Apollo Yu

Apollo Yu

출생 : 1976-07-22, Shenyang,Liaoning Province,China

프로필 사진

Apollo Yu
Apollo Yu

참여 작품

Executioner's Strange Talk
Wang Qian
The executioner Xie Qi, who is in charge of the ghost-headed knife, will encounter the ghost of a woman who is back for revenge because he killed the female prisoner during the taboo of three quarters of noon. The people of the town were very angry and blamed Xie Qi for all the inauspicious things that happened. Xie Qi wants to use the old method of stitching up the human head back to its body and subsequently burn it to pacify the female ghost, but unexpectedly the human head was stolen, and the body sewer was killed. The case of the town’s wealthy merchants grave moving and the girl’s disappearance, things start coming together, and Xie Qi is now in grave danger…
Detective Dee and Resurrection from the Dead
Di Renjie
In the first year of Empress Wu (690 AD) the fraudulent corpse suddenly appeared in Qiao County. People began to say that the work of the dead prince Li Tang, who intends to overthrow the mother's regime. At the same time, the evil dragon formed by the fraudulent corpse's Yin Qi suddenly descended to the divine capital city
Ice Sniper
Platoon Leader
신 보보경심
Crown Prince
자신의 집에서 넘어져 욕조에 빠진 장샤오원(진의함)은 청나라의 주술사에 의해 타임슬립을 통해 청나라 시대로 오게 된다. 그 곳에서 만나게 된 4황자(양우녕)의 도움으로 목숨을 건지게 된 그녀는 자신이 청나라의 공주이자 청나라 태자에게 생명의 위협을 받고 있는 약희 공주가 되었다는 사실에 혼란을 느끼게 된다. 그러던 중 그 곳에서의 생활에 적응하며 4황자에게 호감을 서서히 느끼게 되지만 우연히 4황자의 동생 14황자(두효)를 만난 후 시간이 갈수록 조금씩 흔들리는 자신의 감정을 느끼게 되는데…
Hello Babies
Yu Xiu Bo
The rich merchant Lui Ming and a his old opponent Yeung Wai fight for everything for years. This time they compete for first to be grandpa! Yeung is going have a grandson from his son Alex and daughter in law Shan. Lui therefore threat his grandnephew couple Scallop and Snowy who live off his money to have baby, or will cut off all financial supports. Lui also hire the Super Star midwife Gong San to supervise and urge Scallop and Snowy. The couple’s life turns upside down, but recalls their romantic passion of the beginning of love…
Baby Blues
When a young couple moves into a home, they find a mysterious doll that changes their lives forever.
천하칠검 양가장
Yang Yanding
송나라 장수 양업은 황실로부터 공을 인정받은 명장으로 슬하에 첫째 대랑(양연평)부터 막내 칠랑(양연사)까지 일곱 아들을 두었다. 어느 날 양업의 여섯째 아들 육랑(양연소)이 참가한 대련에서 그의 동생 칠랑이 사고로 앙숙 집안의 아들 반표를 죽이게 된다. 아들을 잃은 반표가문은 황제에게 양씨가문에 대한 처벌을 호소하지만 양업 장군의 공을 높이 평가하는 황제는 처벌을 주저한다. 그리고 이 때 요나라가 10만 대군을 이끌고 송나라를 향해 전쟁을 일으킨다. 황제는 요나라를 물리치도록 양업을 수장으로 보내려고 하지만 반표의 부친 반공이 공을 세울 기회를 달라고 하자, 어쩔 수 없이 반공을 총사령관으로 임명한다. 전쟁에 출정한 양업은 교활한 반공의 농간으로 적의 독화살을 맞고 산성에 피신하게 된다. 이 소식을 들은 양업의 일곱 아들은 아버지를 구출하기 위한 맹세를 다짐하고 출정을 서두르게 되는데……
Hotel Deluxe
Mark Lui
Hotel Deluxe is basically "All's Well Ends Well 2013", with almost the same cast and crew, and some new faces added in. It tells the story of a team of hotel management trying their best to score a 5-star rating for their hotel, with some supporting characters and stories added in along the way.
Star Appeal
Chinese filmmaker Cui Zi’en directs this gay-themed sci-fi drama about Xiao Bo, a bisexual man who discovers a stranger by the roadside, naked and claiming to be from Mars.
Only Child, Upward, Downward, Forward, Backward, Rightward and Leftward
A philosophical essay written in visuals. The pioneer in Chinese queer cinema, Cui Zi’en, talks about carnal instinct from a philosophical point of view in allegory form. Physical liberation is the way to true freedom.
My Fair Son
When young art student Ray moves in with his estranged businessman father after years of separation, the two tentatively begin to reconcile their many differences -- including Ray's revelation that he's gay, which his father struggles to accept.
Pirated Copy
Shen Ming
Set against the backdrop of the contemporary black market for pirated DVDs in Beijing, Pirated Copy is a character-driven drama about the passion two couples have for each other and for film.
The Narrow Path
A young man wandering naked along a seemingly endless country road claims that he's an alien. So do the three other young men (also naked) who join him. These 'aliens' eventually find their route blocked—by five macho toughs, who see in them both potential ransom money and potential illicit pleasures.
Enter the Clowns
Xiao Bo lives in a world where the lines defining men from women are constantly dissolving. He kneels at the deathbed of his father who has become a woman, and whose dying wish is to have oral sex with his/her son. His boyfriend Nana has also undergone a sex change, but Xiao Bo no longer finds her attractive as a woman. A sexual chain reaction ensues that wreaks havoc on traditional Chinese roles that govern male and female, parent and child.
The Old Testament
This three-part film explores homosexuality in communist China.
Men and Women
Xiao Bo
Xiao Bo arrives in Beijing, gets a job at a boutique, and is invited to stay with his lady boss, Ah Qing, and her husband, Kang. Knowing that Xiao Bo is still single, his host tries to introduce him to her best friend, Ah Meng. After a few dates, Ah Meng begins to suspect Xiao Bo is gay. She tells Ah Qing, who then informs her husband Kang. After learning this, Kang attempts to rape Xiao Bo when his wife isn't at home. Xiao Bo leaves the house, quits his job and joins his old friend, Chong Chong, and realizes that he has a gay lover, Gui Gui. Some time later, Ah Qing confesses to Kang that she had an affair with Ah Meng.
중국 운남성의 한 작은 마을에서 풍작과 만선을 비는 제사를 지내던 중 갑자기 나타난 산적 때문에 엉망이 되는 일이 발생하자 인근의 쿵후 사범들이 이들과 대적하지만 역부족이었다. 이 때 영춘이라는 여인이 나타나 산적을 전부 물리친다. 17세 때 강제로 결혼시키려는 두부 장수인 부모의 뜻을 거역하고 남장한 채 무술을 익힌 영춘은 고모를 도와 두부 장사를 계속한다. 이때 이웃마을에 나타난 황학주라는 남자가 영춘과 결혼하려고 한다. 그러나 그는 염낭이라는 여인을 영춘으로 잘못 알고 접근한다. 한편 염낭에 눈독을 들인 산적이 염낭의 납치에 실패하자 영춘에게 1대1 도전장을 보내게 되는데...