Yuri Kolokolnikov

Yuri Kolokolnikov

출생 : 1980-12-15, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Yuri Andreyevich Kolokolnikov (born 15 December 1980) is a Russian actor of theatre and cinema. In the West, Kolokolnikov is best known for his performance as Styr in the television series Game of Thrones and as Gennadi Bystrov in The Americans.

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Yuri Kolokolnikov
Yuri Kolokolnikov

참여 작품

Пираты Галактики Барракуда
A space pirate from the distant Barracuda galaxy, possessing amazing superpowers, comes to Earth. To escape the punishment of harsh cosmic law, the alien takes on the guise of a quiet schoolboy, Mitya, and begins searching for a repeater left on Earth in time immemorial to send a distress signal to his team. He accidentally saves the girl Christina, who is being bullied by her classmates, and finds himself in the same company with the young hooligan and bully Kolya. Now their common task is not only to escape from their alien snake-people pursuers, but also to defuse a bomb that could destroy the entire solar system! But in order to save the Earth, you first have to understand that only friendship and self-sacrifice can resolve problems on a galactic scale.
Мой дикий друг
Seventh-grader Sasha Menshikov is finishing the school year at a new school and lives with his aunt Nina in a small picturesque town. Sasha's mother, a famous scientist, brought him here from Moscow for the duration of her next expedition. Things didn't work out with Sasha's classmates; after school, he often walks alone in nature. One day in the forest, Sasha finds a little fox caught in a trap. Having learned that poachers are hunting for the fox cub, the boy hides him in a dugout deep in the forest and begins to nurse him. This begins a touching and adventurous story about friendship, responsibility and justice.
Беспринципные в деревне
General Khadyakov turns sixty. He decides to ditch Moscow for a day and celebrate his birthday in an authentic Russian village with an immersive countryside experience. Fishing, a jolly feast, a visit to the banya, and a farm-style spa - that's the plan, and all of his beloved friends are coming. But the party goes awry: the rich guests manage to turn the whole village against themselves, get into a nasty quarrel and lose all the food.
The plot of the film develops in Moscow in the 1930s. A famous writer on the rise of his career suddenly finds himself at the center of a literary scandal. The play based on his play is removed from the repertoire, colleagues defiantly avoid meeting, in a matter of days he turns into an outcast. Soon after, he meets Margarita, who becomes his lover and muse. Inspired by her love and support, the writer takes on a new novel, where the characters are people from his environment, and the main character is the mysterious Woland, whose prototype is a recent acquaintance foreigner. The writer plunges headlong into the world of his novel and gradually ceases to notice how fiction and reality are intertwined into one whole.
At the Behest of the Pike
If you go fishing, be prepared to pull out the fish of your dreams, a magic Pike that can fulfill any three wishes. Only Emelya blew two wishes to the wind, and decided to save the third. Therefore, in order to win the hand of the tsar's daughter Anfisa, he will have to act without magic power himself. And the Pike will help him, which without its skin will appear as an ordinary girl Vasilisa.
200 years have passed after The Great War. The remnants of humanity live in the perfect One State. Despite an authoritarian system of serial numbers, uniforms, glass houses, and scheduled sex, happiness and harmony reign in the society.
exhibitionist mammologist
Residents of the city of Kirovsk have not been surprised by the beauty of the northern lights for a long time. Once, thanks to him, a simple girl Zoya receives a fantastic gift - a magical power that can change the fate of people.
페트로프스 플루
A day in the life of a comic book artist and his family in post-Soviet Russia. While suffering from the flu, Petrov is carried by his friend Igor on a long walk, drifting in and out of fantasy and reality.
Ostap Bender. The Empire's Gold
The hunt for imperial gold continues. A priceless scepter, a treasure that could secure a worry-free life in sunny Rio de Janeiro for Ibrahim Bender and his young apprentice Ostap, has slipped from under their noses and ended up in possession of Nestor Makhno, an anarchist army commander. Makhno is convinced that the scepter is one of many imperial relics hidden in the area. With mafia, partisans, and officers of the Red and White armies all determined to get their hands on the fabled gold cache, Ostap and his mentor Ibrahim must surpass their own brilliance to outmaneuver their rivals and snatch the prize. And with Ostap’s beloved fair maiden losing her trust in him, he must do everything in his power to win her back and stop her from marrying another man.
