Mikhail Zhigalov
출생 : 1942-05-02, Kuybyshev, RSFSR, USSR
Spring 1942. Moscow schoolgirl Katya is corresponding with a cadet of the naval school Kostya, who is unknown to her. When sent to the front, his echelon must pass through Moscow, and they have a chance to meet ... Our days. Muscovite Katya, a talented violinist and a wild child, without realizing it, begins to follow in the footsteps of the history of Katya and Kostya, her peers from the war years. Will she be able to finish an amazing teenage love story that began years ago?
Micha Vodyanov
On the island of the monks in Brittany, Constant Lucas, a former war photographer, lives in the memory of the one who was nicknamed "the star of Siberia". The old man cannot forget this passionate love that haunts him! His son Sergio suddenly arrives on the island with the little Adela that the old man does not know...
Федор Петрович
Every Saturday fireman Anton Kalashnikov welcomes his 14-year-old daughter Kira from the dance. TV, dumplings for dinner - a standard set of entertainment from a Saturday dad for a teenage girl. But on this day, everything went wrong. Kira rings the intercom, Kalashnikov opens the front door, but the girl does not go up to the apartment. Anton has to ask for help from his neighbors in a concrete box, breaking through human indifference and past grievances.
Egor Vasilyevich
딸을 잃고 최근 아내와 이혼까지 한 알렉산드르는 아버지와 함께 지내고 있다. 어느 밤, 차를 타고 가던 두 사람은 한 주유소에 들른다. 우연히 그곳을 지나던 갱단 두 명과 시비가 붙어 알렉산드르는 중상을 입고 아버지는 살해 당한다. 갱단은 유일한 목격자인 그마저 제거하고자 하지만 실패한다. 가까스로 살아난 알렉산드르는 영원히 기억 뒤에 숨기려 한 잔인한 과거를 끄집어내고 무자비한 복수를 시작한다.
러시아 국경 지역의 작은 마을. 어느 날, 죽은 사람들이 부활하기 시작한다. 수도원에서 유배 생활 중인 라브르 신부는 심상치 않은 조짐을 느낀다. 안드레이는 하인 파라몬과 함께 모스크바에서 황제의 명을 받아 라브르 신부를 데리러 오지만, 신부는 위험을 감지하면서도 마을을 떠나지 않는다. 마침 이상한 현상을 목격한 안드레이는 마을에 더 머무르기로 하고, 젊고 예쁜 밀례나에게 호감을 느낀다. 막 부활하기 시작한 고대 뱀파이어들은 반 인간, 반 뱀파이어인 모로이의 피를 가진 밀례나를 손에 넣으려고 하지만 안드레이의 방해로 실패한다. 신부는 마을을 구하기 위해 밀례나를 데리고 수도원으로 가지만, 뱀파이어는 수도원이 아니라 마을을 습격한다. 마을에 있다가 가까스로 살아남은 파라몬은 수도원에서 라브르 신부와 안드레이와 함께 밀례나를 지키려고 하지만, 밀례나는 뱀파이어에게 끌려가고 만다. 밀례나를 지키기 위한 마지막 싸움. 신부는 몸을 바쳐 뱀파이어들을 소탕하고, 안드레이는 파라몬의 도움을 받아 밀례나를 구한다.
세계 2차 대전에서 러시아 군 조종사로 활약하다 부상을 당해 한 쪽 다리를 잃은 볼코프는 잠시 예비군으로 전출 된다. 그러던 중 지인의 청탁으로 자신이 기르던 개, 프린스와 함께 탱크 파괴 부대로 들어간다. 그러나 개를 적인 독일군 탱크 밑에 들여보내 자폭시키는 작전인 것을 알고 난 후 볼코프는 친구처럼 지내던 프린스를 죽게 해야 한다는 사실에 심한 마음의 갈등을 겪는다. 비인간적이고 냉혈한 전쟁터에서 피어난 개의 충성심과 인간과의 우정에 관한 이야기
Captain Rykov cracks the most complex dead-end cases. His reputation precedes him; his adamant logic, cynicism and experience contribute to his success. He's so good at what he does some say he's supernaturally gifted. Well, let's just say that his success keeps him howling at the moon...
Arkadiy Pavlovich
A young student Irina comes to a small sea shore town to spend some time with her grandmother.
A newest Russian military plane "TU-106" equipped with nuclear weapon is controlled by terrorists. There is almost no time before attack...
Horseman Miheich
В основу сюжета фильма легла сказка братьев Гримм "Король Дроздобород", в которой принцесса, исполняя волю отца, вышла замуж за нищего музыканта, оказавшегося впоследствии королем. В современном прочтении сказки авторы знакомят зрителя с независимой и строптивой бизнес-леди Дарьей Кравец, которую "затащить в ЗАГС можно только в состоянии комы". Но после встречи в лесу с простым лесником она не может обмануть свое сердце и влюбляется в него, совершенно не подозревая, что её возлюбленный - олигарх.
