Jaromír Zaoral

출생 : 1930-07-28,

참여 작품

Mimořádný případ
Director of Photography
Několik životů
Director of Photography
Dovolená na úrovni
Director of Photography
Příběh muže, který miloval svou ženu
Director of Photography
Příběh ženy, která milovala lidi
Director of Photography
Příběh chlapce, který miloval svou práci
Director of Photography
3x denně kapku rosy
Camera Car
Děti mají zpívat
Director of Photography
Janovi lidé
Director of Photography
Poštovní známka z Vídně
Director of Photography
Antonius a Kleopatra
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Čtveračinky anebo o třech mistrech z cechu šibalů
Director of Photography
Obtíže rovin
Director of Photography
Hledání v prachu
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Soukromá věc
Director of Photography
Papoušek z Isfahánu
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Poslední koncert
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Princezna Majolenka
Director of Photography
Anna mých snů
Director of Photography
Peer Gynt
Director of Photography
Jak se Honza nestal králem
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Země úsměvů
Director of Photography
O veselé píšťalce
Director of Photography
O statečném Bartoškovi, lesním hospodáříčkovi a léčivé bylince
Director of Photography
Veselé paničky windsorské
Director of Photography
Příběh středního útočníka
Director of Photography
Mořská panna
Director of Photography
Jak Kuzma vyzrál na medvědy
Director of Photography
Sedmá ruka
Director of Photography
Valašský vojvoda
Director of Photography
Ztracený prsten
Director of Photography
Poslední rok
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Požehnaný věk
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Ten, který dostává políčky
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Fantastická rodina
Director of Photography
Auto jako páv
Director of Photography
Půjčka za oplátku
Director of Photography
V zahradě jsou s láskou svou don Perlimplin s Belisou
Director of Photography
Smrt a život Flinka Mizery
Director of Photography
Slovanské tance
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Slovanské nebe
Director of Photography
Jeho urozenost pan měšťák
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nápadník z Marsu
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Páni Glembayové
Director of Photography
Hejtman a jeho hrdina
Director of Photography
Čtyři páni hrubiáni
Director of Photography
Modche a Rézi
Director of Photography
Zámek na jihu
Director of Photography
Plukovník Chabert
Director of Photography
Korczak a jeho děti
Director of Photography
Kouzlo domova
Director of Photography
Dnes ještě zapadá slunce nad Atlantidou
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Co nás dělí
Director of Photography
Ondřej a drak
Director of Photography
Strašidlo canterwillské
Director of Photography
Kamenný host
Director of Photography
Prostor k ústupu
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Otázka hrdosti
Director of Photography
Každý něco pro vlast
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Šestá žena Modrovousova
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Není doba pro zupáky aneb Patálie seržanta Kinga
Director of Photography
Milenci z kiosku
Director of Photography
Jegor Bulyčov a ti druzí
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Černé démanty
Director of Photography
V nebezpečném pásmu
Director of Photography
Zákon zimního tábora
Director of Photography
Kryštof Kolumbus aneb Objevení Ameriky
Director of Photography
Všichni moji synové
Director of Photography
Markoltovo šprýmování aneb Frantové a bařtipáni
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Zadržitelný vzestup Artura Uie
Director of Photography
Pohádka z pouti
Director of Photography
O dobrém dni a dobré noci
Director of Photography
O princezně, vojáčkovi a obláčku
Director of Photography
O zlobivém kohoutkovi
Director of Photography
Paní Marjánka, matka pluku aneb Ženské srdce
Director of Photography