Ostap Bender. The Beginning
Grigoriy Kotovskiy
Russian Empire, 1919. By a twist of fate, young idealist Osip Zadunaisky meets an infamous con artist and self-proclaimed Turkish subject Ibrahim Bender. A man of pure thought and aristocratic upbringing, Osip would never have associated with a cunning and unscrupulous swindler, but Bender comes up with an offer Osip cannot refuse. A precious royal relic, a diamond-encrusted golden scepter is hidden somewhere in town; Bender needs a partner on his mission to find it, and offers Osip a share of the profit from selling the treasure. And so begins their joint venture, wrought with comical and dangerous twists and turns, where they have to outsmart and outmaneuver officers of the White Guard as well as the local mafia, who also have their eyes on the scepter. As their quest unfolds, Osip is compelled to learn Bender’s tricks of the trade: charming flattery, delicate deception, soft intimidation... as well as brute force.
실버 스케이트
Velikiy Knyaz
꽁꽁 언 상트페테르부르크의 겨울. 스케이트를 타고 배달일을 하던 마트베이는 귀족의 딸과 사랑에 빠진다. 둘을 갈라놓으려는 힘이 폭풍처럼 몰아치는 속에서 남녀는 사랑을 지킬 수 있을 것인가.
Having regained consciousness after a suicide attempt, a woman finds herself next to two men. The weird proposal of the strangers changes her attitude towards herself.
Having regained consciousness after a suicide attempt, a woman finds herself next to two men. The weird proposal of the strangers changes her attitude towards herself.
주도자는 미국의 한 요원으로 우크라이나 국립 오페라 극장의 한 사건에 투입되었다가 우크라이나 요원들에게 붙잡히게 되고 고문을 받지만 CIA가 준 자살 약을 먹고 자살을 택하게 된다. 그러나 이내 다시 눈을 뜬 주인공은 의문의 한 남자로부터 임무를 부여받는다. 그가 주도자에게 줄 수 있는 건 하나의 제스처와 하나의 단어 뿐. 시간의 흐름을 뒤집는 인버전을 통해 현재와 미래를 오가며 세상을 파괴하려는 사토르를 막기 위해 투입된 작전의 주도자는 인버전에 대한 정보를 가진 닐과 미술품 감정사이자 사토르에 대한 복수심이 가득한 그의 아내 캣과 협력해 미래의 공격에 맞서 제3차 세계대전을 막아야 한다.
6 언더그라운드
Baasha Zia
죽음을 위장하고 사라진 억만장자. 그가 전 세계에서 최정예 요원들을 선발한다. 존재하지 않았던 것처럼 개인의 모든 기록을 지우고 스스로 ‘고스트’가 된 여섯 명의 정예요원이 펼치는 지상 최대의 작전을 담은 액션 블록버스터. 잔인한 독재자의 피로 세상을 물들여라!
나인스 게이트: 아홉 번째 살인
Vasiliy Golitsyn - okultist lyubitel
어느 한 도시, 어김없이 오늘도 살인 사건이 발생했다. 단서는 오직 여성이 타깃인 점과 몸에 새겨진 의문의 표식. 범죄 수사관 ‘로스토브’는 현장을 살펴보지만 설상가상 여덟 번째 희생자까지 나타나며 사건은 점점 더 오리무중에 빠진다. 혼란스러움만이 남은 이 도시에 죽은 자들의 영혼을 불러낸다는 묘령의 여인이 등장하고 그녀에게도 새겨진 표식을 발견하게 되는데…
아이언 마스크: 용패지미
Peter The Great
왕국을 지켜주던 용의 인장을 차지하려 한 흑마녀의 군대는 백마법사와 공주를 잡아 세상의 양쪽 끝에 있는 감옥에 가둬버린다. 우연히 세계 지도를 만드는 조너선에 의해 풀려난 공주는 갇혀있는 아버지와 왕국을 구하기 위해 마녀에 맞서는 최후의 전투를 치르게 되는데…
The Humorist
Maxim Shepelin
The Humorist is a film about a week in the life of Boris Arkadiev, a fictional Soviet stand-up comedian. Boris is tormented not only by external oppression and censorship but also by his own insecurities that poison all his relationships.