военком, полковник
A young man who was raised in a children's home wants to go to the Chechen war. He believes in his heart that he belongs there and that in those difficult conditions he will make himself visible. After the training, Alexander enters the elite troops of the special forces and leaves for the harsh ordeals that wait for him in the war. He doesn't change his principles and manifests himself as a hero, who won't be a traitor, even if his life depends on it. The concepts of real friendship, love and honor are eternal values. After overcoming all hardships and learning the pain of loss, he finds his love and a home, where they will wait for him, where he comes home from the war...
Borzov - polkovnik
Far East. 70th years. A small garrison on the border with China. Here, as everywhere, there are men and women. Everyone has his own story, his own destiny, his own love. The common thing is that they all came here once on duty and stayed for a long time. Marina Goloshchekina is nice, kind, right. Galya The tourniquet is intelligent, passionate, determined. Albina Raven - extravagant, unpredictable, thin. Three friends, three sisters in happiness and misfortune, officers' wives. They help each other stand in this completely feminine world, where every man has a gun! And this means that love and danger go hand in hand. Marina quite unexpectedly meets her true love of the young officer Ivan Stolbov. Learn about this new secret love girlfriend. On the one hand, you can rejoice over Marina. But how can she rejoice herself, if behind five years of marriage with a strong, strong-willed and very unpredictable Nikita Goloshchekin?
Two detectives conduct an investigation into daughter kidnapping of an influential businessman. Criminals want no less than a million dollars. The search is complicated by the complete absence of any evidence. But the one who are they looking for is always close ..
Chef Milicien
프랑스인 작곡가 필립 로빙은 동경에서 파리로 가던 중 모스크바에서 환승할 비행기를 놓치고 우연히 금발의 러시아 미녀 옥산나를 만난다. 옥산나와 모스크바를 배회하며 술에 취한 채 밤을 지샌 필립은 다음날 낯설고 불길한 기운이 감도는 방에서 깨어난다. 그의 옆에는 덩치 큰 사내가 서 있었는데 그는 바로 옥산나의 아버지이자 러시아 마피아의 대부인 파파였다. 필립은 몇번의 탈출을 시도하지만 모두 실패하고 결국 파파의 요구대로 그의 사기극에 동참하기로 한다. 필립은 파파가 지은 직물공장의 프랑스인 투자자 행세를 함으로써 몽고계 거물의 돈을 빼앗는다. 그러나 사기극의 전말이 들통나게 되고, 몽고계 거물은 화해의 대가로 필립의 목숨을 요구한다. 그렇지 않으면 두 파벌사이에 전면전이 일어날 상황에까지 다다른다. 옥산나의 간청에도 불구하고 파파는 필립의 희생으로 간단히 일을 처리하길 원한다. 필립을 사랑하게 된 옥산나는 필립과 함께 다른 나라로 탈출을 시도한다. 천신만고 끝에 프랑스에 도착한 필립과 옥산나는 물랭루즈에서 행복한 밤을 보낸다. 그러나 그들 앞에는 또다시 자신의 영역에서 벗어난 것을 노여워하는 파파의 손길이 뻗쳐오는데...
A story of love and hatred set during the Civil War in Russia.
Vadim, a successful businessman, enjoying great success with the female, kidnapped bandits for the purpose of obtaining a ransom. Collect an impressive amount of money for racketeers Vadim instructs his sexy mistress Mary. Police Colonel Shmelkov with a group of capture organizes an ambush and prepares for a meeting of unwelcome visitors in the apartment at Maria.
The political drama is set in the Stalin's Soviet Union after the Second World War. A British archaeologist Andrei Miller is working in Iran. He is mistakenly kidnapped and arrested by the KGB. He is falsely accused of spying and wrongfully sentenced to a Gulag prison-camp in Siberia.
A few women, wives of a big communist bosses are blackmailed into prostitution but no one is trying to escape this business.
Spring of 1584. The Magi predict the death of King John within 24 hours. Warring boyars are rebelling and are ready to unite against Boris Godunov. The royal court is in turmoil. The already unstable moral principles become completely unbridled. Moscow is filled with violence, drunken orgies and the wild revelry of tsarist power.
Lieutenant colonel
During the main withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a company of hardened paratroopers under the command of Major Bandura are joined by Steklov, the son of a high-ranking officer.
