Therese Henningsen

참여 작품

Look Then Below
Ben Rivers' films study the otherworldly, looking for places and stories outside the daily conventions of reality. Look Then Below was filmed in a Somerset transformed into a coloured, mist-enveloped island in an oily ocean with a cave basking in a subterranean glow. Time seems to stand still there. After Slow Action and Urth, this is the final part of a trilogy developed with American SF author Mark von Schlegell.
Here for Life
Ten Londoners and a dog. They dance together, steal together, eat together; agree and disagree, celebrate their differences and share their talents. They spark a debate about the world we live in, who has stolen what from whom, and how things might be fixed.
Slow Delay
You’ve got something I want. All good comes to he who waits. I always wait… Nothing ever comes my way. My nephew, he’s a millionaire. My sister’s husband’s a millionaire. My other nephew, he’s a millionaire. And my cousin, she’s a millionaire. You know, just because we get older we don’t stop wanting those things.