헌터 킬러
미 국방부는 격침당한 잠수함의 행방을 찾기 위해 ‘헌터 킬러’를 극비리에 투입시키고 캡틴 ‘글래스’(제라드 버틀러)는 배후에 숨겨진 음모가 있음을 알게 된다. 한편, 지상에서는 VIP가 납치되어 전세계는 초긴장 상태에 놓이게 되는데… 일촉즉발 위기상황, VIP를 구출하라! 단 한 척의 공격 잠수함 ‘헌터 킬러’와 최정예 특수부대 네이비 씰의 숨막히는 육해공 합동 작전이 펼쳐진다!
Vladimir Mayakovsky
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
킬러의 보디가드
영국 최고 실력을 자랑하는 사설 경호원 마이클 브라이스(라이언 레이놀즈)는 어이없는 실수로 의뢰인을 죽게 만든 후 하루아침에 일감이 뚝 끊긴다. 한편 역사상 최악의 독재자로 악명을 떨치던 벨라루스의 두코비치 대통령(게리 올드먼)이 인터폴에 체포되어 헤이그에서 국제사법재판을 받게 된다. 재판 시효가 다가올 때마다 범죄를 증명할 증인이 하나둘 죽어나가자, 사태의 심각성을 파악한 인터폴은 두코비치 대통령의 민간인 학살 범행을 증명할 희대의 킬러 다리우스(새뮤얼 L. 잭슨)를 교도소에서 빼내와 법정에 세울 계획을 세우는데...
Drunk Company
Comedy mini-series about doctor who cures hangoversIn the center of the plot is the story of the former doctor Grigory Mikhailovich Shtuchny, who drinks heavily and works as a security guard in an outpatient clinic. Piece - the inventor of the prescription drug, removing the cruel hangover and removing from the binge. The situation is such that the individual needs the money and he begins to earn, removing the hangover from wealthy clients. His young companion, Ilya, is looking for clients, and Piece with various degrees of success treats them.
1860년의 상트페테르부르크. 퇴역 장교인 야코블레프는 돈을 받고 싸우는 천하무적의 싸움꾼이 된다. 그는 힘이나 재간이 없고 싸울 용기도 없는 사람들 대신에 싸운다. (2017년 제18회 전주국제영화제)
Breakfast at Dad's
Sasha Titov
Contemporary Moscow. Sasha Titov is a successful executive, reveling in the single life. One day, a ten-year-old girl, Alya, shows up at his penthouse, claiming to be his daughter. Can this incorrigible bachelor learn to be a father?
어바웃 러브
Internet friend
What is love? The heroes of the film try to answer this question. A series of the most different characters and their stories are woven together. Small stories about various things, all about love: a young pair who prefer to live through images of Japanese anime-heroes; a secretary who receives an obscene offer from her boss; a Japanese woman who arrives in Moscow in search of a Russian man; a graffiti artist in search of beauty; an ex-wife employed by her husband for an unusual task; and many other things...
The Green Carriage
A famous movies director tries to understand why his life started to change so drastically.
트랜스포터 : 리퓰드
더욱 빠르고 강력해진 NEW 트랜스포터의 탄생! 의뢰인의 물건을 비밀스럽게 운반하는 트랜스포터, 프랭크 마틴. 이름을 알 수 없는 이로부터 의뢰를 받고 약속 장소에 나가게 되지만 그는 누군가의 음모에 이용당하게 된다. 아버지까지 납치 당하고, 프랭크는 어쩔 수 없이 러시아 인신매매 집단에 맞서 임무를 완수해야만 하는 상황에 놓이게 된다! 이에 프랭크는 트랜스포터의 모든 규칙을 깨고, 새로운 룰로 미션을 해결하려고 하는데…
Girl in the Ice
A young German woman is searching for the man she loves in northern Russia.
