Mikhail Samokhvalov

참여 작품

Masha Krapivina - is yet beautiful, and not that clever. She is just an ordinary girl, like thousands of her peers from different parts of the country, who risked to try to conquer Moscow and left their native country town.
Sadyk’s grandson has disappeared in Russia as one of thousands of Uzbeks who travel there for work. The old man sets out for Moscow unaware of the contents of the package he is carrying for his benefactor.
포비든 리얼리티
존재를 알 수 없는 다른 차원에 존재하는 악의 세력과 손을 잡고 국가의 모든 권력을 차지한 쿠롤로에 대항하기 위해 군사 정보부는 그의 배신으로 죽을 고비를 넘긴 후 외딴곳에 숨어 살던 전직 특수 요원 매트비에게 그를 막으라는 특별한 임무를 부여하게 된다. 하지만 그 임무를 계속 거절하던 매트비는 정체를 알 수 없는 무리의 끊임 없는 공격을 받게 된다. 그러던 어느 날 매트비는 시공간을 지배하는 절대자로부터 세상을 구원할 중계자인 “인터셉터”로 선택을 받게 되고 자신도 모르는 사이에 생겨난 특별한 능력으로 쿠롤로와 인류의 운명을 건 마지막 대결을 준비하게 되는데…
Приказано уничтожить! Операция: «Китайская шкатулка»
Bear Hunting
Остросюжетный боевик, где переплетаються большие деньги и большая политика, любовь и предательство, жизнь и смерть. Олег Гринев по прозвищу Медведь (Валерий Николаев) работает на фондовой бирже. Безошибочное финансовое чутье и многолетний опыт брокера позволяют ему задумать большую игру. Начиная ее, он не просто хочет заработать много денег. Главная цель - создать условия для возрождения экономики новой России, но есть и ещё одна, личная - отомстить за смерть отца. Олег даже не подозревает, насколько круто ""большая игра"" изменит его жизнь, и что в финале будет раскрыта тайна, хранимая несколько десятилетий...
Moscow Gigolo
A young captain demobilized from the army, in search of a better life, comes to Moscow. All attempts to earn money honestly for housing and food end in failure. In addition, he owes a large sum to his comrade in the military school, who has long abandoned the army and is successfully dancing striptease in one of the capital's clubs. To pay back the debt, the hero agrees to work in a striptease and from that moment becomes a professional gigolo.
Marina (Alyona Babenko) is a journalist contemplating retiring, bored of writing stories of serial killers and murders that are front page news one day, and then are quickly forgotten the next. At a large house a lawyer is holed up, police are in the front garden, snipers on the roof and the lawyer asks for Marina. She’s a little surprised by this as she and the lawyer have only crossed paths a few times during her career, but agrees to go to the lawyers house. Arriving at the house she’s confronted by the large police presence, she’s given a quick debrief of the situation and requested not to go into the house. She declines and enters the house. Just inside the front door is the lawyers wife, she tell Marina that he’s lost it and locked the children in their rooms and that he’s going to kill them all.