Jasmine Allodi

참여 작품

Bonnie Langford in Conversation
Matthew Sweet chats to companion Bonnie Langford
묻혀진 죽음
Sound Recordist
유럽에서 극우세력이 다시 떠오르고 있다. 세계2차대전 당시 폴란드의 숲 속에서 생매장당한 한 로마니 집시 여인의 망령이 다시 나타나 1940년대에 자행되었던 집시의 학살부터 현재 신나치주의자들의 증오범죄까지, 우리의 시선을 그 곳으로 향하게 한다.
100 Vaginas
Sound Recordist
A bold, feminist film about how the vagina has shaped our view of the world and the shame around female sexuality. Women from 19 to 77 years old talk about puberty, menstruation, birth, motherhood, infertility, menopause, pleasure, sex, pain, trauma, gender, sexuality, cancer, rape and FGM.
Doctor Who: The Television Centre of the Universe
Sound Recordist
Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding takes Peter Davison, Mark Strickson and Janet Fielding on a trip through BBC Television Centre, meeting up with old friends and colleagues as they reminisce on their time spent working in the iconic building. With film traffic supervisor Neville Withers, assistant floor manager Sue Hedden, costume designer Odile Dicks-Mireaux, production assistant Jane Ashford, make-up artists Joan Stribling and Carolyn Perry, former BBC producer and writer Richard Marson, senior camera supervisor Alec Wheal, exhibitions assistant Bob Richardson and videotape engineer Simon Anthony.