Game of Thrones The IMAX Experience
The first episode of this IMAX screening takes place entirely at The Wall with the Night’s Watch hopelessly outnumbered as they attempt to defend Castle Black from the Wildings and features one the fiercest and most intense battle scenes ever filmed for television. The second episode, which is also the season finale, features Dany coming to grips with the realities of ruling a kingdom, Bran learning the startling reality of his destiny and Tyrion facing the truth of his unfortunate situation.
Likes or Dislikes
Aleksey must decide what's better for him - a regular life with his fiancé Alyona or adventurous life with a famous journalist Irina.
Dear Mom!
Twenty years old Slavik confronts a big problem: who to support - his Mom or his girlfriend Zhenya who are in a constant fight.
Dear Mom!
Slavik's Friend
Twenty years old Slavik confronts a big problem: who to support - his Mom or his girlfriend Zhenya who are in a constant fight.
The Iron Ivan
He was called the Champion of Champions. The strength and strong-willed character Poddubniy composed legends. And 50 great fighter effortlessly overcame young athletes, and questions of honor and justice did not know compromises. And only love could put Russian Heroes on both blades
Intimate Parts
Residents of a big city, each of whom has their own sexual problems and desires, secret and, most often, shameful from the point of view of society, need to solve them. Each of the characters tries to solve their problems in their own way: someone sublimates them, someone turns to a psychotherapist for help, someone rushes into experiments... but sooner or later they all return to where they started, and they have to overcome themselves again and again to get at least a little, even a millimeter closer to their happiness.
Oswald Rayne
A group of Russian noblemen want to maintain the monarchy and plan to kill Rasputin.
In Your Eyes
Nastya gets into a small accident, comes in his car to the service center. The station serves cars on the highest level, do everything for the customer, including a separate shop airbrushing.
The Female
"Oh my God !!!! ... Unbelievable !!! ... I believe - Bigfoot exists. He is !!! ... He kidnapped me !!! He is good !!! ... We are going to get acquainted with his parents !!! ... I think he likes me. Vanya - Give mushrooms !!! "- that so begins an extraordinary video footage recorded by the camera, which accidentally found in the woods by hunters. What is it - a sensation? Russian King Kong? Maybe poignant love story? Six months ago, somewhere in the Urals, in the taiga, lost television journalism Larisa Debomonova. Where is it - nobody knows. Let's inspection before the end of the hour and a half plot. Perhaps we will learn what happened to her.
Happy Ending
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
Happy Ending
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
The visitor on wedding
Short stories that seem to be absolutely different, none of the main characters is connected with the other one, each following story is totally unlike the previous one. Only in the end of the film the viewer gets the clear explanation of the neighborhood of the described destinies and the connection between the characters.
To the Sea!
Three young Russian families go for winter vacations to an unnamed exotic country, intending to rent a beach condo. However due to numerous comedic obstacles they never make it to the beach, staying at the hotel for the entire trip.
To the Sea!
Three young Russian families go for winter vacations to an unnamed exotic country, intending to rent a beach condo. However due to numerous comedic obstacles they never make it to the beach, staying at the hotel for the entire trip.
Plus One
After a failed marriage, Masha retreats to the sanctuary of her humble profession as a translator of serious literature. Financial difficulties force her to accept an offer to interpret during a seminar held by an English puppeteer.
Обреченные на войну
A woman and a young girl in different cities are struggling to find their way in this world. Will their paths intersect and will that change their destinies?
Open Air
Три молодых героя волею обстоятельств оказываются заброшенными в тайге без средств к существованию, а главное – без "винта" – наркотика, без которого они не мыслят своей жизни. И этот вынужденный переход через тайгу превращается для каждого из них в преодоление страшной силы "винта", преодоление ненависти к жизни, своего прошлого, себя... Только одному из героев удается выйти из этого испытания. Тайга отняла у него самое ценное – друзей и веру в отца, но подарила нечто другое – новую жизнь. Без винта.
