Alain Dessauvage

Alain Dessauvage

프로필 사진

Alain Dessauvage

참여 작품

The Very Tired Man and the Woman Who Passionately Adored Bonsai
A barbed love story in which a woman reads an intriguing advertisement in the newspaper: 'mn sks wmn to d fr'. Together they discover an all-encompassing love.
서로가 세상의 전부였던 레오와 레미는 친구들에게 관계를 의심받기 시작한다. 이후 낯선 시선이 두려워진 레오는 레미와 거리를 두고, 홀로 남겨진 레미는 걷잡을 수 없는 감정에 빠져들고 만다. 점차 균열이 깊어져 가던 어느 날, 레오는 믿을 수 없는 현실을 마주하게 되는데...
Dreaming Walls: Inside the Chelsea Hotel
The end of an eight-year upmarket renovation of the legendary Chelsea Hotel is partly longed for and partly dreaded by the artists who still live there. The film grants us access to their apartments and interweaves the past with the present.
When André, a 54-year-old truck driver, catches the homeless teenager Thierry in a burglary, an unusual but deep friendship develops between two wandering souls. Together they go in search of Thierry’s mother, who he has never known.
La Civil
Cielo is a mother whose teenage daughter is kidnapped in Northern Mexico. When the authorities offer no support in the search, Cielo takes matters into her own hands and transforms from housewife into a vengeful militant.
Our Nature
A poetic and bittersweet codetta. Themes such as the craving for human contact and the impossibility to come together are central to this miniature piece.
5 년 전, 눈앞에서 딸의 실종을 목격한 은퇴한 사냥꾼 ‘레이번’. 그는 슬픔과 죄책감에서 헤어나지 못한 채 외딴 자연보호구역을 관리하며 하루하루를 보낸다. 어느 날 경비를 보던 중, 숲속에서 정체불명의 살인마가 한 소녀를 사냥하는 장면을 목격한 ‘레이번’은 소녀를 구하기 위해 끔찍한 인간 사냥 현장으로 뛰어든다. 한편, 신임 보안관 ‘앨리스’는 마을에서 벌어지는 연쇄 살인 사건을 추적하던 중 사고뭉치 동생 ‘브룩스’가 사건에 연관되어 있음을 직감하는데…
남아프리카공화국의 아파르트헤이트(인종 차별 정책)에 반대하는 무장 투쟁이 정점에 달했던 1980년대. 오랫동안 자신이 어딘가 다르다고 느껴왔던 니콜라스는 징용이 되어 앙골라의 국경으로 떠난다. 성소수자의 존재를 비하하는 잔인하고 비인간적인 훈련과 정신교육을 겪으면서도 니콜라스는 자신의 정체성을 확실히 깨닫게 된다.
사랑스러운 파트릭
패트릭은 아르덴 지방 산간 마을 아버지 루디가 운영하는 누드 캠핑촌의 운영을 맡고 있는 조용한 총각이다. 작업실 선반에 보관되어있던 망치 세트 중 하나가 사라지면서 패트릭의 일상은 깨어지기 시작하고, 루디가 갑자기 쓰러지면서 평화롭던 캠핑촌도 술렁이기 시작한다. 단골 손님 중 한명인 헤르만이 루디가 없는 사이에 캠핑촌을 인수할 계획을 세우면서, 패트릭은 이제 잃어버린 망치도 찾고 캠핑촌도 수호해야 하는 상항에 처한다.
​소년과 소녀의 경계에서 발레리나를 꿈꾸는 16살 라라. 호르몬 치료와 학업을 병행하며 진정한 자신을 찾기 위한 용기를 내기 시작한다.
The Day the Dogs Disappeared
Anna tries to protect her family, while a feeling of fear slowly creeps into their lives. The familiar becomes progressively strange...
레이서 앤 제일버드
상류층 출신의 카레이서 베네딕트를 만난 지노는 첫눈에 사랑에 빠져 열정적이고, 조건 없는, 격렬한 사랑을 한다. 지노는 잘생기고, 털털하고, 평범해 보이는 남자지만 베네딕트에게 털어놓을 수 없는 비밀이 있다. 자신과 주변 사람의 목숨을 모두 위험에 빠트릴 수 있는 그런 비밀. 과연 베네딕트와 지노는 과거를 뒤로하고 미래로 나아갈 수 있을까?
Flemish Heaven
A look at the lives of three generations of women. Monique and her daughter Sylvie run a brothel on the border of West Flanders and France. Eline, Sylvie's six-year-old daughter, is fascinated by the mysterious workplace of her mother and grandmother, but she is never allowed inside. A dramatic event turns their lives upside down and the family ties are put under pressure.
Vincent is a 17-year old ecologist who drives his family crazy with his attempts to reduce their carbon footprint. Vincent‘s giddy French aunt Nikki takes him on a trip to France, convinced that the boy‘s obsession is related to his suffocating mother. But on their road-trip, Vincent proves to be much more than Nikki can handle.
커플 인 홀
A middle-aged couple who have renounced civilization to live in a cave in the woods are befriended by a local farmer with mysterious ulterior motives.
소년을 위한 나라는 없다
Editorial Consultant
