Igor Pushkaryov

Igor Pushkaryov

출생 : 1938-03-13, Москва, СССР (Россия)

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Igor Pushkaryov

참여 작품

Я обещала, я уйду...
The Ghosts of the Green Room
According to the story of JB Prestley "Jenny Villiers." Actors of the London Theater gathered in the Green Room of Barton Spa, a kind of theater museum. The playwright Martin Civerell expresses his doubts that the theater is able to regain its former charm. Left alone in the Green Room, Civerell sees the actors of the last century and becomes a witness to the drama that happened here a hundred years ago...
The Touch
Director of the plant
Olga Nikolayevna kills her little son Kolya and then herself. Andrey, the most laid-back and friendly cop in Russia, gets on the case.
The Mercedes Man File
A professional intelligence officer Ingmar Ross, an employee of one of the embassies, is tasked with recruiting a specialist from a Moscow classified company. But, having fallen in love with a Russian woman
Tender age
Kir Lopukhov and Alyosha Mamykin are classmates who have just received a certificate of maturity. The war began and the guys, without hesitation, also act together in the same artillery special school. They are given just three days to visit the front, for which there is so much to be done! Say goodbye to your Sokolniki. Find classmates. And Kira - by all means learn about the fate of her beloved girl Olya. True, she was evacuated, but according to rumors, she returned to the capital to go to university.
The Order: Cross the Border
Serezhkin, cook
A movie about a Soviet soldiers on the Japanese borders during 1945.
Deer Hunting
Spring of 1942. A train with evacuated children from the Dvinsky orphanage falls under the bombing of the Nazis. After the raid, the children find themselves in the occupied territory in the area of operations of the Belarusian partisan detachment. To find the people's avengers, the Nazis decide to use children.
Остаюсь с вами
The Order: Do Not Open Fire
A movie about a Soviet soldiers on the Japanese borders during 1941.
Pyotr's father
A graduate of the village school Pyotr Gorokhov from the village of Dyadkovo comes to Moscow to enter a prestigious economic university; he succeeds, albeit literally by a miracle. However, Petya was always helped out by chance and mysticism. Compared to other students (mostly Muscovites and residents of other big cities), this guy from the province stands out sharply — both in manners, in reprimand, and in behavior. Accustomed to defend their principles to the end of Gorokhov was called Balamut (Troublemaker). Nevertheless, in the student community, he quickly mastered and became a leader. Everything would be fine, but he has two problems — unrequited love for the dark-skinned beauty from Cuba and English...
Street Without End
Immediately after the prom, Olya Rusanova arrives in the city where her father worked and tragically died. Many years ago he dreamed of building a city, and now she is walking along the street bearing his name, a street without end. Having met her father’s friends, Olya learns him anew. They tell the girl how her father wanted to see large houses and wide streets on the site of the tent city. How he knew how to be friends and to love, and how longed for Olya when he broke up with his wife, who didn't agree to go with him.
Ivanov Kater
В тесном кубрике катера, капитаном которого давно ходит Иван Бурлаков и где матросом работает Еленка, вовсе не в шутку называемая им женой, появляется новый работник - помощник капитана Сергей. Внешне энергичный и открытый, он быстро добивается любви Еленки. И также быстро - увольнения Ивана...
Шаги по земле
Они живут рядом
Road to the Sea
Twin sisters Asya and Slavka dream of enrolling in a nautical school. After the first refusal, the girls go to Transbaikalia, get a job at the fur farm, make real friends, fall in love, experience all kinds of adventures and still dream of the sea.
Aleksey Kostyanok
A Bag Full of Hearts
Many years brings the collective-farm postman Arina post to home folks. This village in one corner is calledl; Chistuy Kolodets; in other ; Chistaya Krinitsa Russians and Ukrainians live there. Arina's stories about village people and the contemporaries create big story which in many recalls their favourite songs.
Penalty Kick
Гончаров, легкоатлет
A crafty swindler, appointed to be a coach of an amateur sports team, came up with a cheat plan for victory - secretly recruit a number of professional players to his team.
Third Time
The film is based on the real fact — football «The Death Match» between the German team and a team of Soviet prisoners of war, former "Dinamo". It happened in Kiev on June 22, 1942. Anticipating the possibility of losing, the Germans made a condition — defeat or death. If the Germans won, the Soviet footballers were promised freedom...
The Very First Space
Sergei Sazonov
After a test flight, pilot Sergei Sazonov was invited to a group of astronauts. Intensive preparation begins for the flight into space: classes in the weightlessness chamber, constant study. Sergei decides that he does not have the right to meet with a cheerful student Natasha, whom his friends accuse of frivolity. But their telephone conversation ends up asking him to marry him.
But What If This Is Love?
High school students Ksenya and Boris are in love but all the world is against them.
The Day the War Ended
The Wind
Filmed in the context of the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Komsomols, the League of Young Communists, tells the story of three youth delegates from the League in 1918, who must make the dangerous journey to Moscow during the civil war to participate in League’s congress.