Units of the "whites" (PMC "Wagner") perform an assault operation to capture buildings. They are opposed by the "yellow" units, which have dug in these buildings and are also ready to fight to the end.
The story of an honest miner who confesses to cheating on his wife, after which he remains perfectly clean working in the mine. Because of this, his whole life goes downhill.
A ten-year-old orphan gets adopted by a man pursued by the Mob. After surviving a hit man's attack, by a strange twist of circumstances the new foster father now has the would-be-killer's appearance, that of his son's biological dad.
Гениальный ученый изобретает лекарство от всех болезней — «Каротин-6», а затем становится случайной жертвой бандитской разборки и погибает прямо на глазах 12-летнего внука Севы и его друга Кости. Сева посвящает свою жизнь тому, чтобы разобраться в дедовских исследованиях и отомстить за его смерть. Костя — человек более прагматичный — уезжает в Германию, но, услышав призыв друга помочь, возвращается. Мишеней для отмщения у молодых людей целых три: криминальный авторитет Пикассо, которому и предназначалась пуля; его незадачливый киллер; корыстолюбивый и недалекий директор НИИ, которой при жизни Севиного деда не смог оценить изобретение по достоинству.
The picture of youth, love and betrayal, the eternal problem of fathers and children. The main actors are teenagers living in a small provincial town. Their parents — decent people who are used to making money in an honest way - do not have the opportunity to help their children. The difficulties that teenagers face at home, once pushing them to steal. What is the moral law in our lives, what is today the place of eternal values — such as love, family, loyalty? What does money mean in the modern world? Where and when does a person cross the line beyond which there is no way back?..