Kseniya Kutepova

Kseniya Kutepova

출생 : 1971-08-01, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Kseniya Kutepova (Russian: Ксе́ния Па́вловна Куте́пова; born 1 August 1971) is a Russian actress, Merited Artist of the Russian Federation, the winner of State Prize of the Russian Federation. She has appeared in over 40 films.

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Kseniya Kutepova
Kseniya Kutepova

참여 작품

Young Man
Vanya's mother
Vanya Revzin, in his thirties, despite a gold medal at school and a red diploma from Moscow State University, was at the bottom: his wife went to the CCM in boxing, she was fired from a miserable job in a bank, and before the mortgage for a small studio was closed in a human case, there were years of pain and suffering . In a moment of desperation, Ivan learns that his cunning classmate Kolya has become a successful businessman and announced a competition for high school students with a multi-million dollar prize fund. Vanya, who looks much younger than his years, and to whom even alcohol is sold only with a passport, decides on a scam. He shaves off his beard, forges documents and goes to the competition with the confidence that life experience will easily overcome youth.
A Portrait Of A Stranger
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA.
Halley's Comet
34-year-old physicist-astronomer Ignat Halley, fascinated by the stars and work at the mountain observatory, flies to the capital to file for a divorce. In Moscow, under unusual circumstances, Ignat meets a mysterious girl Taisia Artemyev and meets her whole family: mother Yulia, sister Dusya and intelligent, eccentric grandmother Yanga Lvovna. This meeting turns everything upside down in the life of an astronomer. And on New Year's Eve, Ignat will have to make an important decision that will change not only his life, but also his new acquaintances.
블랙아웃: 인베이젼 어스
가까운 미래, 어느 날 평화로웠던 어느 거대 도시는 갑자기 전 세계와의 통신이 두절되는 초유의 사태를 겪는다. 도시 밖으로 한 걸음만 나가도 전기를 비롯한 일체의 시설이 작동하지 않고, 심지어 전 세계 인류의 생사조차 불분명한 상황. 사태의 원인을 규명하고 생존자를 찾고자 탐색에 나선 특수부대는 그곳에서 충격적인 장면을 목격하는데... 꺼지지 않은 단 1%의 인류는 생존의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것인가!
Margaret Foster
정부는 전염병의 창궐을 막기 위해 도시를 통제하고 감염자들을 철저히 격리시킨다. 애비게일은 감염자로 의심받아 격리됐던 아버지를 찾을 수 없게 되자, 무언가 잘못되었다는 것을 깨닫는다. 동시에 자신에게 믿을 수 없는 능력이 생겼음을 알게 된다. 아버지를 찾기로 결심한 애비게일은 정부가 감추고 있는 거대한 비밀을 마주하게 되는데…
Lyubov Petrovna
1945년 레닌그라드, 전쟁으로 폐허가 된 도시에서 사람들은 힘겹게 살아간다. 병원에서 간호사로 일하는 ‘이야’ 역시 뇌진탕 증후군으로 갑자기 온몸이 굳어 버리는 병을 견디며 사랑스러운 아들 ‘파슈카’와 소박하지만 행복한 나날을 보내고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 ‘이야’에게 끔찍한 사건이 일어나고, 전쟁에서 지원병으로 일하던 둘도 없는 친구 ‘마샤’가 돌아오자 두 사람만이 알고 있던 비밀이 서서히 드러난다. 두 여인은 서로를 다시 일으키기 위해 희망과 삶의 의미를 찾아 나서는데…
Scythe Hitting Stone
Russia in 2000. The end of the post-Soviet era. The province of Ivanovo. The Mironovich family keeps a wake: their youngest son Andrej died in the war. His older brother Anton meets Andrej's last wish: He drives his motorcycle through the city at sunrise. Meanwhile, in love with Anton Vika is raped after the disco. Her mother commits a senseless murder at home. There are no guilty parties.
러시아에서 발레를 전공한 소녀가 프랑스에서 현대 무용수와 사랑에 빠짐으로써 생기게 되는 변화를 그린다.
1968. In the cold and inhuman outer space, the Moon circles Earth in an elliptic orbit. The USSR prepares for a flight to the Moon. On Earth it is night: dark blue, like the cold and inhuman outer space. A train passes through the night. Incomprehensible laws of the universe make bodies collide. Not heavenly bodies, but very terrestrial ones.
journalist Sergushova
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
삼총사 2014
госпожа Кокнар
근위대 총사를 꿈꾸던 달타냥은 아버지의 소개장을 갖고 파리로 향하지만 도중에 시비가 붙어 로슈포르 백작에게 소개장을 빼앗기고 만다. 게다가 파리에 도착하자마자 전설의 삼총사 아토스, 프로토스, 아라미스에게 차례로 결투신청까지 받게 된다. 더럽게 꼬이는 일진! 그러나 사나이들의 진검 승부 이후 달타냥은 삼총사의 절친한 친구가 되고 곧 프랑스를 위협하는 악당의 음모에 맞서게 된다. 과연 달타냥은 프랑스를 지키고 총사가 될 수 있을까?
Delhi Dance
Based on a play about a female dancer who finds her inspiration in the dirt markets of Delhi
전혀 다른 삶을 살아오던 전직 구조대원들은 일본에서 참사가 발생했다는 소식을 듣자, 모든 것을 뒤로하고 재난 구조를 돕기 위해 비행기를 탄다.
Guys from Mars
Lisa Pryalkina