Aleksey Larionov
In the early 70-ies during the war in the middle East, the plane of the Soviet military pilot Oleg Zorov was shot down. The officer was still alive but in an unconscious state was captured. After his recovery, the Americans granted him political asylum. Twenty years Zorov, who became Alex Fred Kelly, worked for the CIA. And now, years later, he returns home, where he left his sister and beloved woman…
1953 year. Moscow says goodbye to the leader. In the funeral crowd, Eugene met with Elya. During the long hours spent in the funeral procession, they managed to learn a lot about each other ... But Elia absurdly dies. So Zhenya begins another, adult life ...
Story of life of Fyodor Kuzkin, who shared all the burdens of the 30s Stalins terror and after, WW2 and post-war years.
Criminal authority "Prince"
Using an elaborate system of denunciation, the chief of the Zone keeps his prisoners in check. A new inmate, allegedly imprisoned for speculating on postage stamps, tries to rebel against the system.
заведующий тиром на городском стадионе
A group of hunters enters a ghost town in Central Asia with a mission to kill packs of abandoned, and now wild cannibal dogs. But tables turn and there seems to be no way for the hunters to survive the horrific battle.
Travels from village to village broken old bus with a small troupe of actors to give a day two or three performances in front of a small audience. In the troupe — people, each of them in his own way in love with the theater…
Pavel Romanovich Vazhnov
A love story which happened in the small village during a visit of two rich city boys.
A WWII veteran involved in crime activity suddenly finds out about an award granted to him posthumously during the war.
During the Second World War a big plant in Urals region gets an order from the State Defence Committee: to double the output of the tanks T-34 within 24 hours. All physical and emotional strength of all plant workers needs to be exerted to fulfill the plan. The workers labor heroism is revealed through the story of a hereditary worker's family. His shoulders are burdened not only with a physical job, but also with responsibility for his younger son, who runs to the front without permission, not understanding that his battle-front is right here, on the plant.
Gangster Besheny
A crime drama showing the complicate relationships between the Chief of the Criminal Police and professional thief.
Mikhail Nikitin, employee of the department for combating banditry
Army and police are trying to fight crime in West Belarus during Spring of 1945.
Fyodor hasn't been in homeland for 10 years. After leaving for Moscow for education, he stayed there for living. And now he persuaded his two colleagues to pass the vacation in his motherland, at his brothers house in a small Siberian village. Because what can be better than rest close to nature, hunting in taiga and fishing. But already on a plane he finds out that the girl, master of shooting sports and one the mans bride, joins their male company. As soon as vacationists reach the location, they get the news about an armed attack on a bus, which transported geologists salary. This attack resulted in a woman-cashiers death, whom Fyodor used to know well. The guys decide to head for taiga and catch bandits, but they still don't know that soon the bandits will kidnap the wife of Fyodor's brother and a newly arrived girl.
1918 year. The ships of the military mission of the Entente countries are ready to begin an armed intervention against the Land of Soviets. Faced with betrayal and constant provocations, in extremely difficult conditions the first Council of workers, soldiers and peasants' deputies, headed by Konstantin Sukhanov, works here.
Spring of 1942. A train with evacuated children from the Dvinsky orphanage falls under the bombing of the Nazis. After the raid, the children find themselves in the occupied territory in the area of operations of the Belarusian partisan detachment. To find the people's avengers, the Nazis decide to use children.
Journalist Lopatin always remembers those with whom his roads of war brought him together. Memories of them are an integral part of Lopatin’s thoughts about duty, honor, courage, and camaraderie.
A young boy is experiencing a lot of problems in his life. But he also have one real friend.
According to the story of the same name by Yulian Semyonov.
Employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department - Colonel Alexei Pavlovich Sadchikov, Major Vladislav Nikolaevich Kostenko and Senior Lieutenant Valentin Roslyakov are investigating the impudent robberies carried out by a group wearing dark glasses criminals.
The City Savings Bank was robbed. The investigation of the crime indicated the involvement of a teenager, who soon came to the criminal investigation himself. With his help, the robbers who were preparing the next raid were caught. But the most dangerous criminal — "Prokhor" — is still free...
The life of Pavla Brus, a middle-aged, modest but principled woman, suddenly changes with a crush on a drilling foreman. Unable to restrain her feelings, she decides to cheat on her husband, divorce and leave the family. But her youngest son Kuzma, a teenager with an intelligent and piercing look at the world around him, stops her from a rash act, which is shaped by observation of Siberian nature. A philosophical attitude towards banal life processes allows the mother to reconsider her feelings for her husband Tikhon and the failed lover Nikolai.
Polish schoolboy Janek, and Russian girl Tanya are traveling by a plane which ended up in the hands of a gang of drug dealers headed by ex Nazi criminal Henrich Scharf.
On the eve of his wedding, a young doctor leaves Moscow to see his mother who lives in a nature reserve. Things are complicated by the fact that the doctor's ex-girlfriend is also there, and she is expecting a child.