulle
A biological mother, Sara, and a foster mother, Virginia, share a girl. Sara lost custody due to problems with alcohol and drugs. Five years later, the girl is returned to her.
Blood from a Stone
The day his bank refuses to finance him, Georges will do everything he can to save his shipyard and his employees.
Comment je me suis réveillé
The Clear Eyes
Bruno, le copain de Fanny
Fanny (Nathalie Boutefeu) has a small grain. Even the children tease. She lives in the home of her brother, she discovers that his beautiful sister having an affair. She decided to go to Germany, find its roots...
To Die in San Hilario
The inhabitants of San Hilario make their living from funerals. They are awaiting their first customer in a long time.
A metaphorical tale about pain and loss. Sela, a famous writer, committed suicide. Lars, her ex-lover, tries to find out why she did it. In the process, he discovers an unknown world of feelings and sense of guiltiness.
The Light
Camille arrives in Ouessant, the island of her birth off the Brittany coast, to sell the family home. She spends a last night in the house during which she discovers a secret. In 1963 a man came to work with her father, who was the Jument lighthouse operator. He only stayed two months, but his presence proved to be a disturbing catalyst.
In the City
The film portrays the daily lives, secrets, lies, loneliness and frustrations of a group of eight thirty-something friends living in Barcelona.
La vie nue
L'ami homosexuel
The story is inspired by the biblical myth of Lazarus. The main character is called Lazarus who was a follower of Jesus, brother of Martha and Mary who was resurrected by Jesus.
Killing Words
Inspector Sánchez
A mild-mannered psychopath plays mind-games with a woman he has tied to a chair in his basement.
Cold as Summer
A female detective investigates the case of a young mother whose infant left behind has died.
Le Puits
Hair Under the Roses
Le journaliste
The discovery of sexuality through the eyes of a group of teenagers.
Compassionate Sex
Dolores is a mature and kind woman whose husband abandons her because he can't stand her uncanny generosity. Desperate to get her husband back, she devotes her life to works of charity, which is to go to bed with the other men of the town. Dolores, now "Lolita", becomes so famous that all men seek out her help now. It is through her compassionate sex that she brings back the colour and the happiness to a town that was immersed in sadness. Written by HoMordomo.
Our Happy Lives
Six people whose lives are intertwined struggle to find happiness amid broken relationships and painful life changes.
30대의 매력적인 여성 베티는 프랑스 한 지방도시 호텔 카지노에서 세미나 참석차 들른 기업체 간부 샤티용을 유혹한다. 음료수에 몰래 수면제를 타서 샤티용을 잠들게 한 베티는 자기 아버지뻘 되는 동료 빅토르와 함께 그의 지갑을 털어 달아난다. 캠핑카를 타고 프랑스와 인접국들을 누비며 각종 학회 및 세미나장을 방문해 참석자를 대상으로 사기·절도를 일삼는 베티와 빅토르의 다음 무대는 치의학 세미나가 열리는 스위스의 휴양지 실스 마리아. 그러나 베티는 빅토르에게 예고도 없이 범죄조직 자금운송책인 모리스와 함께 그곳에 나타난다. 스위스 은행에서 거액을 인출해 카리브해 서인도제도로 운반하는 중책을 맡은 모리스는 그 과정에 베티를 방패로 활용할 작정인 반면 베티는 그런 모리스의 환심을 산 후 돈 가방을 빼돌릴 작정이다. 당초 계획에 차질이 빚어져 당혹스러운 빅토르는 평소의 활동 반경을 넘어서는 일에 연루되는 것에 겁을 먹지만 결국엔 베티의 뜻을 따르기로 한다. 모리스와 베티는 예정대로 돈 가방을 들고 서인도제도 과들루프 행 비행기를 타고, 빅토르는 신문지로 채운 가방을 들고 기내 화장실에 숨는다. 베티는 실은 자신과 빅토르가 돈 가방을 바꿔치기하여 훔쳐갈 계획을 세웠다고 모리스에게 미리 실토하듯 언질을 준다. 그러나 실제로 화장실에서 접선한 베티와 빅토르는 가방을 바꾸는 시늉만 한다. 베티의 말을 곧이곧대로 믿은 모리스는 착륙 후 빅토르를 만나자 자신의 가방(돈 가방)과 그가 들고 있던 가방(신문지 가방)을 바꿔 들고 떠난다.
Jeunes gens
Le serveur
Céramique and Louis are a carefree and charming young couple. But soon the whims of love appear. They have to face up to it.
A Bottle of Wishes
4 young people are long time friends. They have a dinner together, which will turn into a mess when they play a game which consists in writing a vow on a little piece of paper to be put into a bottle: they love each other, but they are not able to transcend their loneliness and their selfishness.
Life of the Dead
Paul Lenehan
A young woman convenes with her extended family in a provincial village where her cousin, in a coma, is hospitalized after attempting suicide.