Black comedy about the routine of a large corporation, producing chocolate bars. The claustrophobic office space and its dwellers are part of a funny and grotesque picture. The main character, young man from the marketing department, tries to find his stolen car with the help of militia and head of a local gang. He confronts a chaotic life of a small provincial town outside his office, trying to guess its laws. As a result, he fails to fulfill the task of his American boss, and finds his Ford painted and rebuilt as a street-racer's car. Of course, his personal life also changes...
Act of Nature
A day from the life of the Muscovite Yuri, who is stuck in a remote, northern village. he should have been back in the city for a long time, and yet he wanders through sad, deserted, autumnal fields and forests. his wife and his best friend force him to return to his usual life. But it seems that Yuri is comprehending something very important. he abandons those he loves and remains one to one with nature. But the world of nature plays by its own rules.
Spring Will Soon Be Here
Mother Ekaterina
In the courtyard of a convent run by Mother Ekaterina, a dozen people are trying to build a new life. Young novitiate Olga is a simple soul, honest and loving. When a troublemaker enters the community, Olga trusts him immediately, and things get complicated.
Alexey Kromov, a former Russian army colonel, is stuck in Paris with a huge sum of money which belong to the former Russian government.
Travelling with Pets
Plucked from an orphanage as a literal love slave, the now adult Natalija (a luminous Kseniya Kutepova) serves her ape-like husband by tending his prized cow—whose milk they sell to customers on passing trains. When hubby suddenly drops dead, however, Natalija’s narrow life of cows and rails finally starts opening up. Dumping his body at the local hospital, dropping by church to say a few prayers and trading in the cow for a pet goat, she slowly eliminates all trace of his former hold on her, searching out a new life in the freedom that emerges.
About the Mouse
A new version of Marshak's fairy tale about a mouse who didn't want to go to bed.
The Stroll
Empress Elizabeth
Today’s twenty-something Russians are the first generation in the country’s post-communist history to have grown up free. Their twenties are the age of freedom, of fast-changing events and intense emotions. Perhaps only at this age they can live a whole life in one day. A young girl and her two accident companions walk halfway around St.-Petersburg; they flirt and tease each other, and for ninety minutes they act out a real-time romantic drama. This stroll is full of laughter and tears against a backdrop of the hustle and bustle of the streets.
Little Devil
A small provincial town. The inhabitants are bored, apathetic and bitter... Peredonov, a modest high school teacher, dreams about a promotion and moving to the capital. Gradually his dream becomes an obsession. Varvara, his second cousin who dreams about marrying him, writes a promising letter about an invitation to Saint-Petersburg on behalf of the capital's princess. But the teacher's dreams aren't meant to come true: he becomes a victim of his own insanity and kills his friend and the hateful Varvara...
The Children Play Russian
the maid, Chekhov's sister
A famous French filmmaker is hired by a major Hollywood producer to make a documentary on the state of post-Cold War Russia. The filmmaker, though, subverts the project by stubbornly remaining in France and casting himself as the title character of Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot," offering up a series of typically Godardian musings on art, politics, the nature of images and the future of cinema.
Red, Honest, in Love
Fox Twin
A story about a young fox Ludwig XIV Larsen and his friendship with a handsome chicken Tutta Karlson. Based on Jan-Olof Ekholm book.
Where is he going!
Ксения Гребенько, дочь Екатерины
The youth field team of the Ukrainian collective farm comes to Moscow to participate in the All-Union competition of pop groups. The guys really want to win the first prize. They are also worried by others. At the Exhibition of Economic Achievements an experimental model of a tractor is presented, which is very necessary on their collective farm. But how to get this tractor to undergo field tests with them?