Catarina Santos

참여 작품

A Ceia
Makeup Artist
A Parede
Makeup Artist
In a society where the weak are oppressed, Sofia and Michael share their life stories through a wall
Makeup Artist
O trabalho liberta?
Since the Nazis infamously used Manchester Liberalism-apologist Heinrich Beta’s dictum Labour Liberates at the gates of several concentration and extermination camps, work has lost all positive values and connotations. What now? Hewers, loaders, hurriers, etc., in the Neves-Corvo mine see this matter differently from, say, priest António Vaz Pinto or critic/historian Paulo Varela Gomes.
War or Peace?
What happens when the testimonies of maimed Colonial War veterans meet the visual universe of Marvel comics? Would an alien life form, confronted with the evidence shown here, be able to say what war and peace mean to the members of the race we call human?