For several years, the head of a major construction trust Melnikov was accused of embezzlement, bribe-taking and immoral behavior in anonymous letters. As a result of inspections by numerous commissions, all these “signals” were not confirmed. Melnikov, unable to withstand the attacks and slander, died of a heart attack. Investigator Dzhangirov manages to expose the slanderer ...
Nina Kharitonovna
Lida Karyakina is 15 years old. At school, she has constant conflicts, not everything is alright at home. The girl decides to leave school and go to work. Having worked in different places, Lida understands that her vocation is to raise children...
Valeriya Sopelyak
A Cold War spy thriller made at Dovzehnko Film Studio in 1984 and set in Munich. A Ukrainian poet visiting his emigre cousin is threatened into working for the CIA's operations through Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.
Капитан милиции
жена генерала
The film is based on the short story by Anton Chekhov. Gentlemen invited to tea by the local landowner, a retired major-General von Rebbeca.. Lieutenant ryabovich lost in the darkness, in the rooms of the old house, suddenly kissed a stranger.
An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.
According to the play of the same name A. N. Ostrovsky. About fidelity and cunning, about purity of human feelings and belief in true happiness…
Alisa Yurievna
The protagonist of the film, engineer Barkasov, finds himself in ridiculous and anecdotal situations all day. He is a responsible worker, the head of a large institution and is completely exhausted from pressing urgent matters. On the advice of a doctor, his deputy bought two operetta tickets for his boss and ordered secretary Sofochka to accompany Barkasov at an evening performance...
Irina Mikhaylovna, mat Ali
Mother Maria Skobtsova, a Russian nun, helps Jews and other people hated by the Gestapo during World War II. Eventually, the Gestapo finds out and takes her away to the Ravensbruk Concentration Camp.
A bodies of a six-grader and his father are interchanges with the help of the magic machine invented by father.
Zoya Aleksandrovna
A new young teacher Tatyana Ivanovna takes a problematic 5th"B" class and wins with the score 4:0.
Sales Representative
She is a business, courageous and energetic woman. He is spineless, awkward and also not amenable to “correction.” It goes to divorce. Moreover, an ardent admirer of her beauty suddenly appears on the horizon. However, this circumstance, ultimately, leads to an unexpected result...
Поняв, что Фоменко сбежал от унылой жизни, семья и товарищи иначе взглянули на отношения между собой...
Anna Yevlampiyevna
Two young people are forced to spend three days together...
The hero of the film Scrubs – a war veteran who works in a school for troubled teens. On the day of release from the special school his favorite pupil Victor waited in vain for his mother – she did not come for her son, and went out to meet the swimming man, Vitina stepfather. Then the teacher took home Vitya – Aleksey Ivanovich. But when Victor saw the house merry company, his resentment prevailed, and the stubborn kid runs away from the bush, and the caretaker does not do anything but go in search of the fugitive
Young mathematician Dmitry hard going through the care of his wife. Having accidentally got to the shooting of the film, the hero suddenly begins to realize that the plot is based on the memories of his ex-wife.
Lady Markby
British MP Sir Robert Chiltern is known for his honesty and integrity. To match his wife, Lady Chiltern, who is an example of high morality. However, the past of Sir Robert, as it turned out, is not at all perfect. Famous socialite adventurer Laura Cheveley, with evidence of his long-standing dishonorable act, is trying to blackmail Chiltern. Not only Sir Robert's reputation and career are at stake, but also family happiness. His best friend comes to the rescue — Lord Goring.
Анна Романовна
Two families are trying to fix their problems during the celebration of the New Year.
Лидия Павловна
Rachkov's Mother
세 명의 시골 아가씨가 청춘의 꿈을 걸고 모스크바에 상경하여 도시생활에 익숙해지려는 그녀들의 하루하루는 자본주의의 여성과 다를 것이 없다. 여주인공 카테리나는 전문학교의 자격시험에 실패, 내년엔 합격하려고 노력하는 모범적 여공이다. 대학교수인 큰 아버지가 바캉스간 사이 큰 집을 지키게 된 그녀는 단짝인 류드미라와 안토니라 두사람과 함께 상류사회의 아가씨들을 행사하며 파티를 연다. 이 날 카테리나는 TV 카메라 맨 루돌프를 만나 사랑에 빠져 육체 교섭을 갖고, 대학 교수의 딸로 알고 결혼을 약속한 남자는 어느 날 우수한 여공을 취재하러 공장을 찾다가 그 우수한 여공은 다름 아닌 카테리나임을 알고는 실망하고 그의 어머니가 나타나 자기 아들은 엘리트 딸과 결혼해야한다고 큰 소리친다. 카테리나는 이때 임신하고 있었지만 그 남자와는 깨끗이 헤어진다. 그로부터 18년이 지나 미혼모는 공장장으로 승진한다. 그녀는 처자있는 남자와 정당히 바람도 피우나 옛날 자기를 버린 여자의 출세을 알고 다시 접근하여는 치사한 남자의 속셈을 알고 그녀는 단호히 고개를 돌린다. 그녀는 다시 기차칸에서 사귄 중년 숙년 기계공 고샤를 만나 그의 기묘한 매력에 사로잡혀 사랑에 빠지는데, 루돌프가 나타나 그녀의 높은 신분을 알게 된 고샤는 그만 그녀의 곁을 떠난다. 하지만 옛 친구의 남편에게 이끌려 돌아온 고샤와 카테리나는 감격적인 화해를 이룬다.
Vasilisa Yegorovna
TV show based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.
Lyudmila Ivanovna
Psychologist Petrov and sociologist Burtsev are invited by Basov, the director of a factory, to study the basic problem of production.
Aunt Cucurusa, teacher of singing
Gelsomino finds himself in a topsy-turvy "land of liars," where red is green, bread is ink, and dogs meow.
Multiply love stories are going around the young family including the newlyweds parnts and even... a grandmother.
Mariya Vasilyevna Devyatova
At high school, some pupils decide to play a 'practical joke' on their teacher. On the day of midterm exam all of them say they she had told them the wrong date for the exam. She almost believed them, but then asked a girl known for her honesty and the girl could not lie. As a result everyone in the class gets an F for that midterm. That's a real problem for some of them - with an F they cannot have perfect GPA and will not enter prestige Universities. They want revenge...
Taisiya Petrovna
A young girl known for being "Homeboy" for everybody is dreaming to become more feminine.
Professor Sretenski is a scientist and director of a research center in Russia. He is separated from his wife and lives alone. His daughter, who lives with the mother, comes to his home and stays with him for a period, leaving her daughter with him. He raises his granddaughter, feeling a great affection for her.
uchitelnitsa Leny