미군은 아프가니스탄에서 철수하기로 결정하고, 폐허가 된 땅에 남겨진 소년들은 자신들만의 방식으로 살아간다. 갱 조직을 만들어 무역 통로를 관리하고, 전쟁에서 쓰다남은 포탄과 총알을 다른 소년들에게 팔기도 한다. 허구와 다큐가 결합된 하이브리드 형식을 통해, 우리는 전쟁으로 신음하는 아프가니스탄으로 영화적 여행을 떠난다. 7년 넘게 촬영된 이미지들을 통해 감독은 전쟁으로 폐허가 된 아프가니스탄의 다음 세대에게 남겨진 것은 무엇인지 질문을 던진다. (2016년 제8회 DMZ국제다큐영화제) 리뷰 영화는 소년들에게서 시작한다. 아프간 주둔 미군의 철수 소식을 듣는 쿠치 종족의 소년들, 이들은 전쟁으로 인해 제대로 된 삶을 살지 못한 이들이다. 이미 폐허가 된 공간에서 미군들의 심부름을 하며, 총알을 피해 다니며 지내던 소년들이 생존할 수 있는 방법이 무엇일까? 영화 속 소년들은 갱 조직을 만들어 무역 통로를 관리하고, 전쟁에서 쓰다 남은 포탄과 총알을 팔고, 마약을 사고 팔면서 자신들의 삶을 개척해간다. 사실, 영화는 허구와 실제 두 축이 묘하게 공존하고 있다. 갱단 소년들의 이야기는 허구의 양식으로, 한 소녀를 사랑하지만 떠나야만 하는 멜로드라마 코드와 영웅 신화의 모험담을 가미하여 다층적인 비유를 담아내고 있다. 그리고 또 한 축으로는 아프간 주둔 미군의 실제 푸티지를 사용한다. 아프가니스탄 사막 산꼭대기에서 수시로 의미 없는 사격하는 미군들에게 음식과 생필품을 가져다 주며 살아가는 소년들의 모습들을 배치하고 있다. 재연과 기록 두 축 모두 정보적인 차원이나 서사적인 맥락 보다는 전쟁의 참상을 감각적으로 마주하게 하는 힘이 있다. 이 모든 감각과 맥락을 아우르는 지점에서 아프가니스탄의 사막 풍경이 존재한다. 뛰어난 색감을 가지고 마치 살아 숨쉬는 듯한 사막은 하이스피드와 타임랩스로 동적이며 극적으로 존재한다. 실제 공간이지만 꿈같기도 하고, 미래 같기도 하고, 과거 같기도 한 초월적 느낌을 자아낸다. 영화의 또 다른 주인공인 셈이다. 그래서일까?
The Ardennes
A brutal home-jacking goes hopelessly wrong. Dave, one of the two robbers, manages to run off, leaving his brother Kenneth behind. Four years later, Kenneth is released from prison and much has changed. Dave has his life back on track and is trying to help Kenneth however possible, but is witnessing how the highly strung Kenneth tries to win back his ex-girlfriend Sylvie.
The Sky Above Us
Belgrade, 1999. People go in and out of cafés, and lively conversation echoes all around. As if no one expects the NATO bombings. As if they never even started. But there is tension nonetheless, behind the eyes of people who suppress their fear at any cost. It is in this time and place that Ana, Sloba and Bojan construct their own sense of normality in order to retain their sanity. Three ways to deal with fear. One random sky above.
Marry Me
She is a quick-tempered and feisty Turkish woman; he, a shy and reticent, young Flemish man. Their respective families hold strong – perhaps too strong – opinions on the imminent marriage, and, on the big day, chaos ensues, making the young couple question their own readiness to commit to a union for life. Are their backgrounds really so different to tear them apart?
Love is the Word
Love is the Word is a moving, romantic and funny coming-of-age drama about the magic of first love and the misery of first lost, set in 1978: the year 'Grease' hit the big screen.
Bad Hunter
Young man Bahoz goes hunting in rural Kurdistan. He witnesses the rape of a young woman by an older man. He chases the man away and helps the woman to mend her clothes so she can conceal the rape from her family. That evening, Bahoz receives an unexpected visit...
Dura Lex
Kristi, a single mother, has to prove her innocence in a human trafficking case, since it appears that her illegal cleaning lady is not who she claims to be. Kristi is confronted with an impossible choice.
The Resurrection of a Bastard
A criminal from Amsterdam barely surviving a liquidation. An old Frisian farmer bent on revenge. An illegal immigrant with uncertain prospects. Eventually, they meet under an ancient oak tree. Beyond the last town.
Brasserie Romance
Manager Pascaline and chef Angelo have been, for several years, striving toward earning the coveted "chef's hat" in the Gault Millau restaurant guide. Tonight is Valentine's Day: one of the busiest nights of the year. Angelo provides an appropriate menu and Pascaline lovingly sets the tables. As always, Pascaline has everything under control. Her customers expect a lot tonight. For every couple that has won a table they expect to get love on their plate. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.
A man attempts to reclaim the life that prison took from him but his dark past threatens to ruin everything.
Las Meninas