Film Festival
The musical follows events taking place at the Moscow International Film Festival, at the beginning of Perestroika. The plot focuses on Nikolay Vasiliev one of the many Interpreters hired to work at the festival by the imposing Margo Altshuller (who is in charge of all the interpreters). While working Nikolay meets and falls in love with a young and very attractive interpreter Marina Almazova. As hundreds of foreign guests arrive in Moscow, the KGB plots to discredit Hollywood star Richard Dirk. The KGB appoints Valya Kashina, to go undercover as a personal interpreter for Dirk. What follows is intrigue, romance, confusion and misunderstandings, all making for an unforgettable Moscow International Film Festival.
The Iris Effect
In Los Angeles, Dr. Sarah Hathaway hired private eyes trying to find her missing son, the painter Thomas, who ran away from their home ten years ago after a quarrel with her. She finds a clue in a catalog of a panting exhibition in San Petersburg and she decides to travel alone to Russia to search for Thomas. Once there, she is not able to locate him and she has a nervous breakdown, but with the support of Dr. Ivan and helped by a street boy, she discloses what happened with her son.
Bummer 2
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
Law of Corruption
Events of the film take place in both hemispheres. Presidents of countries, bosses of drug cartels, special agents and powerful secret service agencies from all around the world are the first hand participants of its events. The film begins with an account of a shocking yet quite ordinary skirmish - an average drug kin pin is beating one of his assistants with a golf club with a purpose of educating him, because the assistant's cell phone was quite unlawfully confiscated by an overly diligent secret service agent. The mutilated gangster understands the incommensurability of his guilt and the level of his fault, and becomes the first character who asks the question: What do we know about the world we live in?
Greek Holiday
Two young students - Sonya and Ippolit - are spending their holiday time in sunny Greece. But not everything is going as planned.
The State Counsellor
Third film based on Boris Akunin's "Priklucheniya Erasta Petrovicha Fandorina" series of novels. On a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow general Khrapov was killed and no one else but Erast Petrovich is under suspicion because the killer pretended to be Fandorin. There are initials BG on the handle of the knife Khrapov was stabbed with, the initials belong to a terrorist organization which keeps both capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in fear. This time Fandorin is not the only one trying to solve the crime, general Pozharski, a famous detective takes over the investigation...
The Burning Land
A young Jewish-American female singer is trapped in the USSR behind the enemy lines during the WWII...
Lady for one day
Что делать, если жизнь не удалась? Что делать, если от будущего визита жениха — наследника испанского гранда — зависит счастье дочери? Что делать, если отец жениха помешан на титулах и богатстве? Выход один превратиться в богатую леди на день. Уличная торговка Ани с помощью своих многочисленных друзей знакомых не может не справиться с это задачей. В невероятный круговорот событий оказываются вовлечены хозяйка борделя и юный аферист, судья и сам мэр Нью-Йорка. Они разыгрывают перед женихом и его отцом целый спектакль на фоне небоскребов, автомобилей с клаксонами, женских кружевных зонтов и зажигательных джазовых мелодий, и в этом гала-представлении Ани отведена роль настоящей светской львицы…
Garbage Man
(Voice) (Text behind the Scenes)
A girl with a secret assignment arrives in a provincial town, where she meets a scavenger, who in the evening turns out to be an elegant and ironic respectable gentleman. A mutual interest arises between them, and they begin to play the game, trying to guess each other's past.
In August of 1944
The movie is set in Belarus, where a team of counter-intelligence officers is given only three days to find a German radio operator posing as a Soviet soldier, behind soviet lines, on the eve of a major offensive.
The Envy of Gods
Sonya's son
Sonia is a television editor, she is married to successful Soviet writer Sergey and they have a son in a high school. Their life was almost perfect... until the moment they meet Bernard from France and his translator André.
100 Visions
In 1995, 60 American theatre and TV students traveled to Russia - in a Fine Arts exchange with 40 Russian theatre and film students. Over thirty emotional days, they shattered stereotypes thru the very media that created them.
Retro Threesome
Set in contemporary Moscow, this comedy drama from 72-year-old director Pyotr Todorovsky is a remake of Abram Room's controversial silent film Bed and Sofa (1927). Actor Sergei leaves his wife and drops in on friend Kostya, married to Rita. Rita and Sergei pair off after Kostya goes away on a business trip, and when Kostya returns, they become a threesome. Shown at the 1998 Berlin Film Festival.