Production Director
몰도바 공화국 안에 위치한 트란스니스트리아는 ‘미승인 국가’다. 트란스니스트리아의 국민인 니콜라이는 어쩔 수 없이 몰도바의 여권을 갖고 러시아와 동유럽 국가들을 여행하고, 그 과정에서 니콜라이는 자신의 정체성을 고민한다. 국가와 국가 사이, 그리고 과거의 공산주의와 현재 사이를 오가는 카메라는 니콜라이의 여정을 옆에서 기록하는 동시에 픽션의 이미지들을 과감하게 삽입한다.
The story is about two old men. One day they are invited to a friend’s wedding. On the wedding day, not knowing what present to give, they randomly decide to take the sofa from the courtyard. They steal a car, get the sofa on the top and hit the road. Little do they know, about the troubles this sofa would cause them.
The story is about two old men. One day they are invited to a friend’s wedding. On the wedding day, not knowing what present to give, they randomly decide to take the sofa from the courtyard. They steal a car, get the sofa on the top and hit the road. Little do they know, about the troubles this sofa would cause them.
The story is about two old men. One day they are invited to a friend’s wedding. On the wedding day, not knowing what present to give, they randomly decide to take the sofa from the courtyard. They steal a car, get the sofa on the top and hit the road. Little do they know, about the troubles this sofa would cause them.