Olga Lomonosova

Olga Lomonosova

출생 : 1978-05-18, Донецк, СССР (ДНР)

프로필 사진

Olga Lomonosova

참여 작품

Иваново счастье. Новые истории
1942: 최정예특수부대 스페츠나츠
мать Четвертак
1942년 늦은 봄, 제2차 세계대전이 극에 치달을 무렵 전선과는 다소 멀리 떨어진 한적한 곳에 있는 소련 여군 대공포부대 지역에 독일군 무장친위대가 소련의 주요 보급로인 키로프 철로와 백해-발트 운하를 폭파하기 위해 침투를 시작한다. 바스코프 상사는 총조차 제대로 쏴본 적 없는 5명의 여자 대공포부대원을 데리고 나치의 계획을 저지하기 위해 나선다. 하지만 2명으로만 알았던 독일군의 숫자가 16명인 것으로 드러나면서 바스코프와 여자 부대원들은 당혹감을 감추지 못하는데...
A love story of Masha - a scientist, teacher and a mother of a high school student.
Two Stories about Love
A love comes unexpected to the businessman (who meets the scientist woman) and his daughter (who meets scientist' sun).
Sluchaynaya Zapis
Igor comes to Yalta to visit his friend. Here he wants to make a movie about old boat, which went down in the Black Sea many years ago. But life presents him a special meeting with Iryna, who works for politicians. Moreover, strange thing happens - murder - and Igor with his camera becomes a witness of it. This camera is the only source of truth and... danger for both heroes of the film!
Long-term effects
Tanya Vinogradova
In the complicated case of a maniac terrorizing the city, there is another victim, miraculously not a victim.
Some time ago three total strangers participated in a cheesecake commercial. A mother, a father and a son were simply having tea at a dinner table, but for the boy from a dysfunctional family the shot where they were eating a cake together became an obsession; he dreams about another “family” gathering at the same table. Alyosha does not care that his “mom”, Natalia, has been married for a long time, and that his “dad”, Mikhail, has a girlfriend.
Night Nurses
After an accident, an unconscious and charming millionaire from Moscow lands in a provincial boarding house where he is surrounded with loving care by four sexy nurses.
Tochka Vozvrata
Пройти «точку возврата» означает, никогда не вернуться туда, где начат путь. Каким бы сложным и долгим он не был — выбор можно сделать лишь единожды. У всех героев фильма есть своя предельно достижимая отметка на жизненном маршруте, пройдя которую, быть прежним невозможно. Похоронив любимых женщин — жену Лену и дочь Танечку, Родин отгораживается от внешнего мира: не подходит к операционному столу, не садится за руль автомобиля. Вернуть профессора затворника в привычную колею, пытается сосед по дому, старинный приятель семьи Родина — детектив Герман.
Ty Mne Snishsya