Belen, a young woman from Murcia, grows up in a family of hysterical women. When her grandmother Marta passes away, a legacy issue emerges. The ex-husband of Marta, Fernando, appears to have built up a new life in Ghent and inherits a part of the capital. The family is furious and wants to get hold of the money while Belen tries to fight the hatred and travels to Ghent. Will she solve the issue or simply get to know better her grandfather? Belen searches for the truth about her family and about herself and discovers that wisdom lies in the art of acceptance.
김동무는 하늘을 난다
A North Korean coal miner struggles to realize her dream of becoming a circus acrobat.
A young cattle farmer is approached by an unscrupulous veterinarian to make a shady deal with a notorious beef trader.
Frits and Freddy
Frits and Freddy Frateur are brothers who, after a confrontation with the white collar criminal Carlo Mus, kidnap his wife, Gina. The situation for the brothers goes from bad to worse as more and more people get involved, and all want a share of the ransom money.
Two young man share an incurable illness. Is their love for the women in their lives strong enough to conquer their fear of dying?
Na Wewe
Editorial Consultant
Na Wewe is a 2010 Belgian short film directed by Ivan Goldschmidt, set in Burundi in 1994 or thereabouts. There is a civil war on, a genocidal conflict opposing Hutus and Tutsis. The film follows an attack by rebels of a minibus transporting ordinary passengers -- but who is a Hutu and who is a Tutsi? The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
In this frenzied tale about passionate affairs, vicious cycles and fresh blood, a disillusioned older woman is trying to hide her true nature from the young girl she is dating.
Four girls discover a primitive hidden village where everybody falls asleep and all children are gone.
Moscow, Belgium
‘Moscou’ is a densely populated working class neighbourhood on the outskirts of Ghent, Belgium. Matty, mother of three, bumps her car into a truck on the parking lot of a supermarket. Johnny climbs down from the cabin. He is infuriated by the dent in his front bumper and yells at Matty. Although impressed by the accident, Matty fights back with sharp words. Their discussion turns into a row, and the police have to intervene. Matty goes home, the trunk of her car dancing up and down. Back in her apartment, Matty takes a hot bath to recover from the afternoon’s emotionswhen the phone rings. It’s Johnny, apologizing for his behaviour on the parking lot. Matty tells him to stay out of her life. A dramatic comedy begins about a woman whose soul is full of dents and bruises.
De Zondvloed
This is a portrait of an old man who is kept locked up in the attic by his daughter with the excuse that outside it continuously rains. The man escapes in his imagination, carving wooden animals. Suddenly he realizes that the Flood is about to happen.
Tanghi Argentini
An office clerk with a hankering to tango enlists the support of a workplace colleague as he prepares for a date. It's Christmas time and the concept of giving assumes fairy tale proportions in this beguiling modern story.
Nicky breaks both of his feet, and asks his cousin Carlo to stand in for him during a footballmatch. But when Carlo is picked up on the day of the match, he gets in the wrong car.
On a cold winter evening a young manager gets stuck in traffic on his way home from work. He takes his brand new mobile to call his wife, not knowing that by doing so he is about to cause irreparable damage.
Oh My God?!
A young girl wakes up in the trunk of a car. This is not how she imagined her birthday...
A motorcyclist draws a red line in the middle of the desert. The line must never be broken, nor be passed.