Carlo Crivelli

출생 : 1953-04-15, Rome, Lazio, Italy

참여 작품

Il giorno più bello
Aurelio inherited the wedding-planner trade from his father: he runs the family business, "The Most Beautiful Day," and all his life he has sacrificed his dreams in the name of a mission: to give happiness. Today, however, complicit with the crisis and a divorce behind him, he feels the need for a radical change. He is in love with Serena, an associate of his, and with her he dreams of starting a new life, dropping everything to sail the oceans. Before he can taste freedom, however, Aurelio must resolve two no small matters: selling "The Most Beautiful Day" and convincing Serena to divorce Giorgio, who has been Aurelio's fraternal friend since high school.
일 프리모 나탈레
Original Music Composer
A thief and a priest end up magically transported in the year 0's Palestine, where they'll have to make sure that the Nativity will follow its course.
Io sono Tempesta
To avoid jail, a tax-dodging businessman is sentenced to a year of community service in a homeless shelter.
Cern and the Sense of Beauty
An exploration of the link between science and beauty through the work of scientists at CERN, in Geneva.
법과 정의
Original Music Composer
칠리아의 작은 마을 피에트라마레에서 새 시장을 선출하게 된다. 부도덕한 정치 공작과 무관심에 익숙해져 있었던 마을 사람들은 부패한 정치인 파타네가 아닌 정직하고 심지 곧은 교수 피에르를 당선시킨다. 새로운 시장은 마을의 법들을 존중하고 정의를 실현하는 시대를 열기 시작하지만, 이곳 시민들은 과연 준비가 되어 있을까? 코믹배우로 유명한 핏카라와 피코네의 협업으로 출연과 감독을 하여 흥행에 성공한 영화이다.
Blood of My Blood
Original Music Composer
Northern Italy, 17th century. In a monastery, a nun accused of witchcraft tries to seduce a young confessor who refuses to yield to his searing temptation.
Let's Go to the Country
Original Music Composer
Valentino and Salvo, unemployed and in search of fortune and recommendation, leave Palermo for Valentino’s home town, Monteforte, where they will try to survive the Italian crisis by opening some sort of hospice.
It Was the Son
Original Music Composer
The Ciraulo family lives in the miserable district of Palermo called "Zen". When one of their children dies in a shootout between mafia gangsters they receive compensation and buy a luxury black Volvo. Things go wrong when Trancredi, another son, takes the car out and damages the car door.
잠자는 미녀
Original Music Composer
17년간 식물인간으로 살다가 죽음을 앞둔 엘루아나 엔글라로가 이탈리아를 혼란에 빠뜨린다. 안락사에 대한 법안투표를 앞두고 고심하는 상원의원, 코마에 빠진 딸을 둔 유명 여배우, 자살하려는 마약중독자 여성, 이렇게 세 이야기가 치밀하게 직조되면서 삶의 의미를 묻는다. 이탈리아 거장 마르코 벨로키오의 신작은 고전 동화 를 안락사라는 민감한 문제와 접목시켜 연출한 수작이다. 거장의 지휘하에 절묘한 리듬으로 편집되는 세 개의 독립된 이야기는 안락사에 대한 다양한 입장을 제시함으로써 우리의 성찰을 도모한다. 영화는 수수께끼 같은 측면이 있어 더욱 빛을 발한다. ‘잠자는 미녀’가 셋 등장하지만 감독이 선택한 한 명만이 잠에서 깨어나게 되는 것이다. 이런 의미에서 영화의 첫 숏은 조심스럽게 열쇠를 제시한다. 2008년 11월 실제 있었던 사건을 토대로 한 영화로, 이자벨 위페르, 토니 세르빌로, 알바 로바허 등 쟁쟁한 배우들의 연기 또한 볼 만하다. (이수원_2012년 제17회 부산국제영화제)
Il sogno del maratoneta
The feat of marathon runner Dorando Pietri, who participated in the London Olympic Games in 1908.
La Passione
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.
Weddings and Other Disasters
Original Music Composer
Romantically disillusioned woman finds herself organising her sister's wedding. Cue romantic mismatching and shenanigans...
Original Music Composer
무솔리니에게 첫눈에 반한 이다는 그가 발간하는 사회주의 일간지 ‘라반티’를 적극 지원한다. 우파로 돌변한 그가 파시스트당의 전신 ‘포폴로 디탈리아’를 창설하는데 전 재산을 쏟아 붓지만 자신이 낳은 아들이 인정받지 못하게 되면서 투쟁이 시작된다. 무솔리니의 내연관계를 처음 스크린에 담아 칸에서 화제가 됐던 거장 마르코 벨로키오의 신작.
7 and 8
Original Music Composer
6th January 1975, in an infant nursery in Palermo (Italy), for a mysterious reason, a male nurse exchanges the labels of baby number 7 and 8. Thirty-one years later Tommaso (7) and Daniele (8) meet each other by accident.
Original Music Composer
An FBI Agent from America and his bride and young child travel to the Sicilian island of Ginostra to solve the murder of a key witness.
A Journey Called Love
Original Music Composer
The life and loves of poet Sibilla Aleramo (Laura Morante), focusing on her relationship with Dino Campana (Stefano Accorsi).
Original Music Composer
The Prince of Homburg
Original Music Composer
The Prince of Homburg, disobeys orders and leads a cavalry charge in battle against the Swedes, which leads to victory. He is court martialled however for disobeying orders and sentenced to death. His love who is now to be betrothed to the King of Sweden, following his execution appeals to the Elector, her uncle, on his behalf, as do his comrades in battle. He must also contend with his own desire to live and conflicting sense of honour.
The Butterfly's Dream
This European existential drama utilizes complex symbols inspired by abstract psychological theories to explore the effects and reasons behind a young classical actor's decision to stop talking. No one knows why Massimo has vowed to stop talking. Other than speaking dialog from classical plays, Massimo refuses to say a single word. His father, a classic-literature professor believes it reflects to a disappointing love affair. His new girlfriend thinks Massimo is rebelling against his mother, a poet. A director learns of Massimo and commissions his mother to write a play about him. Though Massimo plays himself in the play, and does speak, he returns to silence when the play is finished.
La Ribelle
Original Music Composer
Gli assassini vanno in coppia
The Conviction
Original Music Composer
A girl and her art professor get trapped inside a castle-museum after it closes at night. After a little resistance she agrees to have sex with him, but then she sues the professor for rape. The professor will have to prove his innocence.
Appuntamento a Liverpool
Caterina's father died before her eyes in the Heysel Stadium disaster. Years later, she's summoned by British police to look at some possible suspects. She recognizes her father's murderer, a Scouser cab driver, but doesn't say anything, choosing to track him down and exact her revenge by herself.
The Witches' Sabbath
The freshly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about young Maddalena, who's on trial for murdering a hunter. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil.
육체의 악마
Original Music Composer
고등학생인 안드레아는 어느 날 창 너머로 아름다운 여인 줄리아를 발견하고 강하게 이끌린다. 곧바로 줄리아를 따라간 안드레아는 그녀가 유부녀란 사실을 알면서도 그녀와 가까워지고 곧 깊은 관계로 발전하지만 남들의 시선에 조금씩 부담을 느끼기 시작한다. 게다가 그녀의 남편은 지금 정치적 사건에 연루돼 감옥에 갇혀있는 중이다.